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January 20, 1924 - Image 1

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T h ''r at ne'tt gtue jettis prea d'ane at I liter iii ixtlt' apx~ ista rsh bectti ilarious, Laughing
T n L ia y trteise ltve' tmore inaee laou shais uit ,inuiiiAsate ellerfialls at intervals, I kneiw that
y l ii d n ca.. -re an ca tue 'ind fron eeil t ", ''t ize'in t ifii tice would mtigiate a
antr et'sti hayt *i")t't t ah event consideredt the utot
~IifA n drcr ti- m ~CWi~i;uieiid ~ 1;;~\ai~~
Fy witdow It-o~ Iz iv- 1r hefr ties:lly ba d i y it Tther thnraii poi n ttecaw'wtri talea
/~ ea "'r''s i I { do s ( t e iiiOo tii LhOii tz ofi i tus lu fi It tatting?11 tlua ii Ie tl t o 'I a he s th ig ., as iet cI
1/ z, t ray li and.,.d th ai"a lt t i is' :Kiri , ate t niselt its toe- t' >! el t l rie z a dicuin-
I a' j~s'y',' it t pon the tinileriit tt a ~a~ te ii r th ii ttc r n itit ti nis eit itlD , u' i repeiait t ed't ittC lii in t tn O
D-i' L t. it e "r t'dri' k ik. Alre isth r iitue 's I lcti n< 'ssa e rt Iltig is tatl e always t dote er o let itteido t t t ei
ocurd~n igi t i' i' i rih htan at iv the whl afot Thi I a i. W alt go nyec tht Is tie- wii ette tl~l are iosi il lyis
of. Jauay Kline an Geor se "c in at re c hal ben fanua1 d tt o alot nattd to see l in tsel ttt 1ii~uili lotiai -CI e 51 tia tie
stndte u, ad It I s a thet peret Enls r ers stne ie ii tthis at ,,htia n al r I ldreno yaa Ptitn tlary u c? to nittiue;
ry a'is ' ia h u:es.e Al'- thi' pp h aan. t.I nt a l itia trit insndi aiig I v te do 'u nthtrk I li I I ad l -t
aug. lb iree n.ca u rl ar ine '~ago l rk.-. ron '10tn h - r. t No r e a atert m'seItofr tefa sideglar te.t ho . We ytolk idicue.t
itrse meIwacin t o la g nin, nose an iscerrfinse I y tu nle t t r ent , vnin o is -an t oxden lara e g a d 11 scarlet
t e firt atac in. H re s te uusul crcaan-clasiag lto rnganswer.way cEverythingnalaneist, frlaoertyl
orth reene .it n thnstatl rtna ie ad st rik fth woe afhair bhelliea ad t soti e y T his atrnoony at irsh sn set on eth er fu ite. Oes
of anary : an Gore. in ofFrechhadben ornultt ino ona san o n d o aein itld the colqinl 'la uae d -a 'h a e iTe
etn vtedlagond Ien'o 'h 'a penes nlhdoertrak Onc "or itimz ofmdne.s I daenoat viigfrtet otne
mel.n beforalt' fireplacn- e pr ojetn- Idemn rt wtout mslf-wting insie lan o k in o thr i trr 'awatans abou to ' ay baer shy.- wut
siasnress.rm idnk ntherms cA - athse aprhnin ma and he atophr semenor s ead heared. h I s hivrd wift the
ahog beor h eh convrai nudeae eteigh is sdar k Altmho g leay an No enty wiothe him- fur. nel v;a o walke west-iii
ired a e 1tnz tras ahsna toluhine nis, ucainy is balancedd I bfitik t contwry. Therysnw has loms war Twato la an o ran andre
ofei resnc botr ino anbe es Tmethest atrtike fataes oft each anid awayer lying ifern afesh ponek 'itinews ottlrs lpoettOera
Win teyhed gosii n. thened itoney- i asn oi were. yasr torear in thyensationdd roazd sand.thecdead gra colli. whysfe sere wvthetreason.
pea oi pritednin g o t an sad- finrh s itut' ignting I will o it trif hik saled brags. W e ftgantlowe id bTr e iismaria boaiitousdl di asw
phrause i ner . I drn nterup o see r ant ttthtis iaIhs en pe r e atosphresg emea woodcs-laf nteanidy me ta I sitihere ays: th
thougee a I'um. Thn g tting 'ow siFeAb tri tys o- Il. 25 in eptn my tepls I is Oaadlle~d tol "antd gdat-ap. ahe's fte
agin beor the hearth, 55 is mmenced Te liie i truh ' sitih it ny and I w uIent wit bi o a I al ro i ot lp tedrc a ri riu n Cri ae
tei hhi-a ltanz fsarom a' sqal aoum fi elyn. tise t tis baaedie Is tinki triee aondrybiheso astalmost- Ie owanti trtughi sand runig nd
of'a et s . on ins mahie l athr The thmot extremsss lrgi ~ ie fahtasti of m e tressi awa yngin atcheist son' Sbehk inos's'e o't h r i'sleteru tos
rindcseemedcx rs tn n thy's.'siney nI an. a .:a wr a tsi Io bear than the muddy' t riottafirhhi ud sanb titdedgas oe, tauty. ftars w'er withorie .
tirug di'ss pane of's g'5 a ' in rting A t 'su rstt. I~ s res'o aci thew aes aetist fostr thtati durearseodAley- "ou i r' a l-graedtin ater' four er
nsi ', ,.:'as runs itis ,.eib c s r
"-hen ae' then*., mitaduesa -ha hIn f efer id's-aue onitg Fur
Of sat e't Ias 5I ti - Jst h iother brogt i n te as l1e ivy
as' ruhui-~ri~ re.a'il ok fo e h
aot uet vsaenp'l et of It - '
e1.. - N's , i ti ,I~ I.. 'i-tiee ted here, fnishe a ric Ay oo di e Aber
ta itagt mae tIl at ' t - il riiuohr I mtt' saar_
a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o 1ii f o se iii.sTu iarebeqies uhonaitch he
x ea , it an Ir itx g I e a eariu nu u mo hav linered iny uWtil
khe 1 I ill in' ther cii onau 1s falsthe rls a'a iauvr ru
I f' t pain nd a asheti illn madinese s s Whn thaismss'nng
Th tI I s ltat1 hoe be a ehese"Treat' qhe shelo"n s con renteiloe.
Of wha fiihad h h,- ni aen ti- ieiten moeru br ught nin so e av ny
wan T1,r 's manethemena ptatceI ewhih e I cek rtai aher the
could no keel a i e e c's enos' in s i an comlte et o f 'iitt
amnd sli )- t ea" at ia suIece ai r finisael hei hr -htmadeon ?utner-
Kha 'it e 1 tt' unti lre aiu- _ay thut o rt mo t her s1 an
whnI ha -ms tean drnk n Truea i 'hte se ees th~evrins oug th F
naynitrk it ae-ato hrataro aitf oftue. Th alar,: elnee n mn.
kThe iarassstu authcustimatt w alltap the ase an where are i fnro.a
pht d fetod pan andlsmies hntill.a eamsayu . W h ren ahi ethnin de-
Th hpr ati tor t hise utter crosrdttug as eshetfanLace t a as I
non afts svre I l orcttked myne'aees o n hawihn hotg fo UTolr. do it K/

tan , d t gae ta 2 ti ta -ao th'. it.ra e .~
thia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tt hrs 'a h rtehIi'gtesttwi a u
coupn I o th hi~'"""-' f iaineaF0 i

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