The Forgg-ing'O£ A oer
Personality 'Voiff uls
TEMPER byIa r re IH. rra~t LISLE ROS E character: oo insight which coltboe I shallnver consof to rie in an
lodd, 3ead & Co. $tf12.. given 10 no othe ay.- ootoooooho--tncannot cmptromie my
Temper to a wel-rounded nmel. iyoung toide. Gradually hewors It neigh, seem, too, to those noo- ideals thaiway. I love ntre too well
Ihatnay scent a trivial comment t 0fo orhpo oc ndgt s(qanits'sth oth te loonYthat theousec loe life, hate to-chines-They -say
Thke toufromhertoist stttsfacionof thelo uje ttoe 'stye is le to lut youngo fast, anttim is money"
matt; ht tereis o -, rtonin teielIthru iimysticisn, too 'd(strenth l the It 'ory-ciolessodeadt Such I sy t(witho my teeth go-toing) :'Pr-
inoing an artistic combination o the born o1 the acceptance of his lot tool is not the s -oe IcoTempeiis cetoiited cisly te reason I shall neer in-
two apparently antagonistic attitudtes
which have (domoinaed fcion for te;a onofiodencelthtfram hinmsetloonhis ith novemiotiithsoohyosiIoccu tOs~r uge" Their spe'o is tteir curs
last generation. Oe school of authors happiness nmutbe' secured. Theb c1 retires a11 ortraye-d "atly andb1viv it is sw-tot keps ridrs fron noticing
bos tended to layotsres-s on enviraoi trt boxs emingly broken hm to i, 00010, dr Coorbn'o 1ot1hlos co-ater 50000anoter aodl what dotetrmies
nent alone, the other onthde slt !wil;ottoftosoleft -its masrk oncilbotilis tt o i 10 0Itte0-ogOitIoysalntseteeotoa
aloe. r.Conad ffctsa sitblebod ad hs blifs:buthehascon sii.toglif'etlot'e1fctory;te maskes itis,octpprecite it. Wl(tohinks e
atne ot. ~nro efet asotabobox'tolhs eies:luthjbo h00iom fetoe locoostot.tclasho betwvencan take owidomono the fi', or tner-
recotociliation,givinig 10toth otlioct'iotterd loxgaining in theptoncs s ion 1doma ioe; loeshsoowts te stoodigfrom ithe stofac of tings?
anod tteinodixidual'soonincoteoe-;le--c unoetanodiog of hs enviraon xstggeofbooaes towto emptlotee,!Aniton ooe-ah!' Wo t ola t-
sirs's antI volitionsoo peoroc'due 005 001 ls eltow tost.000 i and 'loioo'oesiio 00o'wotn"ii 0 -ctooooto oitiodeatl,.oilo00 ttii
'Tit' stooct-consisttsot Pal'oieliIt5'ofAtt tolato'e sriots-trong ottod 'uco-,-teoly ftooltat oek n toinone f o te soke ofa,o siver-tiecet-No
struggle foratodefiite personlitfortolo bocoatuso'e itrceives and onoy0 o o 'noo Astoa oatbb too n ot ooos nIIt00
ion adojustmoentof timsef to xteinal reotoottebotottr o -e o 10d ofte00--a 10aooonits sia s -x itnci-t oodlbawoexin oute rooto, aoctetit I
forces. M och ot theo volooc of theo' of ';6 te 00wil. I lo-halot' rI-cootI'to ot ccaltictoasocouitl tbe oowis eo.T hIte rtes"
lootk ies in Mt.CoInoradols recognitiono thuoooelgo-t obditoene CO 000ItotZrtIttoooottt000 vooot-os 001ooomo tociatl0'Loni-n
of osllttti t eventItooot oeotx 00'toys ro ar sboiaotote tonto mos oft-OLeO o ootoyocoenaiott"eoutid Ano
Ottechic[ttlooogooooo' oooy Ito'to-mood "t Cfooratothas emoyed, oootot Sot oottt -os st Ing 0 tteof iscton wxllottnd ot afraid." 'ea Tostooogdid inot
tee LC-SoSsooy fti-otparol o i tstot wtilt sob vioo'osy tte logcal 1m0etod '<t ~rool ' a ,n 0 00ntha; kowAnoolo tro le 'wos oot ta loyto-
lectandooobject. Wheore Sheila INaye ot Ito-tilooot;ottx ,te subljctve' 000ltto. 010 tooin itotoig too toe diolic
Snithto rto e' ampottle, ogies nstoo tloco too sx a We ast-a a otloth g tlti'toolgtt Tc-otc 00 0 r is00,t 00 005 t otoo, nollcunsof he tooe ot te 'tos otilo: rtar
toonoloof Itoc indtivioduaol soooooil tn i al t hod Roos oseyes 'ITre it0 istoa olo~ t'oot-tootdqut= oci;a dtltis box ogasoohteoa sffereer tring to mitniootl-e
oythe deovasoootating victory w00 on y the lut-thtoaoItotohbos itso danger005rnome Ostt- tetooidactis-e art'jlos poaslot-odoeprcoiat igis ader--
utiverse, Mr~. tonradotltoos show'tn towo o toig.aotthe, toe 0 char-c-tros{cus omtoost itoohtink ti. It iooploiooEoor-s--ocity. His owas t ht o ovo-
Iisa-oracters mtiots000bohieldotare.oimmedandartly, it m000 e,00 -th to ooktoshos logcontviooingly- j oht-hooo'I sithtouotgt, flooedat ooit
to -ctoitot t oadyta a t hlpto miatl it taco lized. t70ktsincoe so-abhoiev ht o toted cients ilo c- ootionob- toearIcos: ano hte triet o escapetotosol-
th icmtne fhslf.IaI to-e10totul Ioo-Ii wooo tnot-gs tohe looonchrctrand thenvroonttnt---- poeston ty ossrig 00 lieyo oleni--
tool' ofcoourose, tas the autuhor wouldtotecoofatte story ses clearand trhoe0-olIt-si atrly treooe.'oiotnrhy
noot stisb ooe to, platcing emper in te eelhis finalevalut ion othfle iret hfltilto tenoveit omustlae ii))- t\MaximooGorky tells toatiAndrieff's
compltoete coooparooison wtfho Boosox toe correct. Colonel f. 'd Dudley, 000rtialty, firmoness, anod sophitico- nontfaoreod poet toas Edgar to.
Gorse or 'TheRetorn of fle Native; eondt Smithoare, Ose know 00 ptflly tonoro00'it tisoourely boobooto old Ie ofteonenionedl fle delicate, bOn-
1 iom, boos'vo, suggesting that Mr.0" weakan- d astabbo as IPau t ttle lst; that sophisttication cd firmonoss are aptreciateo Amoeicano gnisano re-
toonad has proeeoted to-bat we aneperneOives thens to be, A seconod a p- nconpatible. Temoper, it semioos to qunfly rnarked flat Pitetoas one
coming to soe- is thoe comporehensive arent source of terib is the uooosr-0000 00 lackinog in neithe coooprelo n- m an to-to soffered fromo life like Do
and truthful vie't of humnan life, a ta inty, at lest early in te booka sivenss of cooteption nor firnoesof Vigny, aod(tlBauderair, and Leopardi,
vie onws-is takesaccant of hotlh th0 to whatI evetso truly ocea, and wohat execution. It omanifestsf a ool and I think that Adiff, hiiosif, mu0t
-great factors of existence. It is e- resiode merely in finolli's imagna- reasoned viewe of human nature, an e included witt the pathetic ots,
cause we are matte to apprehenod tion. Nverthieleos, the reador's brief~ insight into contemporary Aneican And what about Wiliami Blake--and r
clearly not only the imomense, 't first doubt in fooly comoopensaed or ooboytfle deas and tndencies, and the con- inagine Enily Dickinon, for all bor
overwhelming, iofluene on Rinelli of increased insight afforded into Putasnand of an appropriate style. optimoismo, i- akin to theno.
the factory tohere e torks, hot also*"+
the persistence and final triumph oftAPRECIATION BY REMoEMo-BRANE
the nan's own self, that the philoso- I'ut vrcnpewt uco
ployof empr rigs rit, fwood-ane," Mageoto and I recline
Its author is to he all the morej in fle gardno the high sone all
commended because ho might easily-f shutting us off from flestare of
hascrflng intheoithe eng r of oh-passers-by, It in dst in an Agu
mergng lin hro n th weler o jeving and fle air is so baloythb'
ircuoostance. Indeed, the first paroth eetalgrra u~ecmot
of fle book portrays jut this, Rine- Ithe caly sallowgor llowqutecs ofow
whe toAtnspsicamteyounged itoh all over my soulder. We have ben
iaginAtionantherx lose oi:reading "Supira do Profodis" by
mnindatconoe ts xpto ca od sf io heEglsmaThomas do Quincy,
noin, cooosto Atenn an is lu and we0 bave been continually in ct-
intooa000ecistence for whichhet ,y-not-luw ld' he inc lc
oouby unprepared.. Not only is Ith BeanQhocyouan'toberuoe m-
a foreigner, buf when ho goes to workl bracing one at fle same momentI
in the auoomobile factory too is Iti /Nw we have jut fi.sed the little
living to a dreanm world aware that ho thought about the P.linpsest, where
is on the wrong track, bot prone ItuIorpotflstht"vrasigly
alt sorts of msttakes toecause hio ,'~enofiastoge elnshv
ense of reality is bluntod, At firs /4. fI0 allen tuton to brain sotly an light"
he gives himosef up fo all the suponr "'.,oIot is a beautiful conepton. It recalls
ficialities of Aneicanlf; he tot- to mOy mind another hocppy experience
totes the words and hoabits of his el- - of a different nature, wh-ico I enjoyed
low-workrs, next of lot foreman, ;eea er
then, epanding of thebiratos'earsfsago in taly. I was
fheo, - ~oauttig, o thebig os s. te ~ ~ ~ '~ owalking aone casually aloog a rural
evencomnes under' fle swayg of the Rfo- roadobano chncd upooo- srangr-
looytoeal symbolized ty one Sotifto. ' --poet wheototoas reading while hotas
otdevote of Dcis-on So-ett Hardcn '1 trlin.Hs aeIlare -tr
an-PronltyPus auvislysws Utotini (thouogh I dosnot believe
quie a bit of ability 1o pottu ~t-hi "per- i te toan related to thoe passionate old
son'alily" acros.-suond to all aopsar-gooonih-othigcooa)'loobo
atncs advtances forantonfle roaod too on oi oao o ralo- a Tnhe bone
famse, thrn the organizing skill he containing soome of Plaotot's dialogues,
noanifestsin t a social bettermnto anod toe had been porsuing thoe Tioeoe-
cheme, Later he discovers float ha
has been used as a coofopooxeby boot- tu. heIcaeiphewshnk
boy~~~~~~~~~ ~ noUsoetydte ignn0'in g; and whlieosaw ooe toe burst
ley nd olonl Lnd, he ig mn Jouf asking fervcotly: "Gbhnoy friend,
toebind floe project. --by Doorothoy Soototcot ( frioonob,doout noot think it is riodicuooso?
Theon conoes his returo too the Ian- I1.5 Notperson could possibly think living
long in orderbalie mtaooy supoportbois A Cl.;-'r om'ketc-It (Continueon 00Page Six)