SUNDAY, MARCHI 9, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE FIYr. 001(8 book; the only piece with real Irish and '"The Cat, the Dog, and the Bad NEW YORK NOTES 'ecj"ohs' aod "begods." Old Dame," reminiscent of Chekhoff, (Cniudfo PaeO) jIt is the heritage of his people I Maupasant, and Kathrine Mansfield, woldClosnedbyfistheoge Ofice THE BLAND GAEL ~suppose, flat gives hiss hia ironic re- to an arrant bhallucination like "ilg telnig ae frimgat gard for life. Yet perhaps this view ame." There is a gorgeos Arabian from Ellis Island A touch of foreign is more delicate and lss puposive ight in "Tanqui," and a naive alte- lnsi sasdb tnighr '1>1 BlCK )0G byA. o. epptolthan iroy would imply He sees( gory in "Simotle Snmon."adoorigtenwyarvdfl -~ l~t.people and 'lot they do in a 'say thatP The only story I can find that does frost the old world as they come Afred A. Knopf. 1 23ni aued and scarely seios rho not touch me comsfortably in some tetsn hog h aeoe If i- a to'd and pervertedl tusiness'.tale tory is the best xamplop ffthis, way is "The Tiger." This unfavoralle and wmne with toil and poverty tht brings it so to tasflat severalst tbeltonioratble' Gerald ILoughlin and rgardon nmy part moay arise froni tfle lpresing down their shoulders and shoirt stories mout be confined to-! Oriandua Crabelemiito live in 0ois- fact thaot I recall it fromn the pges hope eading temsoby the hand." goftier bteeni the saiooe corers.'IhSo" ary termos, and yet the-e toormssareaf the old "Metropolitan" magazine a' From sle Grge Office it is only a posr odrisens oeviesoeor om'st readS touchedl wihimioolpaoble fatatsyIn it was ilustfratedt sith a particularly sort ditance o Pearl anot Broad straight through. taking the gay woith the "seo story'. "Thes Bllet Girl( wooden set of picures. But it seem' Streets swhere stands Fraunce's Tav- f~eloemn, th le naiies'itso-ilte ironicSle Ifatasy is norie boster ous an't raier not more nolodranatic-tio er renowned astisfle place where andil Sle syuloiliciwith fle rel. Shoort mooe' evidet -a Osinis'erosiy lark sowto +omuh so that it is out of eeping w ith ''ooisoshodfrcelSoosco- storie's voreer.n outIsbe eadilsoogly j 11tieoallegedl undoergradute m-(thoos oo le rest of fle bok, r -odesi as. Fewocan standl in fle and iegost iii Slbeftoe 50000n'ning 55'the;e-Sut it is hopes to attlempt critoihistorc' lon" rooo"sithout fooing ne-a on,,.'.Somnetimoeoslohe fanit-sy 'ossiooes a csooo of fle tdvidtual tales, so is if. ii some degree Sle tmospheloro of As ,rest , o u Soe of rtcsoca-o-".olorcrso boOasit watis for 0000"corresondingly tropr to speakorltseGRevolotonoarotimoesflat seens to be xpi' e vXoOoi 0000tone bi'oFiery i'0on000tl'e' 5' 0 ''heoHandsome:oi'aSy'oistle MrSoppa'rd'o tohas nsnoott oroooO-niO05 toe plac. a se-siifo dlii 000 vel-000001 0 0 Si te ion'co- vert o it lso':compoletenv'oess oi soateent, a S- 'lho istoere re ''Sle Ca'ons of the sohSrerei-csoy outto011ip'rIs s' o'' 'l orilis bofy'0 boO irio-f re~ s lctosotaornof fle prase, asothough IoievyGoubbting'Trib"'-all Street ai tiiteof ts' loookolons'up?01he al- r i" s rpeloil manii lyva (leIknw Ipreisely swha lewantedl to' witho a curch vat oe etooasodla river ts'ooot is's'is o s-bitoo' So-- y e tickcuso'-.i ls cii tooe buroodsoily anood Olsn clotedstsb prciion a tofh r-the:ibesctkhonohalt mile this chis oe,'src-so0w 50.thOleesr eit- "etose-- o 0a0000.00 0elovedi b tut ithih-olting Ogarment of oords.But tintie soriilot-the fisooocoto 1heart of 000 0.00 favo ot .0- thev i.,' ich s I oot l 0 t ' losofhi t is 0100lilty whiochois lis greatetfIAmieria itno t of tore isrse. In a detsoiorif00heu'colls o-os 0 s r n'ndsncre4 0vlu sossoilsanscen oanil sbtle fori.ciy oil iross-s, fhele . l Sret cross-i totooo'~ea, t - isil" ..ow:T oo . 1 110 0oah~ ri lsassofiii'a forimula,iispite of its ionso i 010-- -- ierosiog. It is prlesentosvoloos:ie o1 his pai iliiOaiii"oomnooiprsces asdo tbiliy. Prhaops sc at ito s,, 0-00 sy faol eoek-day A. 1'f,. 0.10 s0bll0l n0 s-olup or iooomsO'ne.iis best to throwos'pilofle criical o too-the-o Iou osrs of iswelve ano two ostoon 1 o.a Solos 'uuoo ~' ~rs' .-r - es--so so rios itooeoo'ulooa', oandolcsoto-ss criio's atroo i ll( - seroo,whecnisceo'tooiee> 00 0000 t M:=-n .00N-o oo s 000viedS aogrouoaoo ou 00b Syoig hooto. Coptptari isit ten 5 ogsrarphelrs, clerkstno excutivss, -oi.~0it c s-so " -es'sv:osi feyos. 'hs'i yroose'froris aobl bos aooawo-oithio. re0100es-ntingsosme of fle best lookinog 't'h 0001: 1-001----nilSad00e', r ! 0 ; tlO0500y Riso-I '500'Jo: Prurge ,ondolbhst doessed nen and iol oroin i hltItlt~ih11~it l48ti8lhlllihlItllilhhlf~tlih~hlllllloi7iillte3tltllltlflltllltlthhf~i~iitll[hlltll ltlllltllllhl~lIlll1Ill 11111 -'-liillYok 0'llare o s out oo air odaiys -msake010 Boad Sreet is1005lsnger tpreset to thrlthfle visitor. Its toss- - loop5505 one-itale btilhlseoory _ot its soutinog gisiculing Orosg _ =, ill bong remaoio. The presence of ITo A=iTrinoty Cuorhlon00 the wsst stoe of WIIITE SWA=,Slroadway whre it commnsl a viow of Wiall St ee bos lb oottoenof smor- aits to qoote Sloe Biblial text about -the imoposbliolty of srvinog Cod and -mamnmon The chimoscofoilold Triniy erg '. Wring out clearly and ditincly abtove ".ira+__'the of te traffic ,and in the sore -{qutiet losss of te night they cano be tic-sd for a long distance p IBroad- -w0ayRobert fFolton, Cattain Janmes GLasvene and Alexander'Hsmiton _ are a fov of the anous dead who rest in Trinity' shadow. The finan- =cat district in a favorite secion for the story writer. Edwin Lafere and Frank Norris to mention only two / a n u n ce m-t -r author ssho have dealt more or 'Watc for nnoun ement-=Mtss with affairs of "The Street" ^{= Pr- o n City Halt Park swith next week by White Swan tertrnso urighmnt r V _povde an ever changing tanorana extr o rd n ar , in t res .. =lof ie 550saper Rosw'.now or ooe- of extra rdinary interes sohlaf brskens sp by fle departure of O = hio Trbuneouptowvosrealsho le nws- to every student and resi- _lisoRithrardHlHardig dging Grasis, Sme in peryy y =HopinsAdas oad any ohers. _dent in -CA].nn Arboru It's an lre 'also is thienrance tosBroolyno t oridge SbWlot ssoescosier istoe ast L r d in i n ov tio .i oi'ost oinsprig viesw of the city _astounding innovation.y-standing ool b heoBridge so osoloorw by wsnowooesuntil the wsolooe -mais's sOans out in hold relief, a e- 1-sloe f-iryland of feinkling and hft- oneg eolorslTennysn' omie about r^ R E T T IN G !-jd- eI htohts of London flaring like a otdreouy dawn" would have to be re- EX EC RE T H NGv-ystd beoet could b applied to this 1hrdge itself howe-ver, someone has written: - "I hve seen Venus flare up ike a shp on firs over this iio of the Indian Ocen; -'I have seen Orion dangling ike a W _WMTE SWAN ! I trapped fly -: in the cobweb of the Brooklyn Bridge. Not far from the City b-all is that ='great gray sonobre building, the Tombs y B-I pr ison. Connecting it with the Crim- insl Courts Building is the passage- -way mentioned in many a story as -I "The Bridge of Sighs." Those seeking ® = the darker side of its find it here. _ The Great East Side where "the seething nossoes" live has such wvel known places of interest as the Chef- to, the Bowery and Chinatown. The _ I student of ethnology walking along (Continued on Pa's Six)