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October 21, 1923 - Image 4

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-Mors Plays and the Stage
Sentence imposed dry Judge Kirby ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSON
Benedict in Taos County, New Mexico, SEX! SEX! SEX! The actress who first hits upon the Hollister's announcement that he will
1867. My mind is peculiarly twisted idea may not be an artist, but she will present that greatest of all American
around two ideas, Frank Wedekind make her fortune off of it, neverth°-' dramas, "Beyond the Horizon", point
"Jose Maria Martin, stand up. Jose and Jane Cowl, or Jane Coal as Iro- less. to a most encouraging progress.
Maria Martin, you have been indicted, fesoor Campbell calls her. Frank On the other hand, I doubt if any
tried and convicted by a jury of yonr Wedekind wrote a book of plays bor- 'UltAIN RAISER rrount of perfect acting could bring
eyering on erotica and Jane Cowl has life or significance to "Sweet and
countrymen, of the crime of murser, created as divine a stage portrait as it wAlthough I could not possibly find Tventy." In my private opinion, this
and the court is now about to pas has ever been my pleasure to see-or'the time to attend the Comedy Club is the play Floyd Dell forgot to throw
upon you the dread sentence of thel anyone else's, so the critics assure plays last Wednesday evening, I con- in the waste-basket.
sider it a duty to say something about
them. The program included Eugene
tartin, it is a painful thing for thre Wedekind's book is called "Trage- ONeil's negro and negroid tragedy, "The traveller, who in a hot sun-
judge of the court of Justice to pro- dies of Sex"andcontainsfour dra-"The Dreamy Kid", and Floyd Dell'smn's day should alight from his
nunce upon a human beingftshet-uritas, "Spring's A akenig"; ,Earth- "Sweet and Twenty." Providing the horse to kill frogs because their
ence o deah. her is soet set dear!t t sn't's tha"-t d hactors were able to conquer the dia- croaking offended him, was a notort-
ence of death. There is somethin' dear! what isn't in that box!-and let, the O'Neil play without question ous fool; but a wise man if he made
horrible about it, and the mind of the "Damnation." I would hardly dare nust have been sigly successful. Alt the best of his way, and let 'em croak
court usually revolts from the pr- tell you their respective theses-I still great compelling dramas like those fl on till they burst."
formance of such duty. Happily, how- have some desire to remain in this Shak'Trajano Boccalni, 16th Cent.)
ever, your case is relieved of all such University of the Fighting Michigan- Shakespeare or Ibsen or O'Neil-es- ( o
unpleasant features, and the court but I can rather tactfully sketch thepenalty selsen they ave O"Neil's ee-c-
takes positive delight in stecnthense of the first, the ssost iniocent ,ment of sure-fire melodrama-cansnot, "Strength is not energy. Sosmeas-
t oseptencing them t , m m nhelp but be stirring. thors have more muscle than talent."
I am often Inclined to believe that (Joseph Joubert)
"You are a young man, Jose Maria "Spring's Awakening" is the story this is one of the major faults of local
Martin, apparently of good physical of adolescent love in some thirty-two dramatics; this persistent fear of any- "The mind has need of the fantas-
constitution and robust health. Or- s'cenes, and after about sixteen Mel- thing' tragic or meaty. Fortunately, tic in which it can moe and stretch
dinarily you might have looked for- chior Gabor (eighteen) and Wendla however, this attitude is gradually itself. It is pleased then not to much
ward to many years of life, and the Bergmann (fourteen and a half) meet changing, It began with the Mimes' by the objects it encounters as by the
court has no doubt you have, and have in a hayloft . . . In addition there production of "The Cloister" and'"He- space." (Joseah Joubert)
expected to die at a green old age; are many minor characters woven productin" "The Clyider"san'Re
but you are about to be cut off in con- aotterproaiis nats' lease", "The Dreamy Kid" is anothes'0
bu of you o act Jose ri-about their personalities: an artist's step in the right direction, and the The book reviews in the last week's
sequence of your awn act. Jose Maria model, a dozen. professors, some par- Comedy Club performance of Yeat's Sunday Magazine were written by
Martin, it is now the springtime. In ents, a lazy student who shoots his "At the Hawk's Well" and Professor Carroll Lane Fenton.
a little while the grass will be spring- brains out, and after a while, a baby,
Ing up green in these beautiful val- Of course, "Spring's Awakening" is
leys, ani on these broad mesas and very modern and very detailed-any-
mountainsides, flowers will be bloom- one over twenty-five would call it
Ing; birds will be singing their swest lewd and vulgar-but after all, its
carols and nature will be putting on story is no worse than those insinuat-
her most gorgeous and most attract- 'ed in every popular movie, song, "art" TH EY ATC C 1) T1
ile robes, and life will be pleasant, picture, and newspaper over which T1 E Y L S S E R V E
and men will want to stay. But none the infants of America along with
of this for you, Jose Maria Martin. their fond mammas go quite crazy.
The flowers will not bloom for yot, And it is surely not as bad as the
Jose Maria iartin. The birds wilt stories one can smell along Michigan Hours before daybreak men ae scour-
not carol for you, Jose Maria Martin. Avenue or St. Antoine in that city of
For you the rope. When these things dreams and opportunities-DE-troit. ing the country for your milk supply that
come to gladden the senses of muen, As for Jane Cowl in "Romeo and Ju- you may have fresh pure milk for your
you w-ill be occupying a space about liet" adjectives seem inadequate. Hcr bekat
six by two beneath the sod, and thefpetoa cesws nequat.fHerbreakfast.
green grass and thse beautiful flow'- performance was never that of a'
era willrbessng abve yoaur flowtv press-agented star bolstered up by
ers will be growing above your lowly trite critics, but always the work of Others are at our plant getting ready to
bead. an artist-there is nothing more to
"The sentence of the court is that say. Her portrayal made one think of pasteurize it as quickly as it comes in
you be taken from this place to the the beauty of a setting for the play by from the country.
county jail; that you be there kept Gordon Craig: The stage is hung
safely arrd securely confined in the with soft yellow curtains flooded with Another group are getting their delivery
custody of the sheriff, until the day soft yellow lights. The only other
appointed for your execution. Be color is the green of the eourtezans' cars in readiness to rush the milk with all
very careful, Mr. Sheriff. that he have gowns as they wait for the ball to be- pcssibe speed to your door.
no opportunity to escape, and that gin. At the back is a glistening white
you have him at the appointed place bench covered with white satin on A little later on another group open ihe
at the appointed time. That you be which the lovers presently find them-i.k.
so kept, Jose Maria Martin, until-Mr. selves seated . . . office and beg their daily task of keeping
Clerk, on what day of the month does The supporting company obviously your account in order, and attending to
Friday about two weeks from this . .supported her: they were excel- the details of the office,
time come ? (March 22, your honor.) lent actors acting excellently. butt
Very well, until Friday, the 22 of nevertheless always acting. Miss
March, when you will be taken by the Cowl, on the other hansd ,thoroughly From the manager down, every member
sheriff from your place of eonfine- lived her role. Her simplicity, and of 'this organization is imbued with the
ment to some safe and convenient spot her impulsiveness, and her hands, andt
within the county-and that you there her hands! I have never seen Dusee idea of giving you service, the best that is
he hanged by the neck until you are but Jane Cowl's wrists have tire same obtainable.
dead and--the court was about to supple expressiveness that one always
add, Jose Maria Martin, 'may God have imagines in those of the Italian trage- And they have succeeded in no small
mercy on your soul,' but the court will dienne's.
not assume the responsibility of ask- There is one point, however;-ann measure. Through the cooperation of one
ing an all wise Providence to do that this is where "Spring's Awakening" and all of our organization we have built
which a jury of your peers refused to comes in-Jane Cowl's Juliet, despite a service that is, we believe, unequalled.
do. The Lord couldn't have mercy all opinions to the contrary, was nev-
on your soul. However, if you affect er a truly young girl, the adolescent,
any religious organization, it might even silly, fourteen year old child
be well enough for you to send for that no actress as yet seems to have
your priest or your minister and get comprehended. She was instead beau-
from him-well-such consolation as tifutly mature with the throaty, con-
you can get, but the court advises you tralto voice of a glorious tragedian. As/f about the many
to pace no reliance on anything- of But I wonder if some young ladyp s
that kind. Mr. Sheriff remove the someday will not appreciate the al- dairy supplies disrib-
prisoner." ternative interpretation. I wonder if uted by this organiza-
-Winona Hibbard someone sometime will not make a lion.
"Spring's Awakening" of "Romeo and
"The majority of people are only Juliet." In other words, I wonder
piecemeal and fragmentary examples when someone is going to read Freud
of men; only when all these creatures -or whoever one does read to get this
are jumbled together does one whole modern sex complex.
man arise. Whole ages and whole It is not an impossible suggestion;
peoples, in this sense, have a frag- the similarity between the two tra-
mentary character about them; it gedies is very obvious: children just P h o n e
may perhaps be part of the economy beginning to have "impulses", oh-
of human development that man durate parents, gruesome sub-plots,
should develop himself piecemeal. But and myriad scenes. In fact it was the 423
for this reason, one should not for- stressing of this very idea that was

get that the only important consid- probably the real basis f~r John Bar-
eration is the rise of the synthetic rymore's success in "Hamlet." In his
man;( that inferior men, and by far production, Ophelia, instead of being ANN ARBOR DAIRY COMPANY
the great majority of people, are but an innocent child, sang naughty little
rehearsals and exercises out of which ditties in her madness, while the
here and there a whole man may rise; Queen fell desperately in love with
a man who is a human mile-stone, and her son . . . And surely you can CORNER 4th and CATHERINE
who indicates how far mankind has see like possibilities in "Romeo ands
advanced up to a certain point." Juliet."
(Nietzsche, Will to Power, Vol. 2) It is coming. In this silly modern
- age of "freedam" it is bound to come.

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