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February 17, 1924 - Image 4

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flQM Fouat



09 1 rian1

said. Anld as forhis 11 lotie
is tll T( cne11llt 1st erSelin~i
or i eoher aleonetha.i. ?z'51
ci ty and sonlidiiess I lie oiche11r11
tis of 1th e Sinni-io sympllionios
tire, bliea'riy all conducsiors,1 well
nigh radlically altered. Air. Stock's
cntire' re orchlestration oif 1110 Ihirdl
Symphiony is ill itself 1a malsterplliece.

' ::i l r'o til', l ix..j 1 1i1 50e1 theet-
11 i!;J ithe 't iitl' 1 1 1111
i.'. 'fluilitti lla '~mi"sn-ant-
it:T't ll".Tit' any ti5 iioit:' holn'hoit-
stiiiii i' Nighlt's>Dreat.-' 'fits S-tier-'

Iin: t ..ri , -.1f tu 1 is nti so.
1111, su o, s wontderftully
iaissying nd t cmleite. a whole con-
trih ~ ',i i iivel iii'theliager'
liiies t iii lii i it the tnoton that the
motif maks ea'i-tisotnnet
slilts is i' t itotititisanobjtutihionabile
lii iilits liiiheuhrtileth sonnetI, in
fcfill whi i ich ith1111'llow-ing lines
are, totie, reindlits 11111'of1nolting so
iitchl as a Sliaiiesiti'oiian tolinsonian

Tii'l~tstt ititoti' ie ~ itzo'l illiry1111 191ii'(- s110111e ill- 11 'She los's ir1st b ti'eI
ntiieett~si flitriisa'lsll tiai5itssoiti eleis al ili hi Oloii Iit n.11110toiind. Mgiti Is. Olin's. like Wetb- Ii Si' hier the-n
fitnal itllie'aotIe r~-o tt'. Arth1110 iiicu:ihIeicteiltoeifreaentmsey softsal' ir a ttatItot tei'llli': B isii'b ~tii iis h
iii' Te i~i ,1 s os' ii fetnef to~t'sht an111i il i 11111 liio is Itii tsielf, stshould i'hslove,
aiattuc r a anis i lii' lO Th --11 10!1 iffs SyritCiiiitis are turf iii'iii bintg gte at. it lis exei'itll Tt- 01 -- ii1111Il eto t'ie ii- lu s
1clirl11a n he111' tmfr m i tigittal si-lit I t 11iiiisit lie Ai tatiliIIilo0eileto pto'aieeilii'rillovesi
i-siiiteig. 'ie irl iiltt iM'r.firilioissh iiieiii" fliii'or- o toel-i' te sfecitito tie' lieivin- S titit iat iittot oe
t-niitediiiofiithe llicib-'Abosrt r"Iittle e lie st Oilti adiequatie, fir s ily Sotirmonis if 'itioth orilovr
Chioralie atnd FugtuiSeiiuiiniits tialy-s re th ile ioubtlini- oftif 110are tmtusvtd,
Fourth Symphtiolny,11011the Filth Con-' ii 'sssi'lo 11'111i1 Ii performitngtie "Lia Gazauara" Antdiiy ter teaty ar' stisainitnr
cerlt of Saint-'tai'ti-' After liii'inter- ie h tii-soio i le' hs~~ Ovt I art' tiuli-i lIstt oii(ruedlhiii-' stie n
other tilefollireit Soiittof aensthe11'Cellorot.x sill iolthe Iiix, t -scilass lit listener. TIeiearih tails foithe 11'un05 istis
l~lonc Pem ":~nl~hlc 'sSPnilii ; 'h, ain-SIen Cnceto ihiliIt is a flolish, noisy-'piere stithitn1- dispriosed.-'
Whe, ccz rmitirdls is' 111 1111 10111ralllI'(10011 repetl'itionls. At any Aftesr all, such Ott ienitistso1 11ifh-'
mheu'sic -tro rtiIitigl nsrtohseoe-'ittitersn' ollexcuse fur eninilg hismitllof realizatiion. If 111111 a foss'of
ottile 0 'Midnmttt NigtisIi wr-i-tt1111.1Iti 11svert- rarely iheatrdt, ltit 51 w111uth aItt helili c111e115pest kind itthose s-catteredl sonnets sthicht itte--
ani lRo'ii is'La 110100 ; L olra" Oserapitaitentlls'there is a justiflible ri-a-'IfitlCiiieih'110oresaof ell 's--chllgllgiir,1
ire, son tot 1t. Why IIt.. Shattuckiechoise ist 1 1 ltitli-lh 11'1111o i11 iiil~rillie111 ihiisolt
TI'hewRih-Absort 5war1dtiilA tilllttis pitee15s aequestioun. tertiap b' Mir. UGiiriiosiisch's calibure. If'ontiniued 00 loge Seven)
beh i ' 10' tssei, ex-selt forl jw 111 ' net1110 1 1 rtsoi fir the salie' of tli' tiisas 1110ve-
thuat it sos si-ll playedil'Mr. 00111 it nient0 55hiiihi affoirdshollir'uniitty toe
wsitsc-h's 1brass sectitinluilsof lte, ua ttchniqte display-. 'fle first ni mu___________________
not belen as puerfect as it usas sesverat especially- the seconul iiosellents ire
yours tago. It ws a ~rticuulrhr- - ite'minabile andl intleiriable"aso
iceul in thle twoulrecenut peirformiancees tilulc elressedit afis th i uc oncert./ e o tnie....
in Dit t ~i f Ru t lose i's -NinthiSt-i-ll-' 'thu It' isrs on' luuiug uanuhi-uitilu-';
phloiny.tutl hit 'hTieda.'suiit- 0-1111hilsI-tutteuuftter attithe, ililill uleil IY W a ch
as tile colncrtIomnci iuedh, one ucouldhb' a seiels oh fooishi, itli'1iltit-ntceadcddchnei h ai hi's-'r sIrass h hoae odFuu,1:'- nsc-ohigtnil nrntigthtoeT Escesu
t'111l'r o'.i'utt'y tillaruy, utuu'r iflR havintlg t hel mii - an or woom-an
toune's ianid perfec 11~~iilt intan-pliuhatili. 'l" last nittuietIl. houuwuver,... Lecognizes the inm-
thusre iserie. was of interest. It is not as elot-' otneo ucl
Schlttiutmann 1iuuu i iiluledl a sv'ry 01111pltue as the first i-toandulit at .lt.Yuilawy
great geiuis, Itur hi~tgllitytoptiun- heasthis Itianistic. This wsuphrarticlul-' be otime eiahwa
ies air' tauhhy iti'shus strui.te l w 111' ire' Is fiil olys pOlitiinit 9 11111' dItau o 'beo t mew ha
nes'orihhos, w ~il~ure-s hr -Tilti511-'form n iioptfiini lupn iir. hhalti'hs 1311 tOVAW\ATCH nIInlkalohe fh ra lvmle - ~ opsesart 011: ou ri
storks, is atusoluhely usitet, soutnuliant lerhtnilne.Iissal nu rleI-'
andl - raighl-' urv -aruh stuff. Schumianingin passages are untitially lear, unit Tkis BLTT.OVWTCHconibi te--
had a great sense otfIpersplective; he' iiis tuune is uarge wiithout beiiig ard. gTlite beautil~ gui aated c' -'rte
Ccrac. ikiastit.1-nershie a i
never luist his h~eadh nolrbecante eser-' It(o is of a neroruis tent Ieranlu'nl, ai ul -i and a'ur -$~
enthuisiastic. Ihis imme11nsely sigorous as a result ot thtat, his agitato lain~~ig °e-7Jee olets
1111051150511050e1almeatitig insteatd iftfiltled1on1e sith aunimtation. Mr. Shot- We have many other BULOVA Watches in all tylesandshapesfrom $20 up
suiggesting just tutre phtysiealhrnosve-' turk has ituen aecredteud with itnnyl#l-
meOnlI Iis h'ive'y1105i19('5 arehut iutavuuraeu characuteristic's shiichi
EGO 30th So. Butte
(Continued fromnPaeThree)
hotw very g-iterilywste leethuuatwe --%\liiuluve eyes ,too,-are' a race
of ' white' iers<ons t au1thtlaltilhe promlises of tile Itarriage C'ereonoly are'
suchI as miay ie Inuate rationally; and that it is a mnatter of cotirse urrange-' -77

to you; -andthitat it tiresutves jushte to execute a nmurderer, on1 thet princiite
that It-l homuicituea consitutles a maintenanre of whiat oIIe of theniuusets;
antI that it is huorus to mention certainl towsns, sucht as Oshkosh aund!
Kanklakcec; anid is somiehowi a'n excellenh jouke on anyone 1o hare a hatty or,
a Ilother-in-lasr;" ..- "
Wihsc icuae tiuetwrshmnid1eutr,"...I am afraid the truth is heing torc'ed1u11n0its 11101 man, after age hua
tired discernmuent (but some of us never tecl htle effects of -age!)I, can get!
but11litlhe delight front th~e companoflihu fellowss when in his soher senses
" This from a man s-ho lires at Dunibarton trange, Yirginia!
I am forceid tswonder swhuat the nmorose shade of his5 tone wtoulid he if he
lived in a place like thin, ho whlichl I have droppled. All I ran do is ho untle -'
In abject misery those verses of Ethos St~incenh IMilay's from a ploeml
called "Departure" in her last volmie of poemsu, The Htarpt-Weav'er ant
Other Poemts:
"It's lite I eare snhat patti I lake,
And where it eads it-a little I care;
But out of this house, hst my heart break,
I mutst go1 and off somlewhere.
"Itos ittle I lionw of what's in my heart,f
What's in ma'mndt it's little I knowss,
Anth it's little hI-areishere 1y1ftect gil.
"I wiishl I couilstwahk for ua hudayitin a night.
AntI itinu e at udassn in iadesoatelea11cc,
With n1ever thterot of a raad in sighti,
Nor te roof of aItotise, nor the eyes of a face.
''I wsish I coutlstalk till mitoitodlshottulspultl.
And udrhopimelOntoer In stir ain~t,
Oni a shiore Ituat itstwide, for thue tide is outh,
And the st-cdy rocks are tare tthle rain.
"Rut 1clu11 or rocki, sshere thte 111111 I talke
hBrings tip, it's little entooghi I care;
And it's little l' itn t hte fuss they'll illake,
Htudidledi Seoulin 0atditcht somewthere."


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