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January 06, 1924 - Image 8

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Women And The
Economic Problem
From about the time I was first able out everything that is not truly nec-
to spell out a few words of a news. essary."
paper, the word "suffragist" meant to "But," queried Mrs. Catt, "surely,
me some sort of a "he-woman" whos there is work among the children?"
thought she was better than any man "No," was the reply, "There are no
who had ever lived and much superior children. The people cannot afford
to any other member of her sex. I fanties, so there are no children
later learned to think of her as an. "Even in the United States," Mrs.
Amazon, a tall, strong temale war- Catt went on, "women come to me for
rior who wanted to make the world advice on how to alleviate the crush-1
not only safe, but exclusively for ling economic pressure to which they,
women. are subjected. They ask me whether;
But a week ago I had the good for- lmarried men and women should con-
tune of talking with Mrs. Carrie Catt tinue with their respective work inI
for a few minutes. I found her a the 'outside world' and at the same
beautiful, gray haired woman past time try to maintain a family, and a'
middle age, free from all those ob- home, or go on much as before mar-
jectionable qualities that my mascu- riage?"i
line point of view had preferred for "The economic problem here is still
her. Besides her clarity of thought The greatest obstacle women have to
and intellectual poise, the most re- hovercomte."
markable characteristic of a first ims- Then turning toward an answer of;
pression of Mrs. Catt is her voice. Ithe question, "Are women physically.
Mrs. Catt had just come back from and intellectually better fitted to dof
Austria where she aided in the ws- many kinds of the outside world's
men's movement there. She broughtI work than men?" Mrs. Catt pointed,
back with her pictures of a depression toward the achievements which the
which is changing the whole charac- 'women's activities during the war put
ter of continental life. Economic on record. "One British shipbuilder
pressure is so tremendous in such declared 'women are able to build an'
countries as Austr a and Germany, entire battleship themselves,' while
where money has absolutely no value,i another pointed to the lumbering Eng-!
that the entire physical, mtellectual lishwomen were doing in the forests.
and social phases of life are over. "During the war, too," Mrs. Catt}
turned. Doctors particularly, she said, went on to say, "women showed their;
have nothing at all to do, many of executive ability. Educaton and train-
them who had great practices before ing, and experience with the advent
the war, are found working in the of opportunity for the exercise of ex
meanest of government and commer-' ecutive ability will find women taking
cial clerical positions. One great wo-' places of higher responsibility, so
man physician, she added, was forced that sometime in the fature ages, men
to slave in abject routine work. "Doc- and women will be able to cooperate
ters have nothing to do," said the in their work in an pproximation of
woman. "The people are going with- an ideal life"

PLAYS AND PLAYERS they are portrayed by marionettes.
(Continued from Page Seven) "A Sort of animated funny page
solo the audience applauded, vbile came next: a beautifully manipu-
solotheaudinceapplude, Nhil ilated butterfly first, and thten a fun-
the dolls acknowledged the tribute
more or less gracefully. The danc- sty little girl who was always fall-
ing was very well done--five or six wards.The rubbing the spclown ap-
puppets dancing at a tinse--each wad.Tel ag lw p
kep taing t e. Every marh peared. He was half asleep, trying
kintersitowneuliaEiier of to catch the butterfly for the little
ionette has its own pecuiarities of girl and quarreling with her at the
totion, little details being caretully same time as well. He was very,
. worked out. very slow, and the child danced up
"After a touching finale, with the and down in anger at him. Of
heroine sitting on the hero's lap course, when he was just about to
while a little cupid showered rose catch the butterfly he would always
leaves down on the two we had the turn and fall while the girl would
coda for the good children. Follow- try to prod him on. Finally a great
ing four elaborate settings with as 'make caugtt hin by the slack of
many as ten puppets on the stage his uwide trousers and they went
at once, the very simple little green scooting off the stage-to the im-
meadow and hill was really pretty, mense amusement of the half of the
-like a page from a picture book. audience it was made for, at least-
Four funny little men in yellow and "The last number on the program
green with high green hats appear- -the most convincing thing done,
ed. They were tuch smaller than I thought-was a pretty dance by
the other puppets, possibly half as four girl puppets in dashing pale
large, and came on with an exag- blue satin and white fur costumes.
gerated, sneaking dance, which grew They were in swings, and the com-
livelier and wilder, until one little bination of the rhythmic motion, the
fellow threw his hat up in the air, changing lights, and gorgeous
then his head, and then they all' gowns made a very charming pic-
threw their heads up and carefully ture.
put them on again. This happened "To be frank, some of the puppets
three or four times, when their were crude anO even ugly-often
bodies from the waist up followed their faces remained decidedly set
the heads-keeping perfect time to and unnatural-but to balance this,
the music, remember,-and finally they were undeniabiy comical, the
the arms flew off, leaving each ldes were veyaray andiimpreshe
figure dancing in several parts-- ladies were very grand and impres-
heads, bodies, arms, and legs. In sive with their gold necklaces and
coclusion they ;ot together all rustling silks, and about the entire
performance there was a remark-
able verve and go that easily ex-
"This act had a change from day- plained their remarkable vogue.
light to moonlight which was very,
beautiful-the figures were so fanci- "Nothing so stales a demi-god's im-
ful that they seemed real. I hardly age as the perfumes burned before it
know how to express it, but pup-,
pets as people seem unreal, while , by his worshippers; the denser the
the unreal creatures of our fairy- smoke, the sooner crumble the feet of
tale memories become real when 1tthe idol." Huneker, "Rodin"



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