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October 28, 1923 - Image 2

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X i At1;l -NE

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t .. k C7o111.' r S I t~.
a110r(1t 7011111011 to pply l1.0 Ct 1
Andt,10it 1,to t'Le vr td wodns trut 7 to '110 l''0u
-r'ude , anguta. awkarltneos, akr1 nd ,, ald .1 1,1"ous t dot'lar one, I
steadi suppte tithtness tthat tosthel= 1t= "'1 t,10howevr, thlat1itosnot
moot tartting feature. t ' 'itt a . nat-',r of muooy 'a0of
I underotand tht tthe programts of tti ll-n} rare and skit'l. tTtere
The Puppteteers--for I must admit aos1 o iteduto h atr
tha t I have nover oeen it u:s t and I t" 'tstn155 owlorti
exceptionalty varied with particutar tleoow
stress laid on the humoro possibil--- -
ities of the puppets. One number, for CENT TO LADY
'instance; ,includes two solemn,-reds-, :Now halt.Mr. Panurga- 1' already{
culous H-indoos, and presently, a moat sail what I. have so long had in my.
amaziseg"'snake. Another one is a oon -tiiid to oay coucern-ing Chimes,,'
burlenque of the everlasting coora- I cato o'ly-alld m in otcere entihusiasm
tura soprano-a lady, I su: assured,, tto- ls" hearty leonllliendattou of thia
of a moat exquisite lute-likes voice. sterhag-,virile campus opinion mouth-
and of astonishing teclhnical brilliancy. ly.
Still another nunther is the petolug to; I admtit that there was a time in my
Bernard Shaw's "Androcles and thie. career when I thought that only a
Lion,.This, without question 9 iugilt F;-'oitma. ttnd newly-arrivedl Chinese
to be delightful-delightful, .I believe.h ought the magazine-possibly be-
is the proper word-a milk-fed ,lion,_ auso tey didlitot know an.y better,
a cowardly Christian, his. sitrew.5b t spposo -but alt that to changed
pagan wife, and G. B.5, .undit "us'm entire attitude, toy whole
marionettes! . t. osoplhy 'f life I mtight eve'n say,!
Thel organization, it seeii ias imauht'la en~ r-earsi's ovrin
better known throtighout the state and. aeasithumattero in thleir True j
than in Ann Arbor itself-and then Light..;.
they think of the prophet and his At ' it I realize that alt this excite-
honor . . . Hoswever, they have at 1,itiandit ferment---"bather" I woul
last made up their mindtlo dfry t hei h la".'t.41ltt' it in thte otdd Iays-over
luck on the village Broadway. L' der r~iottgo-pit, t.hutietico, aportsman-
the auspices of the tUniversity- Y. ,.,,hip, An ericanismi, religion, andi allI
C. A. they are to present "Si'x Pupptet 'it ro-.:ist, ater all, the proper thing.
____________________________________ ii ,Fl 5 laniental anti gotodsiltito

Carson of the naughty words, and the tg pleurisy causes one to pause, yet
deception of Delbert Clarke. In short at the same time, admiration is mixed
I am through w5ith this snart-alsck with the sympathy, for we realize
sophistry: I will base none o' it that here are two true Michigan men
And not only have my- opinions that gave their all for the alma mater.
ctlatgedIwith reg'ard to this one ltatr The real gem, however, the tale
ter, but wih regard to all other ttiogs that thrills us to the core is that
its soot t or exarmite, I ;net to hear tory by "tPrey" hinsef. You have
Mr. S-ousi the o'her evenig-M~r. S all ieard it: howv lat fall le-was at
of the t S. A.'orme peotple call 11i11- the toint of deat-the doctor, in
andt ~ 11 beas io'007,' itiatilI tt-loat, ld ivoen up toe-btttwhen
grapht'tI 5'' ottoronghls' ct-ti'ed l, itste theardthert'Micigat itootivrte out-
S~bt:efie, 4 ad tse wcre' ev'ry su tswidwh astosnoed the
'vre -appa~rent, spciaotly inte Ictrisi- was aose. ar-Ihelitvedl to
w (1th t te , 5nl ye'Itt tv ra, vihjo-Oe it'nort-rs'won'to1
1oBna.00 l lt. all on0.1rl'tttlrt c l 'II" on,, itr1010001
A Schumaot wtch it ihstattgesgvngapeaue
tein et o , itsatsicaduefl itst las vr
meer ofthe.failyPersnalind ctical. g=~oifts.lTought
fir1its at bringn cheer.at777ar
Sen ciSchirt bhe rGi tedou ll plas
The Schumacer GiftiSho
<lhtlOff The C it 7. -I. :
3{ 1 1 S. AROS FIOM0 tR SAONS1415


F. L. Titden- --.......Fd-o .
Donald 1P. L. Snytter ..Pootls1
Normand Loctrtooil .., ..Mut Oic
Robert 'ltrtrtl- Hendtersont..
. . . . . . . .... t.. '1r 11n
Cordon Wioz'.........Ar I
tLiole ttose, talsev Davison,
Newvell tletotit, Santil Mdo-ore,
The Stundtay 'Magazine tsolicitso
m nanutscripts fromalt tersons a-
filiatttd wsiththttoUnivesityr. '1011
uscripts muittbeItypewrittn
triptle staced andtwritlenonre{
side only. x77
The Sttida y Mag, zinc actsno xl
edtges Thte American Secular Uno
ion review service for "Thte Un-
offictal Obtserver" department.
it i 10t 7--to: cv of tistz ,tto ยข t
stuldentts and faculty embersifi
tte judgniet of . ttt editor , :,. 5art
cles are of if11 icvau ad ntret
Ttiz dozs noti iat, I I ~ crpt
solicited or zrobunorl offere11 are
necssaily in ccod ith etl a

-'otttowrdos('l'-tr'cter tn-I Re-tIl
I n.just Ito irii'g to ap~precite
Grt't t 100- 1i"'it ltave
>.:{ 7 1 lttiIt S t ~ti11111 also
--7 1 1 i- ofIt is, the
t 'nglro is ttt i--Itt--vrto Calmputs
''1)inl"onantI-'alol e! trningqoe-
to:)s as Frato'rit santI tlenS.C.A.
and the W~ottnnFrottloul o-tich tmoot
bte solvod lty it. Thte era when I
laughled at such probtents is no niore,-
and I fiatty realize thePrime Import-
ance aind Passionate Need of letting ;
the twelve thousand vent their ideas
concerning them.
-At last I realize the virtueo of the
redosuitable Bacon. As t he President
himuself has put it, "Re is a Comer!
!Islap on the kneel Yes, sir, a Coiner!"
Finally I am iiade to see the btaseness
of G .7. E., that wretched one who
tacked the brains to appreciate the
honor ttf being triple-starred for Phi -
Bet 'a--ppa, r -,I tae iodeoos cy= of Mr.

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