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October 28, 1923 - Image 5

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t F t: eI al xi~tl x xiritlxx
r:?~t ri.1tiit ' o tL; r< n ~xr
t Lxl:3 tzx!1,-cii fo=i x x i .

V" of x il ,a . 11: :>

i li'1.1 zii.1101o (leCai ,l xiii' he Niitti iIii 'it}D aIisl Ll II S isL0'i l iii' ('^a 't!'a tecullls, li' iffoild have xllxxxe
pae t'# t~t ,e ieiclt loir t1o'(' theit i i°?Ei o ixon, is axa-Ii 11(1ofithe'Thel~ ta1'ol 1bi'lxi' xxiiievenxxiSx11is xlxxdis i.l
, l'1ii 0ii I l 01'i ii' xl121 n tar:,ast ix xiVioreix I x itlx' x 'l2;) i I x xxis(Ilx, Il.-x l ix tiliO, 1x 4 xxxin( i liliosx, tE1iixl it-1lxiii (kinTg
iS l ii xi i xsoxii o 'Iliof tuile %vile theii sliip ,1iiiNi'ixxxxix xxx iij-
lxil 111I u laly <.:" t teisxxstil 1'i { lte 'ii-ix iii xx i xx fix hlo g hi lieven ing aind ''lx'' i' lxx I xi ' xxrIii
Ii i lxi' lxixi tiix i i. is lilxlxxet lilt lix'xilxCCTherelixx ixxl( xxp'xs;imaictimoldeii dean
pai~ lthat a:4S~(;wYtTlth ttn hCi' ''~x IiiIi(' x ii l t1C'lx'xuxxint lxx xl. r eSt l iiCrixexix of ocltix xiz:,xi lxxiainxxithiey
t~elm iarohl ~ .T1 ;)tclt 11'(-t 1i1(ithxx e wlxv axxsexihoI-xFoiitul'sFooli.., .S\'t'tix~l' irx lx."xxx iim Sxlx
t.(,ki xxxifxive ix ixor loxq11(i xcix xenjoyment, I lei ierely flicks oil a pair lhasxreturned. lxx Sxxrx' ix xifilhcSahin 'isilxagives xus thistoxxiry at bod-
thii irsti al xxii(lusxxilii'2. elxxis a't.theli f talxxifiathxers. Ite lxs rxzzed me ri (Putni'xhlxxtxlls of lils quxist in ixliidisorxlexs ix anximaxxsiforxa. pxriodi
ICC i hlitle pond. Ix Weix . Wea xi kxcoxnxsieralily xxlxout ixxy inexcusable xthe'burning xa1dx at Aficxa fxor a x ofaexiral xxiionxixyxars.i'xrhxapxstixe
downxxx'xxxough thCll r agwx i'L, Oxa01 nis and it lxxesxmy heart gooxd toihearxmoxsx'l wlhxsxeprixncipaxl beauty xxxmxiiisixixatiirtlixng sxil iixiilx in th lxxxok
I ' lie iwexti x" l, ern the slopeltof Clxe lxiiisea xx h ixxx l llsiaout ltne wantedito bx her unbexlievabxlexxawkwairdixnexss lxtxitxiglhty Clxxi xxxii x'entxuries ago
andx xxiI Cto 1lxx xxoxx'x xxxx'xt xxf xhells. Thlxx'ntixindsxx ithi' l llx xlexp xxiiito it-here was nxxxii xxxxlinxg as disease.
scrubbiy b l.ilxx wiixigrxwxbeylxx heisni x slx ioxinxdipsxouxiiiofsigixt, like er the hera or lxis belovedx 'hlxrixwere gi'rmxx in plenty, but they
liii lbare'dustay xixxre' ofithexopxpxoie ani xlx likx'xxpeerinig over lxixsnshoulder aind provides oppxrtunity far stxll aix- xecexnet lhxirmxul ones, and a Devon-
en.Ix msrrl e tytixdeCxxx o njdxx harmpe tCas lie goes idown a hihll, xxxitwilight oilier book by the faxmxous captain of ianCihcoxuld have lxis sidesxtlanopen
baxrnlyrha'etixeiceorate shootingofetheKaiwa. tine doubitshowvever, if withioxut the slightest dangex' of infec-.
shexlintolxx thepupgnweSa hurriedly gather thxe slain which hiave sc n event in wholly dlesirable. The lxxx. In the Coal period, however,
tails, "lleliii aou!" I whirl anix fallen ion far froni the bilinds for Cruise af the Exiwa wax gooil and things changed, and have steadily been
sxcore two clean nisses n enthe brace quick recovery and perchx ox the dxxxi funny! My Northxernx Exposure was getting ivorse. Ancient ailments were
thxat dodge lenit mie. Straight ilxown liaiiii'lxmuoelxx xxanwih ire thiaiiiso-so;hut tSaraxfalls ide-'sxxl farliixxaxxxl n
oward the daxini thexy burtlx' xaid Sam is xtarinxg aroxuxd the corner that hay- cidedy flint. It has flippancy Chat is creased in comxiltity their troixbles
riseoshove the weeds. Pileidoutble barn on yonder rise, but mxori'espe withiout huxixor, and exaggeraionix imultiplied. Neuratoxis, caries, xiti-
thud oCflis old choke-bared Parker eail o ' i ethlieidozenosandicihes that that hasnoyac uf hmmy or of cesses of several sorts, spondyliis,-
reverbierate clxwx the idrawx, an the two lixtlier packeid intoixlluy hunting coaltmdepth. It reniinids ixe of a MlcManus these and othier isienses are shoewn by
c~rumpled bunxdlies imomxentarily liaise axxxiitotapiiSxami'xthernmosboxttle. We cartoon withoutxithe skill of Meclanux. ltxe fossil xdinoauxrs, si'x-liexrds, axid
anid thxendmrop, pxlunmmet-wise, into the talk of the chaxnce'i oi a cildilsnsaplxDr. Traprock shouldl rest lxis xxme oii elephants. Even thxe ixost ancient of
stixll water. A fetv feathers floatxial iwhichiwouxlxd surety iriv e the loves lxix xarlier exploaits, xxii writexnixire ipe-ixien iwai subtject to infections of
the hay-acexnted breceze I disigusted-' nsouthwardl; of girls, aiffilixibilex, the tar a while. the hone, and mxaxi at the glacial per-
-.ly ejecxlihec empty shxillxs ixix sink nierits of varixus loaixs andlgxike.--iad hail numexrous ailmxexits. At the
lxxi.iiii xxn lxuhxyliixil C'x sutand smxoke' broxwnipaiper cigarettes, A siall note ixfornis the world that same time, lie tiecanie soxmething of a
icr Ilng. whichlisomiehowe seemixmoxre alipropri- _W. L. George has taken second place surgeons and doctior, ax Dr. Moodie
The utaht arrivails are six (love'x, ale xxxi lire thanixinloir-xxade wxhite inl Iwo short story contents held by showxs. ., One of the niost at-
buixched xixxxi flyinig dire'xtlyoieer ibe canes. Thenxxcomxxes lixexvalk across London newspaxpers. As Reith lPres- tractive features of this volume is its
pond, insteadofxxirot circinxg it. the pasture-thie perfectxmoxn is now ton remarks: "Tule ioral seemxs to pli language. Dx'. hMoodie can use
'Iiteuy'rx 5young oneis, xxix ioubtx, amu slxxxxx erixigthle whlie prauirie withitsi be that Mr. George cannxot ye~t write techniexal jaw-breakers with the best,
thexy pay fur lixeir ix'expe'rience i. Sxxxi'x beaxmx-well idrive slowly-, goinig quite as badly as lxx wants to, hut is, hut lxx kxosovhlowv to write in es-cry-
dtoxble xvii uni..for only xinex si this hinxe.e getting niighty cloise." Mr. Preston (lay wordls wvhen the occaxion annses.
floctk-lxe evidentli didn't lxxx isi first' overlooks the George break fast-chatsx Thin is one such occasion, and he does
bird far exnoughi, Whiile I, wvithn the xad- scattered broadcast by Ber. Hearnt; adnmiraly.
vantage of a iuuxpiigxxi, ams able to had he submitted those the goal would
dxowx three. That thirid shot wss'$1I have been easy. For thiose whli would tenmper pine-
lucky. A quaxrterinxg shoth at a tistx- tice with reading the L'niversity of
ing, trighteni'il txrgeti--lxxxI'mx usingt A greater piuzzle than Mr. George Chicago publishes another attractive
sixes, with threix axi a qxxxrixr idrains is Charles G. Norris, whose novel sciexntific bank. 'Clx Story of the
of Duixonxttx urge them ni-xdxxitlxe- iDread (E. P. Dutton & Co., $2.) I have Maize Plant (1.75) lxy Paul Weather-

Smith Smart Shoes make a
favorable impression in-
stantly. You like them; so
do others. They're real assets
to the successful man.
The season's new styles
are in stock now
,$mitI4 $mart $I4oes
Gross & Dietzel
11 7 E. Washington Street

"just finished reading, Mr. Norris 'wxx, at presenit associate professor of
likes contrasitxxxi paradoxes,.lie iil Botany at Indiana University, It is
hackle a mighty subject and label it' an iinimate biograpxhy of the plant
with a single ivord; hex writes a lug 'whichi most of s call biy the homely
book, crannmed with crumbs of dx-, name "corn", and is quite unlike any
tail, and names it with a syllable. The' other plant book I've seen. To Mr.
subject of Breaxd is the wvorking wo- j Weatherwax the corn or maize ii a xlix-
man of the buxsinexss world-a thense tinct organism, situ problems of its
not wholly different from that of Sin- own to solve, a life of its own to live,
chair Lewis's The Job, The actual and a part of its owan to play in the
story concerns a fast-aging music dranma of organized existence, That
teacher in New Yrk, and the struggle part is a big one, and has nmade nec-
of her daughters to maintain their- essary a great many changes in size,
selves, get a little pleasure from life, h ooks, and hsabit. Some of these the
and to marry with some degree of sat-f maize achieved for itself;l most ot
isfaction to themselves, There is them it effected under the guidance
nothing very new about the problem,' of plant breeders. This introduces a
yet it is none the less significant. Justj neiw and mighty character info the
what chance in life baa the womanJ story-a sort of deity or superior
who msust put her days and nights into ; power not greatly different Irons the
the task of keeping herself tolera- j Jehovah of the early Jews. Like that
bly well fed and presentably dressed?i Jehovah, the ruler of maize bas been
Wh~at is the result of such training regulated by his servant, and Mr.
when the woman gets married? And Weatherwax closes his book with a
wvhat in the prospect opened up by the discussion of thse way in which corn
dissolution of what our fathers and governed the culture of ancient sman.
nsathers called 'home'? These are big( An interesting thing this: man takes
problems, and every suggestion is a a plant and makes it change to serve
wvelconse one. fMr. Norris makes no' his needs, and forthwith modifies his
attempt to solve h e states own life to suit that of the plant.
the situation, and asks for thought as There are more comnplcations in exist-
earnest as that which be himself baa ence than are thought of in the phil-
given it. soxphy of Mr. Bryan.
Perhaps this sincerity in a measure
accounts for the one defect of the 1 erica suppases hxersclf to hanve
book, that of too much' detail. Mr. created the short stomry, and for a
Norris knows his charactero, and long time thought she perfected it ax
swants us to know them. And so be well. This bubble has been punc-
gives a great deal of 'information that tured by the French and the Russians
is not wholly necessary, and mnakesI in turn, and now come four Swedes
his book about a hundred pages too to add their thrusts into the defiseepd
long. Mad he been willing to discard eaUUci , .nj& ~~ ~E
a litle, to keep the losf, but throwj (Continued on Page Serer)


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