The Enchanted Land of Taos
"Here some day will be written the 'WARD ALLEN HOWE after an outfitting trip to town-all
great American epic, the great Ameri- may be seen by one who follows the
can opera. The very cliffs cry out to them that here was to be found a life always willing to trade their furs anl trail to Taos, a place which Agnes C.
be painted. The world in all its Iis-" Let has called "the most un-Ameni-
tory has never seen such modelssi work. In time, E. G. Caouse, Walter other valuable possessions. Kit Car- can thing in America."
these cliff dwellers. These moun- Ufer, W. Herbert Dunton, O. E. Bern- son made Taos his permanent head-
tains are the American Parnassus." inghaus and other prominent artists quarters and his house, which is still "If a form deceives me, I am still
Thus has Walter Ufer, the Chicago found their way to Taos and the re- standing, and his grave in the Taos grateful to it, for it forces me to cre-
artist, characterized Taos and its sus- sut was the formation of the Taos Cemetery rank with the pueblo and ate its content from within myself;
roundings. Taos-the promised land Society of Artists. The first exhibitth artist studios as objects of in- and the creative dream is the greater
-a strange mixture of the ancient of the Society was held i 1915 i the . thing. Can a blade of grass be a lie?
and the modern-a dash of old Mexi- Palace of the Governors at Santa Fe. terest to the sights er. Or a shell by the shore? And if I were
co-a hint of the CExhibits are now sent to the leading Taos is ninety miles from Santa Fe
quitat its fte Coi'saedored-- cte ftecuty'n h c1,srng enough soil guiltless enough
quist artist studios-stolid faced red- cities of the country and the excel- and the nearest railroad station is and devout enough, it would be given
men-and over all the breath of the lence of the work is attested by the
oldfroitir silllinerig. nunterous honors swhicht have been Taos Junction on the Dener and lio'a te to fid in every blade and shell
os, frontierstilldlingering. beous ontrs efors a Grande Western, twenty-five miles the compassion and the pain of Christ.
, or Fernandez Taos to give bestowed on their efforts. distant. Motor stages run to this "It is faith itself that is sacred, not
it its real name, is situated in a pIa- point. Another approach is by auto that in which the faith is placed. It
teau in the valley of the Rio Grande tory of Taos adds much to the charn from Raton through the wonderfully doesn't matter what one has faith in-
River in northern New Mexico at an of the place. It is supposed that Ca- scenic Cimarran Canon reserve, over a batk, a beast, a man, a star, a gai
altitude of nearly seven thousand feet. beta de Vera was Ihe first white man Taos Pass at an altitude of over nine But it must be pure faith-immovable
To the north tower the mighty San- to see Taos but the narrative of Iedrothousand feet and thence down
thouand feetand thene dsvnand uncnquerable.
gre de Cristo Mountains, to the west de Castaneda, the historian of Cora- through the Carson National Forest
and south stretches the beautiful Taos i nado's expedition, is the first written -to the town. The trip can also be r yJacob Wassermann.
Valley, while to the east a picturesque record of any visit by white men. made from Santa Fe entirely by mo-
canyon extends to the very heart of . Winship's translation of Castaneda'stor. This route follows the canyon
the Rockies. It is a landscape of journal contains a description of a of the Rio Grande for many iles, ". . . quid aeternis minorem
rare beauty, full of color and scenic pueblo which some of Coronado's men now dipping down almost to the wa- consiliis animum fatigas?
surprises. saw in 1541 which can be no other ter's edge and now rising to dizzy cur non sub alta vel platano vel hac
A short distance north of the vil-" than the pueblo of Taos. The great heights, creeping around dangerous pinu jacentes."
lage is the famone pueblo of San Ge- age of the town is apparent to all precipices and curves and at Iat
ronimo de Taos, one of the most in- - observers and it is not hard to imag- coming out on the very top of the Why harass with eternal designs a
teresting of the twenty pueblos to be ine the mailed knights of Coronado canyon-providing a ride that once mind too weak to
found in New Mexico. Here live some -striding about the quaint little Plaza. taken will not be forgotten in a compass them Why do we not, as
.four hundred Indians of the Pueblo Before finally submitting, the Indians t nurrya we lie beneath a lofty
tribe in two great adobe community made several desperate and sporadic plane-tree or this pine, drink while
houses, one on each side of the Taos attempts to overthrow the invader. In solemn anld sharp out of the clearn we may? Horace, "Odes"
River, rising to a height of seven and one uprising of especial violence the senand arp ob se cear
an penetrating air, adobe villages, Aea-
,five stories. The inhabitants will tell , Governor of the Territory and several can freighters, long pack trains wind- "I was buried near this dyke
you proudly that this is the highest other Americans were massacred. Be- Ing into the mountains, a forest rang- That my friends may weep as much
,pueblo in the Southwest. Although fore the rise of Santa Fe Taos was er heading back to his lonely post as they like." W.Blake
they own their land under grants the center of the old fur trade and
t later because an important stop on'
given them bythe Spaniards which --e-r------ --------------f------o---j
were later confirmed by the United the route to the city of the Holy
States Congress, squatters have per- Faith. Jim Bridger, Manuel Lisa and
sistently encroached on their domains Kit Carson all made Taos their ob- "
until at the present time they ha.e jective and did a profitable busness S c r z
lost half of their irrigated land. So with the Indians. In these days Taos r
it is not - urprising tofind that hs-e 'was noted for its whiskey distilleries,
Taos Indians are very poor. Accord- the product of which became known
ing to John Collier the annual in- far and wide as "Taos lightning." To May be found for your valuable docu-
.come of a Taos Indian is thirty-eight gain a supply of this the Indians were
dollars. ments by using our Safety Depost Vault.
The Indians realize well that the PERSONAL PRINTED $100
days of their forefathers are gone STATIONERY - - - - Pas 'd The service will please you.
forever. The white man's "gas wag- sx s nes ' setes h. moa 3 sdmge). w tha aa
ons" now stir up the thick alkali dust 9A-r nmms,'snmse.n ts' m''in
in the t.et . tei seeasue i9. sauttolai gttncv, -tw-aate motte
e streets of their sleepy village, o riayins e ivailu.aprsiat eDi Farmers & Mechanics Bank
and from above there comes to their s -l-3 l-, with etya fap. Sizcof .operbeforeotd-
h . ed. tir4x ia rnhA. Moey rrnA promty ino
ears the whirring of a trans -con t et anan trerad of apt O T AN 3 O T T T
al aeroplane; yet "the tread of pi- amy m s r 101-15 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE
- value. Mi' cluiOmiibtsO r sa 'p , ,i'sra s.cm-"
teisiymanfirs priuss. t, ightsi5 t Isma inSish."
veers"--"manifest destiny" striding ^inta .. sihi ' kif "
westward wave on wave has not been co..1201 nth E sm. T0.5.,. . -
able to make any very radical changes
in their mode of life. Manners, cus-
oins, institutions, are today much the
same as they were in the days when
the Spaniards were toiling over moun-
tain and plain in their search for the
Seven Cities of Cibola. Theodore
Roosevelt believed that this pueblo
life was one of our most precious
Possessions and that it ought to be p **
preserved, At Taos it will be found;
preserved beyond normal expecta-
The thing at Taos which in recent
years has attracted the most atten-
finn is without doubt the art coloy
whhaI Dinner Every Evening, Orders Should be in Before
wihhsgrown up there to a stage""-hre 'clock
where it has become nationally Three O'clock
known, Some twelve artists now have
permanent homes in Taos and summer' Afternoon Tea Daily
frequently finds as many as forty atVe Serve Fudge Cake
work in and around the town. Theyr F
come from Paris, New York, Chicago
Los Angeles and other places drawnW e Take Orders for Pies, Cakes and Nut Bread
by the wonderful coloring effects of
the region and by the excellent In.
dian types tobe found in the pueblo. 11Phoue 951-W
.Joseph Henry Sharp was the first ar-
tist to visit Taos but in 1898, Bert G.
Phillips and E: L. Blumenschein, the
real pioneers arrived. These two menP LI EAO PPE
were roaming through the west in
search of material and when in their On Thayer, Ju stk Back of Hill A uditoriam
covered wagon they drove into the
Plaza at Taos, the realization.came to