PAEzOUR THE MICHIGAN DAi. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1924 the oet boed had."Ifno one pletely insane. Will no one believe D inner else wants it, may I have that ether me? I am ad! I say, I am, I am, j Tie philosopher continued to stare * . * A ur atv S tieat lbe center-piece with absent- Now they will, they must believe DOLLY SANDERS i ied eyes, me. When George Winston called --- just now I shrieked at him that I I sat eat(dinner with a philosopher possessed by its ttnes---eel yourself' EGO swas nad. le laughed at me, and I a financier, a setlement worker, a pit o lbs golden-" (Contined from Page One) got my revolver and shot hisim through poet and a soldier. t"Lo5k here, lo here," th ina n-e I I had been releasetlfrol Sileric'she eyes and chest and abdomen-t 'Te philosophler playely i h cerisa'e aroust thianid "I cantott a spring morning, I cotld not e must svete qickly-he is lyig on his tack and staretd at the cen'tet-'1payyoil a thosantd tollars tr stith mere light-hseated. All afternoson I the fler (ead and horribly disfigred. piece wih absent eyes. .. til; tu'lolls that. No stnsets 01 rtses.' have been paying the pistnoa swhich ooe one is knioking at the financier snappetd at ihisfoileftels Wie 55 Iit somthllig seer,111ometing has 0(adotly wid onlitits stitg tr}idoor. ' with vicious energy-head bet (oss n'' I ptich tlat wiltl pto dat wo nhs. I opened alithelis n-' 11 Nwthiey shall know thsat I ate to mseet temt. Thtesettliettenttworsker a1,lr)5 e 't e cturotes f t i t' cutalins f itt5111h ilttI' ittad. ate viraciotisly, her gaze ott te plat- loetIl i ttvery tatt'of ctisitell tio Ot antI tossed ite sails lietIr'itt",' I staltoet the tdoor, atd leer at let-as it her swholeyt emiwtsi YouImst ttttget some l'itstitttitn froeli eeroutis tiiieo lPltsgt'n en-tiemt, atd sit ithteirfatet. I stall urgetd on by tsemories of needstsattenIt .Iwant yoto tsay tool,soe trancet;: mte, eseially the mtytrisi'cry:''See, I aintoa mtsaiia, antI a hiatd gue-'pretiontitiotns oIf those htthisgprical aout s,-. Atiliti l Itiitels ''May Night.t" It reatiesmutletiree.'' 'sere 15 tob.Th111'Ipo1et -iae ,.oePt -'.ire itt. t rleeetttnil- o isere'' till'purumtest'of i'5ltts:, andlt teilitI Ot,tosw' iapy I otts hiss pte n teidentst Irsggle btet''itl iott s tis?"aia'5., The sare ttpotund itingnttetedo. Onlt' tielestt edhpp;het' I' sntschrd lrsinging IfC e vting.ey RIOIT ate stoothlyt 'ttith etsistmianddits areIno, a t It i artts 28. Alt't tttsIttebri ere 011pererse sit te teritsbit t i tl I ' 'o mn slale, he sttlts-. V lhy llilInt tftt e ifrit t ttte e ts owNt mattneett toatiteir love poses- It it lofa.t ice 51 11111t werkseter crretethti'l stlt' diiiett lth te csetithis een expltainedI tg 11Pe ishof I dn," rsaitd tielt'et'At te sctol e tech te chil- sisay? I tiave 5tattntiuli3tsieetc i tiiugttseemlsbetter, noiing's die, buiti'trineghisbisttit dren--"cigrttes; I cntotti nkttitiuttlttt Witie-te wvorier anlswe'lred, sI"teer trte its uiteltsls , t yI ter ldy" lhetmt i ;t tttl ottigtrneAt ti'" nt-thelmeinlt~vttu Fom lrlomtinAiei's st wilee,sa peroved a -,vas tquitte empsty, "if y11 ('(1d1111 "tBuist I rin't write ia Itiesito otter teaerifteasittlitpotstrtiatrI t'httit olta sie te o te sated be teftaitd mioutlty'tit' t's hwcnI strite cii Ileet,, tiorder' it:tI-I'ccds ~it tsss ileil I livnt-cieilit tmonttSt ths tytar it--1!'-te"ee15 l-llvttits-itmyrevesIteelltiIsetu itititte tt 1r sstie i, resIeve tttnites like these'' thee ftsct irbal'. bckii tys' I The' re iiiteltatiltNoImttinttedibastt 111tsiir loe piises't-- deelaredshtarply, "we ae oneImtiutt "GoaiG, yottrsel, nlan At adtiintistrit intoml atuell g"1 '0 5 ing. Rotert Bridges. 1o ave antythiitg-niot ti enieitoln an Siid rousdtsiles'llgT'!'''hi'sotditer''ill'l aii sit ot iesei lototk iitrliesti~.hsted ttiept. c-s.sustisln. '''e lit not lit-I as alstractiosin The phitilostpher lottkeedtat ttu'itm ' titiitittathusa oletssII'e isld I tiaitt'cosltp115'siinswtt hliwori'l,asofrayttents tif the ideal, cildty.''Atdiener,'' ie explainleit ''s Pitt ill I eatinig tplantit thIs'settle', (le) risli, tia'i11that I lot quite -qWe'aresmeiitthingtintoutrele, btt als etextelent ifttit tics cy- "te strker teiltiiiiect(Ist-:ntrl. et Xinitmytt tstnimini I amthte etisirootteetitwshicistrriunds us Isillioiin,' fully :covitced that I am fastttb'tcoming iiistuhi more tan ousltv'es-it is A flush sttile over tileIoet's ate, ''What in the wrd,'' asked'i thes tmad. I do things wihoutit reasot,tti' lanttscape in wiclht st-ae figures, 'Needltf111011eea011'futitttintt sssi- poet irritablY, ''woulld I tdtiwitht 1smeities e csiringto screatm,somiie- 'le settery' is hltie play, ii life teinueot'fohthe betty?- -to IkeeptheiitlthosatndtIlllars'."timies eden laningitctidite. Iamaislieo~tn this stge" misieeraitle thing live-ctempt'sslation !'' Pay tme wht yoi~eutwette'." satd ging 111114,I 0111111tsoon lb'etiotn- Jacioenaetet, 'Princess lBete" Is that no insiredl by ee' object the soldiier 0011to ote, aboiutuit-lbsgliries ilf nattte--a 'Ihe fitancier racistedla Iorifed'________________ beauiful toet in?"stae "AthousliandtIdollars is noht a ''Oh,ye.s,'' Ill 'ilotlsophilr tooit thiItng ttIbsscirned I hbegan lilt' up,''ti "b twotltd yea not rather say 5with ltenIthti tha. (nytaentihl, that a poem is the res'tlt antI notlthe ttt I leett i jttdiciously, aend tow-" S e - roncomnittant ef cotnltelatitonsA Yes"thetsphiltotpher agreedt, "soil poem1-" now! " "Dy the way," the financier tutneil The settlenent worker turned to to the poet, "Yott knowv how to 'arte the pot "You might give it to char- May be found for your valuable docu- poems, don't you? Year after next it, she suggssted hopefully. "Are we're going to raise the ft. Janes yugigltetthtole h i"menta by using our Safety Depoit Vault. Hotel, I'll give you a thousand idol- "Well, folk.', said the financier, The service Will please you. tars if you will write a poen-a good IOsiting at his wath. "I idislile to eat poen-one that we can put in the 'n un u' Imstmetm ,icm pasIls snc--if yotu still me. pap etlmn ore' e laer. "Asit if yti can get alng wtitoti1 Farmers & M echanics Bank "Tier's a girl at the sttleenelltvtho ie, I think I'll go asoil eel s.ote' of can wtetplotry-shle had a ook this dinitnir off," ttrttitirtd the tIl- 101105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE published I Isely. A thousand do- dies. tars- The settemntitworler glancedl at "That's a lot of mntey. the soldier, saulilltothe lost. "Yeti cotltwrtet a real snapply ltom for that. I read sotee lit ones the nter day--you' might get totesiteas frotttum." The philosopher lookedsi disapplrotv- ingly on the sisltier. "fldiers shioutld' knots' ioting ot ptetry. Platuo hii-'' self said that the rs tendleid to softenti the caracer tbyealing it efeni- "tisli?" Theutltier droppest i knife' toilfork twithts latr says I'm effemiate-tt-I'mnortitersl ie- poetry whn Ilan please!" Dinnier Every Evening, Orders Should be in Before "So long astyutr soell needs it-so' Three O'clock long as yett sinterely' feel stsblimattedt by poetry, I c'an see o reasotn vhy, Afternoon Tea Daily you s hotld not," the poet said to siml gently,1 We Serve Fudge Cake , 'The soldier looked at him suspi- ciously. "Sure, I like potetry. t read, WX e Take Orders for Pies, Cakes and Nut Bread a poem every so oftetn, one a tmontht, anyway, I tiles natirs, too. Every once in a while I look at a ounset." Ph n 3- "We have wonderful suitsets at thisP oee3- settlement-we teach tthe chldresn tt appreciate thens-e-5, the settle-! ment wvorker toppeel to gtulp ien O L I T E T A S O P coffee. The poet raised his hseatd suddenly. On Thayer, J us t Back of H i ll A ud it o r ium "Oh, hut to feel a sunset," lits crieid. "To feel it thrilling you~ till you arel