SUNDAY, JAM'.A iY 20, 1924
rarer morns.
"Di Waheheit ist vonhanden ts,-r den :a revoltionarys' tatrting Molst oastd L itle
Weisen, th.e capacity to live." t ~ $ en1 I
Din Schonheit for eio futitend Herzo -tErnet e,"tfco e .'~~~ As7.''i l .L C
Sie beide gehonren fur cinander."t
(Wisom s fr te 'se;"Indeed, it would be more fonda-
(Wisom i forthe ise;mentally accurate to say that a char-
Beauty is for a feeting heart, acter is a symbsol and mental ahhre-
nd both hetong to each cther). I vialion for a pecular set of acts, thar
______Ito say that acts are a masnifestatior
"Christianity united the two condi- of character."
tions of great success to this world- -Sanztaysna, "Sense of Beauty."
F2R Better od
Tuttle's Lunch Room
3,5 MayNhard St. South of Majestic
1ItECII°S piens,bom hboohiens, pithecanthropus
Miary Austin divulgea to Bookman ;ccretus, and homo heidether, cosis arc
enthusistI the s ecret of ac(Itiring alt on the same intellectualI level. I
genius. Self-made Shakespeares, !needt a change of diet.
-D' ole., an(1Mary Au. tins. SYMPHONY IN WiHITE
lItS DIEIIX. 'Whense I hear Whistler mention-
Pere Atale: It taut clans lvi,' ed I instantly picture a little man sit-
faire la part du has' rd. Le t sard ;huig up half the night trying to think
en dtefinitive, c'est Dieu.# of something suitably rode to ray to
21st:Dot.isimon pere, et l il eros- some harmless admirer at dinner.
lode? -("cot le Diatble. nest-ce pa.? I WONDER-
RtEFtUGE s-what authors think when reviewers
Ctnion Sens~e: Thme refuge otf tell thens what their works mean.
simall mindts. Can you in.agine a. Wag- -if Mozart played an entire Concerto
ner, a Ioisseau, a Van tGogth, a ;Isy memory at eight years of age.
X 11e with coimmion .ense so Is it Amy 1Lowell thinks about
PROCfMRAS TINATION swhile she puffs a San Felice and
Stewart I'. Sherman: Queen Xi( nwries'about wsall paper and Lavendar
loriabbsa her hair. 'coin fritters.
TRIUTHI- if Alibrasis Lincoln would not have
I fell asleep storing thc thirs t iofmeasde a sit in the title role of the
the ltssessv Art Ptlayer.s' perfoirmancseObteramnmergau P'assion Play.
sit 'Ttsc Lowis"rcDethts." _-what tInry Ford andI Arthur Ma-
ttt.AsPh-IEMY tiesns oild talk shout if they were
Ihars'y'Isiui is thenckentbegins.tos 'asroonedst oa desert islandt.
')ore I w 1, conisised lingitg ifts if 1Morris fIrst tovs'sArt.
lthat Pro'hiitionsi=a pis oner thtssim reI'll bss'ini 2023.
;Ai t Aiisfrcas bu st I'se!?;T d tl- IO'G1ttt'ANt) 'AID FOlt
an sait I are moro'uns,1that ipofesss- l.'itsgeisswas.prssstitutinitits iii
ors ares' lss tils tila5ts'stlstrsssts fasrics'.'sWhen I wse leven I accept
Allhssrto's ''Pt sits sler" s' apice1s- r'asdolIss fromsi the Chicasgo Tribusne for
lIs schstnitzethoi e - ..l 3-4 I'' I I. t 11ii's t s aisyings sit Chistr'n."'
i'ivls''lc isiitlt ti"b'sa'srded toistle EIIllhttl
?,itI iitit 1o'islis''t'5'1 s''','is Ioif's t. Ps'ri''s'l d ioS'a : tIis'sis fl i'd i nditi
forse h l tigs-t pi(- e sf is IsisissI issi , sho is'ring s ise inglc isver t'asl:MailI
listthe s Lord(1 i's 'gin5st ose-liiece a' in ts' listictis et.
blii lmi sit's, I sl1 tt s''l refinoi'' FtAIIEN'f
Iiio~' ( wgisillisof ti st Nshst\ricsareis' s' loiussi, pisurcla r'ose, ieitl re
tooi lifs vd'i ati ist 5 l o s (Vsto 5 1 '. t u s5 'esit iile11c r ii
l a eMand the Denishawns
Thol i''i;-isc' islie' ii fi llll 'f 111°ii 5 Wh~ile iii' iants is's thi'ls.'I5i''
fiiii expandiling ilas1i i of i'lfiflil. 11 lilliel thy 'ffrig( h s 'eis'tictd 15o i
is ii'.' 1(nlisiisis' ti. iii m tfiiiisi grf'atf extint, i hir 'infti'l' i tislll'
A Rcniarlk' lie SMerj
Simon of Cyrene,
Dimac ha rus Splend en s
:.,-o5i fa m re 1a i I i swith is tPatsts in I snd its
.11sIf11 e additionui t0 t.eis( ile literatuse ofsit Isi sis-
1 E '. Y-Irk felegiaph.
:' l '551t f I e' sic5' itus ( iii: in0 0 1 . sI sti1ling s2'({e
1- 1 ; md rtilffniti f iiJe'iish natisisitchari-
i "E Ni .1 t i'iui i1et-i. ''
t $6.00
1iS }~S ' itiiii
a v owing f55is . 1. m! y e 1nnn
I ii'iii'anc irs u i1OIt's 'lii ant
in t o if- tlis i 1i''' ii' er-
hap"',1111_1n(1 tI is
'tis'' IV ti~l'.fos'ies aris ti,1x],
fl i t II i ')is' cilil'i''c
1]t1tx.ii tv r '?V f r tl
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F. I A. VIA I' 1(1
rlis c Ill : Y c s () h ,.1
shaen ' liii' mo s ntlilei 0--
in;ca ieidti'iI Ito its se. 1;s
airiiits exprsess al fa cai ill
'io ''io ss, u itg te g llu r l
It is sisttst c lt~
a de c w ils 'lys'one1' 'tyiti' o
bon , I Aiti a ian- hns
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he 'ut ois'v' no'rmaizeriiior fll.
ti 'if' a d th s i its i it
l or ? I "bun te lan uag isriva
lml-3 W h uv~l in ii iiisrtli
il~r{i~l ib~ch",t led u t f uhr
wl aid 11li In liiicommunici'i i
'rh I17t3' of '<u~n , "'O I 'l yuli
K fiats Q]' , .Ts is's liiwn st'atis
W, l'O in ila tall si, o l islAW '
N: II~riijy 1 i bod
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Sill Sz..