SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 We Hear From Our Chicago Four Poems LEO NIEDZILKI CorrespondentSa De Has Good Time; Wishes We Were There 'Ti useless Chicago-sur-Lac, ability of the Drake became oppres- a bull forbidding students orgies at I tell you-stop! February, 1924. sive. Barcin suggested the Entertain- De Bri~les. He was hastening to Ike a while yet. . . a while. March, 1924. ers, but I was not equal to several Bloom's where he had a conference have tong had in nsind this eon- hours of Boston Store perfume, cory th Htrold Beti Wright. White I You have hounded me ever since munique from the world's literary bantic mulattos, ogling octoroons, and as motoring later I saw thest sit- sy eyes opened to the light center, but events deterred, and now n aughty Nordics, we compromised on ting on Lotado Taft's Fountain of of day, and as the season closes I will attempt to the Stables where the is self-styled 'Time in Washington Park. Hecht was your disjointed bones satisfy She longings of you inhabitants atmosphere as the devil, where the ehed on St. Paul's head and is ever in my ears - Stop! Stop! of -tha outlands with bits of gossip waiters dance, and where the or Wright was on Aphrodite's knee-they current in te most sacred ruelles. chestra does not play for Victor re- were engaged in a heated argument I will not befriend you, As I became retrospective, but one ords. Barcin consumed a flask of on the aesthetic theory of St. Thomas you bastard son of Sin-not yet. thing I regret- that our divine Mary Bordeaux Extraordinaire and when I Aquinas as evidenced in Getting played Salome in Detroit. I cannot reproached him began to quote: Gertie's Garter. No! leave me bring myself to attribute the perform: On my way home I stopped at Les- and Pleasure h ance to the liberality and esprit of the "Haette Gott mich anders gewotlt, chin's to view an exhibition of Chi- Leave me to know Detroiters. The opera is taboo in Er haette mich aners gebaut so hosicry, and at Capper & Cap- and befriend them Chicago, and in Chicago: "L'Art-c'est per's to purchase some ear muffs. It Leave me to woo moi." The only explanation is that When I left he was quoting Verlaine was late when I arrived home, so I and wed them the Michigan-dwellers were ignorant to a pretty young creation from Wil dined lightly on partridge and an- Leave me to their of the nature of the work. Like Paris mette. chovies, after which I picked up a mercies and graces. . . Leave md of the old world Chicago is the only Jevnes displayed an excellent col- sue of Tessii to tarevitly - La to their false names and graceful adept of debauchery in lection of sketches by Felician Rops Vierge Acablee. One line: "Qu'iin- painted faces America. She jealously guards herin January. One chef d oeuvre con~ pole er pusso farosictse s'its st Osi laurels-nemo me impune lacessit. If sisted of three straight lines and was faire in tel bie" struck me with such and then-sse day, Detroit was shocked Chicago still re- labeled "Pessimism in Despair." I e:'ee that I went immesdiately to bed. svsn att ttis stalt taIns it. was overwhelmed by its intensity. wecloyie I met Ben Hecht today in the Old -. beg to remain Ainuttya Ge pisisides ofrttwith Dutch Room of the Tip-Top Inn. lie Vtre tres humble, ties obeissasit, like hemlock painfully vague promises of return'- ct tres fidele serviteur and lethal wine next seasonMy. Gyod! must we jour- was downcast because the President ci NotoNesocknexti rAn-of Northeastern University had issued Ezra Demi-Li re. Iy ho r iicter tsr SA-'itll catt you back ie Lsaurie!"" and we shall go In the meantime the city is still spinning i governed by the laissez-voler policy- TN e w Ydown through infinity the subway is as muchs as ever an N otes Y ork stand chaos ethereal thing - the Illinois Central in tight embrace continues to darken our magic sky- But not yet-not yet! line -pennies sre coaixed from schsuol WVARD ALLEN HOWE children--school boards betake ttet- Probably the est short description color shifts and varies with almost AITING-FOR WHATT selves and their iouseholds to St.htA-a t H rot New York is that by William magical speed. ears ago Moritz and Chamo>nix --- the Temple'Yuakdm t at BeShowalter who labeler it "the cosmo- What is it about New York that at- Yostasked nie to wait. Bulldinsg is cusmtseted - Bud is its. the years ace gone, Clark street - at the College Inn polls of civiization---the metropolis of tracts this ever increasing legion gf thundering down the Semitic revrly holds sway under the 'mankid." Ward Price, a velt knswn writers? What do they find in it to mpty halls tanaliingIsaon f stssnsJun ....English writer, ons a first visit to the tanntalizing baton of Isha nes- in i isite spur their pens onward? The o- of the dull remembered past, Northwestern University co-eds are i fnited States n 1920 said in an inter- vious answer is that it is the inagni- and now view for the New York Times that selling one-quarter piece bathing suits New York is "a city of bewildering tsle, the complexity and the shifting I fold my thin dead hands to swell the fund for the rehabilitation kaleidoscopic scenes of the citys over my sunken breasts of demoralized professors-Mrs. Pot- gotrsts. o a rarithis daily life that constitute its most pow- and stare understandingy ter Palmer XIV appeared at Onwent- with English labels-an international erml attraction and help to make it at the cobwebs and sia in jaguar-skin hosiery patchwork with an Anglo-Saxon one of She most fascinating cities in dust on the faded walls But yet another star In our crown! fringe." But whatever descriptive the world. Could the peripateticseen of my life, Duse-delle belle mani-gave atmo- phrases critical writers may apply to Nai- Y o Al Ithd have een New York he would hve encountered yt sphere to the Auditorium. For six it, none will deny New York's import- sights that far outrivaled tho'e of I sit here waiting. . . dollars I sat in the thirty-seventh ance as a world center in industry, his natIve B'gdad. A areful and You asked me to wait. row, Of the play, Ibsen's "Spettri," I finance and the arts. observant person who will persist n cannot speak. But I saw her hands! As a field for writers New York is ly roam the streets and by-ways of A SUNSET I dined last night at the Drake with especially famous. It has been fi- New York with arrectis auribus and O Mister Sun a young composer, Barcin Tavanez, a tionized again and again. Few auth- eyes wide open can not fail to secure You need not burn my tender skin protege of Schoenberg. lie is a rhyth- ors, seemingly, can resist the tempmaterial and impressions that will be and throw your prickly beams mic maniac. Unlike Schoenberg and tation to lay at least one scene of their of very definite help to any literary at my eyes to make me know Varese who are inspired by the charm- productions within the limits of that ambitions that he may have. Opin- how much you hate Ing dissonance of a traffic cop's entrancing city by the Hudson. And ions vary as to the relative merits of this world of ours. whistle; an auto klaxon, or a steam Sb result. of their efforts have nut various sections of the city with re- crane, he haunts La Salle Station, the always been of a very accurate nature. I spect to their literary, inspirational No tister Sun Armitage avenue car barn, and the Ernest Harvier, writing i the New and atmosphYc qualities. A neces You need not torture Congress Street Elevated for his elan. York Times, tells of a young girl from sarily limited and brief discussion of Wilkesbarre, Pa., who lost her way the more prominent places of Interest sie so cruelly After listening an entire week foron the Bowery and asked a policeman and locates that are often used in to make me understand- unique sounds to emanate from the for directions. stories of New York life will help to construction work on the Edgewater that the metro- I knew it aeons ago. Beach Annex, he returned barren to o you know anything botbearut the assertion New York?" asked the officer. polis is a very prolific hunting ground his studio with the resolution to con- a-. only yesterday "No more than one of the writerst for writers. fine himself to railroads. His playing "NIoeta n ftuewiesfrwhes Mister Son bingisutoisatonds.glyHxtnsayivegof New York fiction stories," answered f;First, consider lower Manhattan,MIsawryu brings out his astoundingly extensive the young girl sadly. that is the region below Fulton I saw you ear. One can actually smell the dis- calu u ftees harmony. a e played for me his The tendency among writers, espec- Street, the old dead line beyond which crawl up out of the east Apres-id. dsnfer and or of hially those who gain their knowledge no crook could go without pain oft rubbing your sleepy red eye. Apres-Midi d'Enfer, an odor of the city through the newapers rest. It is a region of surpassing (I felt sorry for you) amaranth and asphodel pervaded the - ftect hoghtenwppr and films, is to overdraw and o interest, historical as well as tres- But you were soon awake. salon. Every sound from the screech- emphasize, a habit which In some ent-day, for it is here that the city You stalked majestically Ing air brakes to the locomotive bell cases has reached to gross exaggera- first came into being as an insignifi- across the blue expanse of heaven was reproduced, - visions of porters tion. It is no easy matter to present cant little fur-trading post. From Drinking in the colors and conductors tripping with cadence a true picture of New York life or Battery Park is obtained a superb of the worlds that step in some enchanted garden be- even a segment of it. The city is view of the harbor its waters plowed twirled about in a tween dawn and sunrise. constantly changing. Old localities by shipping from every port in the senseless whirl Our dinner completed, the respect- are transformed over night. Local I Continued on Page Five) (Continued on Page 8)