StN 1..Oi~iut- THE -MICHIGAN DAILY aI Edited By SCogan I AITOLUS .The (''ri ian mth luogists, after aing coninel Satan in a pit, were obliged to let himnot ag int, to tring on the seul o the fable. Ile is then introduced I nto tie Gariden of Edien itt the sape of a snae orna sret, antd iuthiat s'-ape he enters into faniliar conversation 'aitit Lve, whoi~ is no swny urprisedi to ear a snake talk; andl the iste of the te-a-te is, that e tersoatdes er t i--San apile, an(1 the eatitg of that appleiamnise all tani islet "Afte r havingtivepn ttSattn ltiistitpihuver the ithoe of creatin, tite wouilltve nttlise thaI t t-etturcht tyttioloists twould have netn kint ettougtoltsett imiitbanck tagainto iitie pil; oti they htdlnot [litte this, tiat thiey wsutlittave lit a ittittnain upontimit (forlstthey Oiy that their iitli stiltmoure a mountan, for listepit im tutter Ia mtountasi, as te tatrmtertmytoligists Ii si iidote, t piii' 'itt g etttgatinaitmitotng the wvment, anti uing tmsree tmishief. Btut inseai of thi, tiiiy leave hin at arge, withoutttevenlobligiings hintlto gi- lit ssroe-te si-eeret of wichsiltis, that they coldnt totlewitotimtintanti after teigatle teoittle of mating him,ter lritedlieu t toCstay. 'They pruniletittsAM itseJews, ALL the Tu'rks liy anticinticu, nt.iceti-tenth tie itoattitieis, aidlohiatet into Mythtoltogy,.' "Hiyi lothluistade in ilsurrcteittni tni tibat te' ittHiave, itt swhich nonteof thotombinijatant.ttldt its titeriiledior woutnttte---pit. Stattills the it-lethittot tltagaint-givesim tutu rliuitlovtreete whtoit'creation-t 6nitind aftltsatnkindily h iiessitte tti it a ple~t, these Cristin mytolotgit bring tie twouendistsof1tetir litle tgther'r. Tey rep5retIbtis vitouis toilatiablte tman, fe-is ClristtoItbeiatsiontee'b1th01Goituadilaniit, atsouthe. ies ot God, ceetiaily ictenti, onrirpose it e sacriiced,. becase thy sat that list, Pi et'lotgittg, btadleatetianrpplt "Puttinsta ie e'erythingthtattigt excite ilaughter b iy its tabsrity, ortdetelstatittn liy i, pr~on'tness, asdtconiningsip utst-i',s tmeely isotn examitnttio~n o tile'pa-tsi-t,isiiosilte titcontcive- a story tmor' det-og- tory to the' Aumighty , tmote inconsistentithuthIis wsdiomn, mne crota- dictory to, tus powerthantit rytieeis" ''Thast t ais - tti- i 1 aetsr iteteithis fa'lei, tttdtlie viirytod lies' suer that beliti lineceedulity is ot ticite, in what I have nit di ibti oil, Int fiPet titce tity ere eidtit-atedl tt beieit, antl they itotutdtihae believed anythittg tlse itt thi'sane manner. There are asot atywho ntaee been so enthusiasticaly tenatuitteu by whtat they conceivet to lete itfinite love if Gull tor itmit, in mtaltingitaoat-eite' of himisel, tat te veietttitce of the' iesiiasforbiddenit- ndd-tiiiieredtthmtifromti'examinitt into the it'ab- 1 srdtly t oil fatittnenessiof lie' :stry The torettn'tuatnttyting tis, the toree it is ctaabe itft -emit p the tobjct lit dismtitl atiratittin' whicthil-erthtaitihalt h ible ttuis t i, tittu tibemire conitlenIt thlit ee calledIits- itheod f a tutunithii' thei sord uf hu. It isa itorieity of sicleine s, thatih as serecitoliicrutritanttd brtatttlie'tiakid, attd, for tiy ownts titI sncetoly i t, lst isis 1Itet evcieyithig thatttis cruel. I idt titibeievin' ' stile ceuI irtte~ot't itsthe Jewt it ctir-h,byteth Rttilit tt dnithcliy t I T,,'urkto-tl -i tisch.tb-thetPotesn ctitc, nt- hi anty cturchi tuatI ko ,e of hipyoilnsmiit is tmy ontCthuirch.",' FrmeThs,''le Apt-of iReasn"t'byiTomattsosaite, Note: T'he Ageioi Itiasnitwsas isriteit iabt:ti1t7t4. It ti hom'iatso taine ti-is Itaraheadt ot histittes, i ts'ihis ieiefs tre stilt far frmustni- sersally tacceited; ut his tinie is still ahed. 'iTe cuireiso(Jetishn, Turk- isti andCfliistiis)I Iscoit' aaiemic tatndifestedl withudieile snitpopular',s e-tti"ibaili -Scogtn. OUR1 Ill TYSII'ifG Scsieit et ic anti tites- it io ntiourtedetitrsiro ttrtitfortth ithils set ai s,-sei'oltitit, ni-0 v'ie linii iei' -i a ntldeuitd to tithe proositioti that all triseiare ii edt ittcotstntitintelectial stimuttltsNutswiw e e esaed itt a itite ie earch ftioti iconttiibiit eitrst, wnettritg wetihler that; coumnto onttceivedl aitith sduictatedt tilong etdutre ic have coetot a crucial uittitett in that oseri-ht. ue (eitorially speaig) liiav'e arieit at thattptisitioni in ot's life when it is necesar tt pu out rim tsse people whoigist' tiritlis ttast, itelletualliy, us'migtlive ft i 1 oehrftig n rprta ed his.Bti nte enew at- tntget, ire canitotester, ii'estiatnt abantettn this cumisn Thi literry tiet, usvingsitud it-etd, iwhtotuwe are' qiuitedttee,tistvttet-eredit to its far aovie oiure ipotsci-to leasesitu abandn.Tti hie wortld iill litte nte, sitelng remenber'wcititeir have stidthter, ut it caitiievr forget stmet'whouii arcnqotetd eeeIt is for s, teinitiated, istiteto tbe all aborbedtihntthe great astsremtaiing hbeforersii, tht rtttithese wotrt-ilbentiteitre t inreasd stinsittoCsthat Icasetof tmalingisothes mane nthtisink tht we here highly resolve Itat these men shall nt have written ii vait: that this counia nstder its ness editor (whimoeteer le shalt el shahlIavi' a new birth of contributtor so that tit l umanit of literary stitnitlation, by1 writers of literature, and fr loers of literature shahl not perist fromi The Magazine, - Scogan OU anca potential patron of thia bi clean- ing establishmsent should know just wehat we mean when we speak of our service. If you are one of the hundreds whose work we do, this ad, is unnecessary for you, You know we are prompt, reliable and good workmen. If you are not you will read with interest what we have to say. Service, as we render i, means that you can call ua in the morning, we'll call for your suit, press it care- fully, snd return it to you by noon. just put the hour you want your suit on the ticket and you'll have it at that time, It meana if you request it that wse'll call for your suit before 9:30 in the morning and deliver it to you before dinner, CLEANED AND PRESSED. Or 'we'll call for it in the afternoon and deliver it t yot the following day. It means that we will make such repairs in your clothing as you desire, and charge you only a nominal price for it. In our laundry department SERVICE means that you can send us your laundry before 9:30 in the morning and get it back, fresh and clean before din- ner (for this special service we charge a small ad- ditional sum). If you are not in as great a hurry you can send it to us one day and receive it the following day at no extra cost. It means that we will mend your clothes and make minor repairs in them and not charge you for it. such as sewing on buttons and darning hosiery. A fleet of trucks are on the road continually calling for and delivering your stork, cutting doswn the time consumed in getting your work out to a maximum. Send us your work tomorrosw. Learn that what we claim we prove. Phone 15 The Sign of Quality White Swan Laundry Company Detroit and Catherine Streets - p.