' aftd ithe
GREEN CURITINS. ' The Servant In the House", and
T'here is a peculiar ipressin onI "Ka therine Parr.' Yet no matter how
the tinipus aoncetrning Poessor Hot-- praiseworthy the prormriances may
iter play podtuttionfl..lasses.' be there are always many in the aud-
Somechow to the mido the casual ieoce who are prejudicd andl hurt by
publithetre is lise sentimtent-and I this ack at cnvtaionlfal "lash" The
a'~p I ito not oitt' cd hb' recognizing it maern American audience asa be-
talaytit nder5( st asdirecaio mut, ctc s ccatol acIto laih, grasi
oi necessity, be dll and utintfo"ct- dsly htiisI nowtiai vitli partt of
ic. lhir ivas iim eter t inent I nca
'ibis taettng may, in part be' cit'to(' dttht i Ias wallbeltnto lithis
the generaltmisunderstanditng a ire ° '5 nd ;t Il v-ratigly -'ii
griltotatiscaitnecian awith the po- a c ak on!, vnintliiioita
cn a er 'iycci Li. It canniot bl i'atiii Oct.t ic ,1Wat ri irtratig
Isis trotigly that iitti the exceptitotn of S-IIt liraiiS-era"' Or-other is'i-itta
thte rat tacitrears cif its exi"'entc'- adcrn h htOegets
s;acl a I t'p icnof " "p-' ttired it
tbien lsa' irganirthoui Itesiti ci tr'--z r r . r l < in-- whichat
suctiinsa tatrsiia akittswortirits-id-'l c -~ t o c-o.
c awithit.it Allisof i lthe lstlliaa t't. tt~re 1 y ia iia ituein
cohetrentattfti's presente d since thntttiilltf I h
htta' eende tns' he latt k 1 ftittsiaprey- ' tl- tr ierieci
encc raltcrthiatttibitecause i of it. 'ttltl, , 'neillcatit
tie tas, itoniitieotter had.ii' titan(e an ailhomi
quietly prftcint au oraniztion nn.5-'l rc t5on 51 Ica tps acrte
capatbtle ittprisentilng a dtiit l's ,tt ic I
scriptionn stasso fatysacscm i 'l'S- ~t~'''a taC- itA
tar, tind althougagt itrisenstit t' astilt SAtI4
in the expterimental slic h p-Fe tita Ptwasa .te winei thli
ject ia one oathIts'two sigtitietstc ,tt =at n fr ,wl(incn
towcarils syalemttszeai ilans uni
thecetotheetrnl ctittn itsr t ter ' cett Ptayers
u >_ .ac;c n an excellent perfsormatnce ttthi 'ue cacc
ence"-becfore a aPtckdhe o set i a sthe i'cii i ' ir()fcicat' is
onay'!ndoClydehalicit's a"'ichevet ptoi
This-nd eseld er hl iis hto resenrtht lbi"pastor sst as "surbtart's-
side p reset bbe t cn se GawortIhaanI clnttie
adsthe bill at one-tct plays Icbeard Shawa andthte rest rat' in their
given this coaing Thursdaty e eing, I svcal grvis's-itheytcta-raltemt.
the steaming "Dulcy" antI Lugtne Ti is leads tett heim 'tpertnence
ONeils tremendous "tBeyondthliiHlir ofpointiigistolt ins te ealocal
iza."ebvously such an undertahing ,dcaatitsts Itat are reat artists One
deservesth most encouraging stir had best. I sippo., begin wits the
dosstedlyortnately, which it ill n older school that tset to secm sit good
owee, hrei Ion uon'i tiil somne mire grew ott to tell us
Howve, wvgve, ter isa oit o vewhas ordinary they really were. First
that is essential to the proper appre-i'fa1al one culd mention Percy tiack-
Popnan o tes pgenty las.tht maeslie hease-poor Percy", as Robert Frost
pomp adpgaty htmksPro sI alleI hin-and include "The Scare-
fessor Nelson's protductions so ieau sow"ci and "Washington, the M'an Who
tiful and admirable, Professor Hotllis Made Us' anong the list of the immor-
ter uses merely an indication atf sen telles lyde Fitch as well has man-
ery-in fact, by his assn admission. ufacttreil iaiy works of interest,
he has never put on a finished per sorb as "The Truth", (wich is slight-
farmance in the accepted sense of the ly old fashioned tby this tine, and the
word-and instead, everything is con- (charming "Beau Brummel" T e c-
centrated on the actor 01 course, ; specable one must also include Aug-
when the actor is a Burbage this- stsToanetthegadns
qute as it should be, but often in the utsToaoeo hs odoe
case of untutored amateurs uch who write aboit forty-two too stny.
prominence is painful and pathetici Edward Knolock, possibly for "My
. ( aiy's Dress", and J. Iartley Man-
On the other hand, the test, i success- Lanrbcuete areIuhamr
tot, becomes sat endless glory to both avelt'us wie.
director and performers. ITettdrigiu snuhmr m
Personally all his Tpemtdrnicouprsodchmcr-i-
liosptatlihae eenwer mat pressive, headed, of corse, by the
bosatIaesmellnwesrillit at-assame Eugene tO'Neil that I seem tt le
in the case of "The Great Gal elo itigit legonlsihnyed
_______________________________less rases Flowtaing tutm there are
ftany lesser bal as vigortus antI pro-
g resive palywrightslotf nte. Ar-
F L. Tilden ..... .Ed tr tur Rititan is tne at theis, lerhimiti
Donald E. L Snyder....hooksC i bet rpresented by his bitter picture
Normand Lokwod,,,,, Mtsic oft irittbs, tmidileclass existence, "An-
Robert BartronIHetiderson.. - i ' nit byhis flufyicttreiot si-
................. Drama i tilistis 'led first class existence, "The
Gordon Wier......... I ... rt l Ass-li"Trlls" Elmer Rice is athal-
Lisle Rose, lHalsy avidson b ts IthB.Lawsosn stilt atsher.
Newell Bebout, Sanstel Mhore, jIwhseas'wird jttimble itt adlescent re-
Jr. 1 beltomi 'Rgr Elooer", showed u-
The Sunday Mtagazine solicits usual it unorganied pswer
manuscripts front alt persons at- 'Eveyone also seems agreed that
iiated with the University tian- (tPhilip Barry is a oy at great expect-
uscripts must be typewritten, Iaiens, antI even in his first ply, "You
triple spaced and writtetiott oneI and I", le presented such talent as to
ide only, * * * merit boundless praise, Aided, of
The Sunday Magazine achno'al course, by faultless acting, it praed
edges The American Secular Un- to be one of the real finds of the past
Ion review service for "The Un- theatrical season, The dialogue was
official Observer" department, * scintilating and at the same time
______________________________________________ .perfectly natural, the characters
-faultless as to type, and the story it-
self light and Ironic and moving and
subtle all at once,
It ie the policy of iiis magzineto15 Zoe Akins seems to have gie
publi'ssotiles mof opitniosby bothtiie
studenites ad faicilty nm'whets if, in more sane recognition than all the
the judgmtsotf time editor, these ari- rest, Her career was first pushed into
eles ae of inttrins isaleind interetst.
This daoenoetnssthat mnscripts prominence by the fantastical one-
tolicited otvosntarily offeed are acter, "The Magical City,', and later
necessartily in accord ih editotial b"else DdysGn -ut
opinion either in prineiple oform,. by "else,"DdysGnA-ut
ing", and "Greatness," There seems
to he something sharply cynical in! term closes and we shall want ts go
even her most casual conversationI down Saturday He had better start
even in the opening lines of the ut-! early as the daya are short and the
tern, let us say, that places her at! horses slow.
j least within comparable distance of1 I shalt want about $200t more at the
the distinguished continental contem- end afthe term to pay all my ex-
I poraries.1 penses, naking them $24011. How lit-
Yet now that I have gone this far I tie that is conpared with Hannibal
realize sshat a mn ofa straw' I have- Stanley's He spent $50.0 a year, I
set up. After all, even wills the wild- $72. Some difference is there not?
!est stretch of inmagination, all at these Yes, slight as is is I know it is very
-ple in the light cast by the brili'n ardl tr you Iosastve it. I tried to get
jEuropeans. What is Richman, for in- a school whten I care ram hae last
stanice, beside tasiptmann, or Rice be-!ut coaid nt succeed. It was too
side P irandello, or Barry teeside tBai-title, After alt I o't know but it
it, or any of the Atiericans in act wilt e sut better tr tme it I potsi-
hesitde any at the foreigners-alwaya lly ra to renaiti in College the rest
excepting ONeil, you utderistanidswIo itt the year. It is tat part of the
at ofcourse sItandsaththeIteetutfalcourse tpeciliary it all to prepare a
thmit, person for the necssary duties of a
Sit the situatito on the ftce o it isi= troiticsion. We atitentd muhtse sak-
*adteittedly humiliiating, lit titirs' is' ing anal writing. And nota Dear Motall-
Otie trenmendotus factsor ttiat huld er I tmust close. tGive ay love to all
never lietforgotiten: Amria h-itas the the dear friends andt i tle Johnin t
goldl atthe wctrld. 'This mcans Ilactparticuar. I atscceer
1sionr or ater it tratece "lant ahirr Your af.sn Carter A. C lark.
ica art iill Itltitltw, nomtite'r'how;ats-
feelet~ heutr1senctitatawtis DeartcathCrsic ut
' ----All thosie opotun ititis tt ere
EARhLY 3M1t Ii t S ii toiffrtwhen wae got remdys'torie
(Cotitnutedl ItsituPa gi'Ott(,. itt'ver cmte. I waited on btatalas
at tieclotse at the ;sesrt' 5s Dis veit."I sacii iited ii.Nit satchieatirti'-
'hthi'ermtiasill clsei ne e ; fr tc rbundltitolitt, i tetst at va-
ltmorriwson cii t 0is I aatTI is les wher asae lutist is aptieared An
to comtie ui'tafteri-s.-adtheeti -i-i -Ia said ienct ca ince asould alasays
its, I-It hatdbettr si-cG . a Si-tilt be'toiuti. Al last nt asithoutteb-
DansBiMIi h r"-en and obeitg I httie aailed mysel'ciiat.i
imniediate is uticacisihhit-else o:, cotrding tta ut orders I aled
Rhsiieambear netit esa-IsFtiaythi le (Conttinite!losite ~c'Thiee)
s Just think t h is
nice thick Juicy
Steak is waiting
- -to be placed on
Ill the grill for you
Besimer 's
The Line Artistic---
A dainty gift possessing
richness and charm.
Seniors make appoint-
ment now!