PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 192" E t EGO By SCOGA N Tired and hoed by boarding-house gropings in the (ds'pths. Mly Gargan- meals antI chatter, tonigtht I break tuatt worries become Lilliputian for te long chain of three-meats a-diay here, I a happy. I watch myself by taking dinner lownstown. A shrimp grow petulant over the idiosyncracies omnelotte, bot biscutst anti tea ast an of my roonm-mate. I peevishtly bite "Of course men's affairs are awfully whatever yon like, and look pleasant. ! dull, but they don't like you to tally ' It does flatter thems, andi the, think about them, so it's really very easy, they are initeresting, andi yen charmt- All you have to do is to listen, stare ing." Clyde Fitch, "Gifri With the them straight in the 'ces, think coftGreesn Eyes" 3 I TSHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1 3 You Nerjll find- 0'r ricIco'urteotus and plea sing' in everwNay OLDEST" N K N ANN Al BOR rt S FIFhI AT HILTRC- { 1'' l f i I artile inT'h Ateiltitibits.)H.iLassw-r 'etti'sositthroglelt'stablihdsail tttootd that ut ini thte vatley o a cur: went titiheeedin tilea iasoh Ottti I stettpedin ai tt attbar(itt ithe55aiythtte ail tee-ciridpitleton for a spell, It sutficediovir tl is etractingi street cat ridecas'yt dit o te I fog at I walkid to the oo"' Butd here ittm itsmttulit roomtisaolls I dog not ieed it. my'cirter f the root exudes anitt atmosphlerie most der to se. Rati-r pant staclks of ooks on an inadequate" tale, litti'rest alsis with paers, (,'.ar- ettes , pipte, tota cc and ciocolate-;as brass'ies k lamch hangitg askws'fremit an eiglt-penny nail in the winiowc easement; on the wall, tea rituiticli designs in hI.ak and whit-one liy b Ilake attid oeby' W lareSmiitth; ao White I-otse label in a gold frain an n a portrait are my corner, tiers it is silts to sit ack ii a stl n cushioneid Itorris-chair atid dreun., I Thtat siunids ieal, bitto not ests'y'I me for it will soon le roken by at stark realization of the practical I ' am living tso netr etrths to ake stciti flights into te rose-htuesd eteral, In the shops, during the day, tectI men speak casually of "the tensin"c One tian does not report one mr- n log ;this morning his worman has died a of the typhoid Another man asks to s get off another afternoon; his woman Il is going to bury her old lady who died I of pneumonia, And on the street card I hear that the conductor's wotan baa weak kidneysn But here, for a short while, it is 'I mine to explore, humble-bee like, into f, the dark crevices in ftse walls -whict r surround the mysteries, Bit never, may these crevices penetrate into tie, t light of the inner side, front where I - might shade asy eyes and see the datz-I ling radiance For ten it might nly I; be the fence around lb. ash-dtmp;d and what I expected isoits glitterig I gold but dark-grey a.bra with a ftess'.I irrudescent clinkers. But it dos not I happen-htere. n For here it is ny worli-a ttupati for ue and t even enjoy the morse b F. L. Tilden ............Eitor n Donald E L. Siyder....oke Normand Lockwood,..,. tius Robert Barran Henderson..,. ralra Gordon tWier ..........Atj Lisle hose, Halsey Daviison', Newelleltust, Sttmtel Moie, Jr.,, Maxwell Nwese, Philit Wag ue. 'Dtristy h'tantder., The Sundty Magazint solicitsJa matnuscrittis raitsaltpersns a- i ffiliateidii the tUniversiy llan-hos tiscrips aust te typeswrittesn, triple spaced anti writen oci e side only. * * The Sundty'Magazine acktowl edges Tue Anerican Secultirtn- ion reviewv service ftar "'Tetn- /official Observer" department 0 I t is ath piesl f this sitaaitia to pubsth netlet af oiiio by Pth stiletstad fo ls uitissheet if i thei jiudgmset f te editor,ths ari cls ref isissi valie acd iterst.rt ,,utted ,ro~ r t'tit "li isfe'm,iatea ieerriYi aaesd ih edita oiia eiter' 'ininneor cfain, ay ipwsenestseaeks withs a char-j icteristic tnastlitoatiot, andthients I laugh1 at the snatl schol-boy, me, For tntw, ini ligla 'ys, tIshappy Itt these hazy al dos I ali happy, The above I fattnd crutnpled away in one crser at the table drawer and I reatd it with cich condescending igustI. Iow could I have been ao ullibly contet to lean back on the awdry and wrn green cushion at this adjustable backed, golden oak at- 'acty and sing aofy happiness In 'big iayst" "With but one inre incipient friend- hip slowly developitig through the 'og and snmoke of a pride-born reti- ence and a snobbishness brn of past isilusionnment, I am alone, Ittbs teen sty arrogant opinion that t was f passing self-sufficiency. But that tow lies shattered among the one- lust af tholer illusions, It is btt tr tie to content mtysef that tInmigt 7ave been sufficient within myself had" Ibeeni tell alone-spared the small talk of shop anti boarding-hone.- 'bits I iss this cut and croon: "Now iis better," Bit I am daily thrown into con- tact with girls and men doing their serical duties in a lackadaisical man- tsr is-ile they carelessly chew gum ad emit great clouds of vaporous In-' ;anilies, Then I am distraught for these periods of liesure toward which Ilooked with thirsty eyes in those lays before; but they are mirage, Therefore I cling to momenta with' my new friend,tUnknowingly, I threw the seed of 'interest in reading' onto 'ertile fields-some which were bar- 'en because of the lack ot the proper_ teed; for there the magazine story of the bent received no nourishnment 'I --to slightly change the prase of Renty de Gourmont-'I "diverted thoughts" ram their stream as one iverts riv'ers to throw them athwart ite barrenness of the nmoors where friii ansi palid ideasobbiasom anb.dy' 'nknowiagly I did these things but lit unknowsingy do I aroiy begin to real-fyonswill tallowsucts a htcknteycd figureT'hus I cling to tm-. ntlesiths sy ness friensd, The-satoens at still ieak pleas- ire are dwiarfed. fOur mutual ntier- ists tre stilt ess'and sosettue-ae- essity' oi' deviing sitsittssnt is phut.ยข 'ii. Butit hetse titmes tcomeit'es'5oftisn, And ilgainamsttpounintsg it- op it~titito myiicole'ge'blint cliiclt tint, I dislotdge the facts that dislis- tiotentihas so otn showsn I1ant tabtout to sing tagaiin tieltsight Ihin tig fruit a nets frendshti that I til happyin tsthe '"bi ways, Puht belies's its, I amnt.t That trisuin be shatmtefullty disloyal to tity ~atlesid ego! / r o5 FOREMOST IN- STEAK DINNER'S B ES IM E RS WEST HURON STREET We've been serving the best for years Electric curl n , $6 a- t oileL ee -e ' .i. toift.Jtes make an eec- hC i - .inaliamost a isecessity. 'lis -o'del iiiustm ated heats quickCly and mntns the proper temperature si as dcci :d. The aluminum comb tiakes a very convenient hair dryer. Detroit Edison Company Wit ha mlri bms'elehne20