SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA. CF SEN'r-N i t a I s j i f I ,! I 2. NoSsoin ns injuY toyourclotes. Cn - er' s apha oes he# ork .An Caeu. teto ?. The bibliography is a bit The only means of realizing a dlance thinl.which would be weholly American is .i establish a dance-laboratory where I!tchoregraphies mayire vWorked eut Cfrosiderert from the clase rad! to their highest possible artistic at- inst'sbuttion side, the bo i5vr-tinmleti. To have sucre._a labora- interesting reading, especiaslly to lbs tory as tie Detrislaretis look iforward lad l.:l, Mr Basian as, ihu t0 estas init vsoild lie ti'C( S it any pretense ofritreroaery ocir , se to 105 theirt' schoo1lint sriith a dtone. tfrii"ur, anIAmericantibllo t is peoduced it "Ilt, b~irs te a compostrrite (Aottlire nose have,. till ' i:I tpreeset it is 'a erti 'rart, rod IsI11Vthrok it is tir leii" 10111 of ill rioe ohung or' frirrirrit. t iihs wbpthlo I is erlirhat 'n ccii sentlitr(la'cer.iitl501a1l , lied, Amrerrca will gsin arighfu z ~ utli 0 il, aftr piare in the wsorldl of art relating Is 2l ri r I~h t~i' ti +t 'i t .]t'It < t e lance. For instancliese's ''tere sar ' '1c1h'of iaietro- seeterl if isdr And thin neic i dt eotingr;3 ; n-- .tltreact yfr1 S' 1ren andit ~Ic ,Miimss l in irr''it, Editials w ' nd i'o frih P'robraibels eiii tvalrrihble tinig ini tthe booktea"' the laiyman's porrt cf veis rthe ri r'eessowilh whicrht ril these=oiminorrr ints ar' illustratert t etsni orgaie t1riers'sf racner.i siry fro n the profeisrsionarl itanld- point lie lie ritlsi mpiile Irrocess of trilling Inore p t ri 'i eih 'r'rsion. cur ther, Le' liv's E x'amrrtirofiiprop- erly iwritten stor,,ies leards roil ihetd- lines. MAGAZINES (Continued from Page Five) 110's folk story, "Princess Sweallow Heart." Amlong thle articles there is Hantlin Garlrtnd's "Pioneers and City Dwell- eri," in which Ie presents a brief for thi twntiethl cenutry tian to live in cities. Rutpert Hughes in "On a Cer- loin Condescens ion Towards Serials" proints out that thin condescension is unjustifiable from the historical and non-Amterican viewspoint, and even trout the American viewpoint at an earlier time. Thte evidence brought forweard in Marguerite H~arrison's "The Bolos antI The Arts," which is msto inforaming, provensthat the Bol- shteviks Ilave tby no means extermi- Personal attention clothes throughout cess. No slip shod will do here. to your the Vpro- methods 4. Absolute Safety Insurance covers every gar- ment. No danger from fire. Fabrics unharmed. Longer life to your clothes in fact. 5. Prompt Service One day service. Clothing called for and delivered. No embarassing dela-T. On time, every time. X1.215for c1 i-nip' m d -,-r~x V'ith ush cards, 10 i scom'n'. tcr ge -,count-s 'or frtert I CompanyLt Aitt rig tire mrrry gourd crapters arcetrited tre arts in Russia. Sketchres tur? n" ttpictros, Sii-Arrpters. sitd of sotne of the present-day Russian cdlt ions, bttt the sine I forundi rost abr- art exttonents, byy Usa Gomlrarg, illus- inching was thtat on roirne. Hecre trate the article, A critical essay en is the unradorrred and novely life of Frank Swinnerton is contrihtrted by the nes'papermran laitd tare. lie Thtomras Bdeer. weorti., it appears, fromr sun to surnTtre Literary Spotlighrt is turned Six to six. And still it's fascinat- rrpon Amiy Lowell. The anonymous ing. . . . author considers that :Miss Lowell's Mrt. Bastian is well quralified to prhilosophy of puritanism and of re- write tre book. He is at present copy tribtutie jtustice, and bet' longing for reader on the Chicago Tribune, which, escape, are tire motifs underlying as some one has said, is the World's nmtch of her wvork. Stephen Vincent Greatest Newspaper. He ban been, Benet selects the poems of the msonth again ts quote the jacket, "reporter, (Septemrher). managing editsr, part owner, libel In- vestigator, fiction reader, day and ''iet Midland toe Nolvemiber has nighrt city editor, and a'sistant Sun- three shrort strories of thse type gen- day etitor." ersily aptpearing intris ragazine. On sate at all troorksores, cr send Whrile readling themr, I reflected that ten cents to cover costs of pascking, a rcesantie rmitritistituireid to pee- mrailitrg, etc-F. W'. rise'goiftrrati'tit. Of thre 'oetms OilIi niiake ttrt tie rest of the isstre, DANSE MOTIFS PS.hunns"trertgthr of Grass" 11 trill' i 'tloit 'ire=,) Site test. exprres'ion to sitrme ICnate and'ii it tree li 'ititnl has aninoittredutan in- 5oinat feeling. 'lneic 'r1r0{r egitniCi ii roile n ~z :dsce'sitttire liot treseĀ°nit itny cetroll:ionus trirt ewli''errre tr-rrrrr'tg 55 Itlrthe Irriit- inted cl~oste o athotte iVi:+t. I ii i iiitln rrle ofritrir ~ ites itt at'ril stl ti i ire s t)r lirt an 1111 'llit t e ciTi1 N he 'o tIN. erir ii tltrof ail l ace' ctt et hrIri t I ' ttie rorthersi iittr trirhae' Ii~.Th sitlt (nli Situ1I~ tc iiti ti i tiiit ttfanc , W ais no et U n i t h isir i 'Ii L' SIt'.1ii."'Ite"i ^"r-n .15 'i'" e''r'' res11, V trle ittat- fi,?'. i til' cce~ii i ii t tii cii ti I(,i t fltc tim . I-,a t'otie 10eI C, i- :itl IIr l ro iii .iris 1irririatin ilYgh ir" tiec otie iri ht teillorse strtireart Stnit tre lastrcott sotat;i- z; 'tl o caiing lal rer t ert yeli )- 1, 1. a; hei iroarto a lsrirs 5ii1-t en'If irea lireossm rstiving ' rle iet 5 rtt ibbre 'i-nint col: .IIaI e tn rears nl, - 0ntd hvmnwss ' I .v. vw .,. ,. ,- -v.