SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 Mencken and the Academics A Critique In Perspective O NOT speak of him," EDWIN J. PATTEE dignity of dramatic critic, took coun- said Kingsley of Heine; sel of a cortain Nestor of the craft, he was a wicked man!" who told his, above alt things else, to H. L. Mencken, also, was In his chauvinistic overtones we ature" (Century), by Fred Lewis Pat- he terestim, antt thices way to once taboo; but not so (atch broken strains of 1917. We hear tee, is to be found a somewhat longer ie nteresting. And the surest way to of a "Loyal Independent Order Of Un- be interesting, the Ancient counseled, many years ago, in fact, fad"Loyal In-Gemn -enti rdErgofsh-!contriution to Mlenckeniana: one is to gie the public a god show- there were very few read- ited Hiberto - German - Anti - English- wbich attempts to explain and classi- tnok sonebod y in tie head every ers who gave him serious; Americans", and, by innuendo, of se- fy this phenonemon of American let- ,y attention. Graecum est, cret affiliations with the Wilhelm- ters. Professor Pattee begins his day. -crtss "This (advice) is illuminating," the non legitur! Those who s .e ' , study (I hasten to say that he and I . professor goes ot to say, "but it x- were not horrified by the pertinence In this boisterious and belabored have no connection except in name)-;plains only in part. The later Mec- and daring of his ideas were shocked buncombe there is humor of a sort, begins his study with comments on ken unquestionably lays about him as by his style, which was vigorous and and occasionally a brilliant, telling Mencken's first volume, "Ventures In- ferociously as even his ancient friend untrammeled. phrase; but as criticism it is far too to Verse." Here he finds delight and could have desired, bt the reader of But "afflictions induce calosities", puerile and impassioned for serious charm on every page he finds the gra- all of him is impressed with the fact and time, in many cases, has softened consideration. It is extremely signi- cile little book brimming with lightly tIhat his onslaughts are not yellow- the bitterness of first judgments: to- ficant, however, as a manifestation of fingered rondeaux and gurgling love journalistic, not indiscriminate and day many of Mencken's ideas have be- Mencken-phobia. This is a disease lyrics. He quotes lavishly. In short, made for nere sensational advertise- conme commonplace, and his plangent wdely prevalent-and not without he is so beguiled by Mencken's juve- ment. . . . His blasts are all in prose falls less harshly on ears deaf- reason. A man of Mencken's stamp- nalla that loud are his lamentations the same direction, . . . To read ened by war, jazz and vers libre. fearless, keen, and skeptical-is a ne- when he discover the poet forsakng him is to discover that after he had Probably no man attracts more atten- mesis to the greet and stupidity of re- the Muse fur journalisnt finished with Shaw . . he next dis- tion in literary circles than lie; sure- actionaries. And on the other hand, Mencken's next important work was covered . . . the prophet Nietz ly none is more extravagantly praised, the man's flippancy, brusquesness, the book on Shaw. This Dr. Patteet sche . . . and then in two diverse or more unjustly maligned. Each sea- and vulgarity frighten well-meaning characterizes as "brilliant work for a volumes he translated Nietzsche and son calls forth a larger number of but timid souls. For coarse at times youngster," but "mild of tone"-and explained him and rhapsodized him articles pertaining to I. L. Mencken. Mencken certainly is. To the casual "mildly received its neglect," he goes . . . . Ans le dis it brilliantly, Even the professors of English Liter- reader, the buffoon is quite as much on to say, "set its author to thinking comsprehentdingly-I know of no ature, who have hitherto cocked a in evidence as the critic and psychol- and the final result was revolutionary. treatment more illuminating. But no bloodshot wary eye in his direction, ogist. But are there no extenuating Henry Louis Mlencken became I. L. man in the twenties ever plunges into have dipped their pens and begin to features in this make-up; fatures, Menckei. In a moment of confession, that maelstrom of dogma . . . to vent their feelings which, with deeper insight, are seen rare indeed for the man, he had told emerge the man he was. After I sto counterbalance overwhetuingly the us of the evolution." According to Nietzsche, no longer was Mencken Tci os h oie h vimore superficial ones? Of Mencken's this confession - si- which appeared poet, no longer was he critic: he was tories of criticismOvertuionpla its, htooi-, sort' u. ytears ago in an "Atlantic Monthly" prophet like his miaster, a prophet c Is e III article-the young Mottken, as'tti with an evangel that the '11ot,' the Marncken is fast, i a r c-nt iser~ In "i lirihts On Amferican Liter- toward thw end of his non,,e to th rabble' 'the poeait'te'li oth"Cnu Mgzn" ms r- yeople' s~l ever understand, hall of III(,'"C-l'oojtt So,''.lIto. r('i~otfir -l'ot l0 le< l ys t.t wis' 'ithe L'glowingFe ;OEO t' l to ' to st.: o h lom, t5itroil i 0',e ii Oit re ju di t s, " D r. Ps g ttee S a s : ken's chief interes f is not int'e ;sNEWELLBEBOUT'teifll n e r :mly tthm n r s f i t t t i ii t e is t ii i t t i t s a ' r t 'pri t l t hin A e ri c n t ar e n - bu ti assnlia s tiofh ietnsintlarsen ihillto adapt thesa tics itsdura Preitttns to randolie hotserlabolisclhubs countrymentAcoidingly, he treats liemansattrutitraekens n ritt hie chaton pope rausin lrid t ofBbIpartngesc l thgs cradheadsly to thrown by an enemy of the re ubie- a-run acelrs ne as a hair and sharp nature; and then to lrtingish that, they are prophet blasts irritatine he shows us Mencken the liberalist, ast fsword's edge, wsich has long of things some are in our power, bu addenino arousin the thou htful valiant combatant of intolerance and rihti hs urrl adeobrn i Opgtrtimi 3h asotsmpion Int brrors that thnepatars of pueAmrita- owppression, as well as Uencken the ra-sg iha a bendefiledobythi os tionalist, arch-enemy of all the cur- medans and Parsees. tills pie with Edgar Poe ca to be. The very too-iuciness of rentsenimetalty Ed eotinalsm.wonder. W hat a sense oft humor God I could more easily conceive of Tom; his protesting classifies him.... gisanttimbeilitesens totuogrist t y bust have to make a ight-rope-walkers Paine shriven and counting beads, orl Those who in .rage reply to him from his enthusiasm, impudence, and saga- fs he o c s e of Bob Ingersoll with a shaved head sheltered corners of his continent- Sand cm is i o o strut across the fiery yasm with and with his collar on backwards, broad battle-field miss his whole ity isatn'sie t r his countr for hio mouths gaping and eyes popping outJ than I could admit Edgar Poe to be meaning. To rush excitedly to the aid eewhe"ileh is vsein e wor e'a- with curiosity, like tourists visiting a irreligious. The very supernatural of Roosevelt assaulted by this most dsIou ith hismex s tofie smt-nen t blast furnace. fervour of his mind precludes such an honest of Rooseveltians, to cry out right i h t quarrels and to bring m Optimism assumption. In horror that the altars of puritan- down with his merry bullets so many If you see everything as essential- Hell ism have been defiled by this most giant imbecilities, even though with ly bad, you are always looking for the If Hell is a furious fire and if Hell jealous of all Puritans, to shriek 'An- his barrage e not seldom slays some worst. If the worst comes, you are is subjective, then Hell is a hot-head- tichrist' at one who sneers only at un- honest and charming idealism; so also not disappointed; because you ex- ed man. Christlikeness. . . to stone him as it is a service to his country for him,peted it: and if it does not come, you l eSc sentences a ad A n he s othitd seehimxgyhare agreeably surprised. Thus any- Aw elastic sentence is one which. sepulchres and discloses corruption Butn wieMeuck engathewolof the;clepeso ftetocnrligI h vlteef. ri h ogAfotro rhdxCrsinth judcios wth is xces o smrt-thing that happens will satisfy you1 stretches the truth. It is one which in the heart that had vaunted itself ness, to enrich the nation with such and you will have an optimism. twists a commonplace thought into ai holy-rebuttal like this is really con- hohgobfin oft e m id, h or the hth- balncd or wht Pwerl " h W i trad of; scaret" w Anothern I fon d Appres ntl ih u tic i oie powefAlstramcan hmoras on0h- illtayoweng istotio;toeewiAhwhysgienntsersson.terAmeicatismowblayng pontheI-Abysandrda aautmobie aci-frkdom fleshackon he dindwhih I times." dent recently was heard to remark "I reads it and either stings or makes a From first to last Mencken is a par- c f c I hate to see a man cut up. I want to loud noise. Such a sentence is in Mat- adox. Anti-Puritan, he is nothing i Bu~fMnkni h dlo h see him, yet I don't". This is a typi-1 thew 6:34: "Sufficient unto the day not the product of a Puritan culture. "Am iceans c re ibns he id h e In cal expression of the two controlling is the evil thereof." or in The Song A flouter of orthodox Christianity, e cynicb an cithwit mole.sFsr the ++t-Instincts in man which when counter-t of Solomon 4:3: "Thy lips are like a is himself the most Christian of men. hobgblin ort hertmid, ord tdhe lt- balanced form what we tal "The Will thread of scarlet". Another is found Apparently without ethics his motives to Power". There is first the feeling, in Tertullian: "et sepults resurrexit, are all ethical Is he against morals? coe, comes forward as champion. Inj "Ameicas" Scrbne's) hehasin-of repulsion, of fear, of nausea, the cerum est -quia impossible et!" (sad Then it is 1bcause morality is oney- clueda sppsely cachng atretendency to eelf preservation. Second- .he was buried and rose again: it is combed withhycrs.Iheai- ly is the feeling of attraction, of cur- certain because it is impossible). veterate railer of things Christian? irsity, heetendncyitorelf furher-CTriChain? em e'iosity, the tendency to self further- The Chain Then it is because the religion of sees this black beast of crit'cism stab- ante. Neither of these tendencies Suddenly he loved girls. Suddenly Christ is virtually extinct. Is he hard hong his horse in the church, hanging alone is sufficient for the existence of he had a passion for their hair- for in the abstract? Then, like most Nietz- theĀ¢ priest, shooting the professors, the organism; but together they made their long, fine, luxurious tresses. But scheans, he is kind and gentle in the routing the academy, and burning the the paradox named "life"-The more he would not say why he loved them. particular, library. I accurately they operate, the more He would not say why he craved their Well, indeed, may Carl Van Doren Professor Sherman out-Menckens life, the more power. Thus educations IIhair. Nevertheless he was discovered speak of him as "a gadfly for democ- Mencken. Not content to rest his case is simply a refining of thn instincts so I one day delicately tying auburn and racy," for, as Fred Lewis Pattee sug- solely on the dicta of the library dis- that they oppose each other with suc- golden hairs into a chain. All he said geats, Meucken's voice is by far the cipline, he supplements the latter with cess. Epictetus explains it when he was: "I might use them to lasso most arresting that has been raised ctriteria of a more emotional nature. deines education as "the learning how ghosts". (Continued snmPagoFour) 'A