SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEY~lN and Mnary, Yale, Brown, Princeton, of 3035 years of ao. In the past the Columbia, Dartnmoutlh, Bowdoin, Tho- American Youho being torn by ideal- tmas Jefferson, Michigan and Virginia, istic and materialistic motives was a respectively, are treated as to their sort ottdual personality today e ts inmportance in swaying and retarding ulore o1 a tdecied individual, moro'o the Ameica Typ" o colegegoy_ aunit in knowing what he wants and- oni getting i.Ie allows fewer mtorat erment. ndt tltruisticconnsiteratiots o s tant As the atthor' ears the end ot hits in hi way; he is less ot ,Iytorit, work be rendetr's at triet acounottt of te h tjutifiesoalttts ttio'ons'ooon te recetttetn'ettctes andl reacttns to goundtttht'tta t t t te ut i trott''andlo toatrtt'tthe "abentee ltoridtigoer'n- tobting oottttpltasre;an e hastt'tt'op ful 1 ,'i on 'odttt't ini te lityin o to', lat o ase w wa t to ( iC'r::, ill 'ttt't', ' '0 iI ' t a; 7ttt itit- Arttti'' ttitet lit ' w e tt'i t i oto tl ttr tt I t ~ lt tr al tu tout o Iit'e'=ttt1txt1rottiltto toItit i'trlt'1'ttti;tot otTtoti opt 3tto7 s l t Ill M dt o, I in10 11 10. itoon1 t ' tt'tcatl ot i ,to ft..-titort tot 1 'It I htr itt'totb't',nKtnt itdtt' tit ck mitertottr iIt taoi t to ttiv o snnvtoe i e to IlerO thetritle, oitoctitit 't "ttt t !tte: tt ittit tot ov rareu i } a ~a t ' " _I e t aIg t ttitotItat AaIeien nolsee-tobere the "Ytotl h-, ttt i!trttt' iteconot' ,It c tln tttt t o ti h significanc in ntitu ti al, ltt ait oi iatsutettt ndis n011t1is ttnscie eisonoyt antI poiutcatile. Siracties. aesn ece~' ft(,' ako uhtauewihgti tb i --asIoftanythasofiht ittr dily "etisrrttin' tit oerictncYtttttt itreotts tti o y-tottistincetailbotiatifto-s isalllewil bessila eyals',ttecriss orrow.ti tt herniotth err tit site nore ftrankd an o rgore ( w n i nttted- Si'tr Itoi n oth e tinerseoitooEvenxtakin 'ioalIfintst" arus oe n at it e neS ien totief om t eofrit ldt advce f is lde. r te otihl-'ilitygotandoloniperioscassewars for et i i ftupe il io ei ngS T he ea rtottinon, I ei ndithat a Mo e mens ContinedofrmuaeitiFountwha deliberatelyf trnsfor tsae' thatreaticesntiatdtifolowalostads caviceftonms ote ibhermstsotul, thret is fuill ee, aaae coater-too-terelayingtpilitys t2n t cotac prc fticbe:oteo 1 y at ttf gt-ovihle tralIthegniapartim dciben tpeviusy-loogat1arutofamgr tleoveloe's greatst mca- he'dtes otseevweretthing Yutih In-ustomowaniyecaomea oui01litninsastr- Iugne notereort cahasthe ad rtc willYtttetonsrophcthalssefityotniedoer toayofm19hto'i2isianein tougtca, lantnaniareianitm.uptoardsstrend iewpolittoessihelieiclopredeceasor.intittri mheono"ieas. forgt i beauedisoveigte ralttio'I, hIblev htKovmn P. U. R.'.'t it STA0 I OC\ WE'VE BEEN SERVING THE BEST FOR YEARS FE Ever y Bite A Delight at Tuttles Lunch Room 08 8lMdx ard St. South of Maje'stic ift,Itttet lv PA YMENT URCHASE Jeie oti t I on ti ( itt n o S C HL A NDER ER & S EyiFR IE D Students' Desk Lamps $3.25 Becaute the and shades of these otv; desk lamps aoe of metal they Nvtill 2.1vo exceptionally long, service. Artistic in design and finish, Ideal lamps for students' desks. Others to $4.25. The Detroit Edison Company 'ma:i! at lVilliallf Telephone 230)