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February 24, 1924 - Image 6

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(Ctn'intaeit frot'oP aa ive'
NIi', ico in an odce, a sor.'.oria
factory, or by teaching tniy, coher-
ence, and eniphasis to coltege rs-
men. Andi when e gets through with
his days work and is reay to read.
he has no time to ae elaborate
prepar ations-or even sinpe ones. He
does not have to be soon-ed, btt
the path of his inquiry shouttd te made
smooth, and that is not done sufficient-
ly well of "Ancient Man in Britain."
Yet were t asked to reconsmenda
better book on the subject...
well, I'm thinking that Air. Mackenzie
lhasturpassed his peers, if nut int
(Continued from Page Osi)
in dull. Why, it is too tco'itplex amd
too layrinttise in design. El'per-
ence, speritiposeid ot c alien ,im-
pressiontioaer ipression. It asiors
all te interesi andtiingniyot' han,
to tate ottthe trsntttmioentisitd
to discover how mainy patn rs
sionastar it. We are ineectias.Pto
iimtgiit"'s. lititpt of wa: andtIwhin
eve e eher or tink tic iel.iwc
sttmp telperetilo iieith''otught
" as i we twtre snakinig as iipe-itat
with ttie seatitf a ring." Tte fascin
ting tting is that we cannot keetini
mind separatety all tte ififeetimitt
prints; for one tends titatiterate
the other; but ever at the mst oddt
times ooe old forgotten figure show
itsef and we are startlead. We cannot
explain it. We are convinced it was
originated, or inspired by God. ]low
can living be dll when there are so
many old things to recognize, o miany
old old friends to appreciate?"
A cursory vies' of Ameiciait senti
ment revealo a soft affection for asun-
cular reationshtips. "U'ncle Reitus,"
"Uncle Toni," sitd "tncle Sait" art'
the leading exanitles.
"For the beginning of pride iin:
Anal lie that keepeti it till sicr
AntI whtat is si? JWat i evii?
"Whatt'ver srinig friti scakine
Pride is at bakwardl glanceandaies
when os ot'tmpilit arsiiise'lfsitIthatt
which asnea behftra.Butitpluwac
teontiun a nd ttuierae ofi'eit -
being) suffers one only to apire. lTiis
gottoanunsswill stt ailuittifaprin.
When, therefore, Glton sas:'"'lTe
betsec'utrity for tdiscr etitai1thle
caiitc ofictint antg that t' lient''-ia
thing to reveal" ("A Critical Oserva-
ttiin art tte 6thtlhootatai ftheii'A t'o.il''
iteste noit tilytat iic'rt'ionis ina
sinful thing.mitained b y eviii di-
vices; and that goodness very pos-
sibly in indisc ret'?
Ovidilrelatedtis timuitiitudinious stot'
ies to mhesits a sinpicity and at
seriotinness of titotght whichli sne-
tranciiig, antIheliiiterplattistetn
with iie'ditationastitci ansoldl mnit
a statuei"caitith'edi. jWhat a csu-
preme delight to tilnotter author
unsophisicated, unonsciots of i
(awn Wig,
I notedi sie short setenceorethil:
'Nam. genius et proavos et que on
facinius ipsi ix eti notrttvocon." (For
ansa tote andilac'tstry anthtta ieesn
that othlerstatiotrsects havetine.
I call thotse in no true sense our one."
Metatnorphosea XIII:14f).
t is a prevalent lit illogictlvo-
clusion that one Is civilized because
lie lvis ini a civilized istiaittitity.
Mhut' trofoutndtsttul ii it'itsy
"'flic ointtitiitty in civilited etise
1 lisa' iniit," -attdlte asiertion iwout lit
lime it'Iruthlfulain'wel.

A itatitiwho stnsitislf ataritIfros
laisnesigtittorassaldre'tains tniacntly
aloof trou thteatibtcautn'eihe iithiks
hinsnelf too 'aell ettucatail toin ttgle
iwittite herd isinI thtiic dlutitnt
tie iagines he has ititec;tt h le
genius of the panal. anidk in it i.tut

posn'sision ofathe tim hutn atan
titus iii' n'. huhsixtycentiesi'i'narie
itirely' a thtiltf: heh~a'stoleitn tll 'mty
Outrne, lzain-nrNidol-n
Pietst' iolevitia perfrmti and'iti i
noiei ittisetcat listeur made.situ is i
discvaeriesortat ithrauss coitposted
-'Saloime."' Ie'shoaldlushtinibefoire
these maines. situ lbe'forctoidonie
if atlinitetllyien iiit o le'rtin t t'dni
tic lying.
t tiasimtintg mitt thentfls
t)in to wrtiite to lilafriin'oHltoivilin
iii ilic't theappeinarn'etat lils ''le-
'tlint and ' itliaoft'he ltoaisit 't tir m"e
"Yoir m t'aist ttaaiot you'idtts.
tet th, hatmy hok ilcalecteutaintn
lt e woif tuu -iT Iiiatti s a tt chlot'ii
ian sis otit ont'fitait lii' andtt hi ac-
'itseslfmhatoaii'elev a t i on orth-
toi atputil valltery''t Sunt hei'not
crintinisatin toisee Ilila intinint'
uisirteid readetl et' tator? It, in
ua natul-A1'isuilitt itat aliishul
bei leve''hils wirktchooagodfor lthe
scorl.t. 'Vialt i hakiespetire' tietn
in thte Ilitsntittthenttihe sanid:
"Nttc shall Denthit brag thou wan,
der'st in Iliisshade.
When in etecrnl linen to lime thout
So long as ten can breathe or
eyes can see,
So long lives lhil anid this given
life ito thee,"
tin thei'oilier liattitwattforces
iotes to record their tlhoughts? It is
truly no thing other than a pa-a'
fur famtte. ''liiartgumaent" 'artiforti'-
akle" in lie. treattor crcatles ectatse
vt-tusfti' Ititta i 'ciats , eying i

caiinot antler to think of annihilatian
lit' tdesis a tiny recognition o? 3
tnate a worthy recompenise for t-
isecy of life. Gibbhon's sntene he'
caias meatningful when we apipreciate
thiat it is a. sigh of tdespair--that sat
islitauting the hopes fior success
and torsrntt kindly ceader. the tact
knitws failure to be inevitable. "My
iticok twill tdecline lints the world" -my
finest etideavors antI ity aspiratio'n,
sill conie isonuuht-

C,~. ,'i' a"canal'mnr'
apt' ii' teaga tienmorir,
'-s-it) tircap.a enel sae!'a
p no iniii art ale alarm'.,
M "y fr;{'tnds Schilier anal Davith
j tr~i'i , certinny had ome reason
far lbeic lament over theis tpoveriab-
azeat a? lit' by the triumtph of tnonso-
tt -am~. With an unearthly Goal, antI
Aaneainsensible Divinity, min
r ootJ1nat fail to lanenaucti of hris

C-Ut lowers- - -
Trhat add color an-d
atm-osphere to a home
whether it is a sorority,
Jfraternity or private res-
T25 E Litbe'' ~ tl ~ ,'

' i rar r rrrr rr rrrr rr i irr r rrri wrrir rm r"


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