SUNDAY, MAIY f, i921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY JIN OSMmnt, then we merely have the time --_ . INGOSIVIworn atte eng fought all over (Continned fronm Page Oie) gain betw'en the embrone and te 'el of Rtodin, lonticeli and others 'are''fosiliferos. 1 e realI revelations of his nicroscopicsn-Ithe ,absriies which aountdtwilsent e :ih.littleaten find tleimselves 01 clIpyn 5 othing so1r doorks of ais omewtat lesser degree 11ace o importance are selfenident emanate from the pen of hi riend eti-llienne intimated as inschsin tis clenei and p and colleague H. L. Meneken. T1his indiciitment iot the possibility o1 sach tiat "Welt Pi athor is not possessed of tie finer a work s te Songs of Solonorn-oni SUITS en.sibilities so atparent in te to01ks inggfrom anything lit the higetii in of tlineker, yetle cannot te gain spiration Bilat didemociay seeming PRESSED sauidtt that score. A\there the latter ly insists iipon raising tte cmmiioni was the triee artist, a. reiewer itt tplace not tny in the eyes of tte iioii 50 CENTS critic tis country ay hold istiftntbut'awose still, in its 0o11 seliloni comlparison wiithl any Eropean piodt'siouisessie tmtlst epet te graI net.itenctici is imore of the piisoi to te utterly idisreiited. It is a stil- titer. t finid his graiitiiloqet tpg- plc socialigiat process, ualeli to imiliilifull of tussle etarimiandt ter-cmpelteiwiithi or ciiito get tie hsigh iliateit(twitti deetifeeing. H-e mayer Po1111111iew of intellectait itistiii ttreiser. Rotert Frostandit nhersas te seiliess, streality1111111115aliityi being represntatie oftmoiern Atiiri- iii the tieiiiittil. tencerowlsnig ca inii ter higelieratar e 5501 heldienkens lsetri ndTintl yc~siiin r ledup liir riiuet,ieing cn usiereI i==tintieldistit it ci em ille ' siblyhilht baics teertleess bhi-lg te - is'.ver"y5thstels in aIt ' lneo rgessionllti 115''list~ ~ lril~riiii sriwiiiexists today. I is liot x- ,nsosshu ttS 51111 titie iier '5 il' 11" i- e t dthat this ie-ia wittl ji- a is 'i l'-" Tn 111 i 11111' o' poula oe ihtie hlfiriins Nit its tndt itsaniitdoi.offerinug tetirlai'sinsbliiiit is the trt-l. S:n 1111 i-p it is high1iitilde fur1s lto succeeing 0work. tui'itt51511" iiit giltii i try lest fibre ito he for. writer aiid worsredrs 'iti'iit-1-51' iintiing ft to bh iscireditied atilit ds n'i- i -iti 11 ilsredit te comuniplace. At is tertlenro itie li rar y hiorion. Sek;atra l heione slriinlemite, ir, it Iemsit thtit 5il-iind 1- lii i tr lichte rii-ierce iii oriifraes of a rnieti mailinase-i-fins, utw- 'i oi t as usasutuen. Blt 1W1ie ihae 1~n,_'Ito 1nil' ( us ine shirsi'l iiitiioncnete niiswledgie of tie iitllhlr'n- , I1~t f ir r 'ng -ri:ta c r ~,,,'oi'i he' c-.-'n it I plilittieir i' variruus peltie. \\'n siply oslt of tei eto115i. Fugn knoiiothiiiig f th-enxplitsoils i- ON-'ill is grea1teuure te is i"' ness si liiith rgs past. Itko r as nulml irewitill' u roans0 t i-jrih anit 11111'esited, it istr l ut. ",et ta-hi s at a 11burialI inii I lii ii t is ll. ;Nor (to iiwe r know1'lthe tieul.'Iue llillutune itSiniir-ii' "tames iiI of1 teiemarkable athletes lihti lwoureeentis-siks, Mraiunt restpe ptfrnf smntn f twomtirly i ot iiwtedmi'lowiifirth'iil oymic siffeient soils. anitasi touts liv- lt usii iis tiscouts the staue- life itill its litres bei- tniiiittrht]) i 1m-i io.Y' li i-i Ites wel. In tlie foi-iiiwi- ie-cknwniti moeos 11 1 nii f iiismidilta te (hltclat-roi-n o lae - hin loetilil-il iioiiasu-iinei-deel- iskAmeriasgoat Nirthw est. Iitliiipment 'pie race may ie, htit lattier it is the imonotttony f bti i at lives liiiforelr,, isiver-rte 0 life as I-ittob te aerage midiiitit; aihie-itent. liesi'riie-it-threfore-. ci il-ze-li- ut i tsesmalte tliis l iue-iore is -itri-nigiifinifelt :raicballi Ir ro ihrstub fures of liie g-uttut galvi-us te stois- ofti- tieopteitiTh'ist tie si-ite Diiisii t pradhe htis ptic in hlig i cvecitiretke'to n. Oir he wii ill situ-c I ii-ti Stics otmesrcouinicer iirihotl e terdig in t111(1 filsili-iot se-tieeitrtieti ,Si ittotto-erldeiiiirci-vtiiaions the irek, te. sithtifaitirtlifi' it'the arim.'hs lim pecotle- ineer are. anii nieeir b1co1e.ii signifiecant. t-liiminrate bcktground,: WtVAGNER antI i-iciihieveenttiisipossriblr.'.cliai p litnlii-ifroi tage Tire-) is the1'tr 1pmoniitthik so manyrift- ornckninieldisii - ae lia t ,nt hor- .ghtd htelict co e o l t ritg e iiio'tiiu-r - in tul iner toie ~lf. srrg-n to-leanlthat it is whllnuutit t - A stlnidicross-seitrin ofi what is 11 halvie-ii-It i t-igua lu-t r inciiiii going on ii s-i t te 5feliofludrn Amei - sant, irhytm1and1a1 an-gig leani i 1111 mgir b taiii ine b ulyand lofi(-curs lteitmrindli I gret ut in eiitisOtri it liih inure;11It -vv'e-wereiiitoi txtiine Itr1 usica grointoday than it: as fiiiivyers i i nde vue iistraiiienil ll 'Pit eaursmnsfr this no doiti. tieits i kinust'. ui ii'ttis t-iigthrouliigiihi thi satunecauses thiataccount fitheiiliithem. \-t\'ieultu 1 wo u ud ve idthla 1. 1 "revohi fromli hthilge"' hu "liii ilL' in rilsit utriiliii-n rcraiiubjcts woulidt existenti amoig ouuirii t lleler im An ll ntipefinite meldis snwit-lhi extrenue self-c-onscsuuisnssis-mmpar- 'ni-' uoperathieru areun iiueriuus u-nt siuicesnthis-wsai, audhieher-ttirIhis meiloudiu fragentsrat uork ilruthelii is gsood ii-oruot.mii u un bhe udetrine tim'le anducertiain des, crsraiii sitil- later'Tie'uconduitosusaretoounew nt-l -istisnitre ltisill tbrig bar smeiu we lus-e entirely 1too1Closec io thusniutiIto us' the uchuutirs. It realy idoes'tnuf- obhtaiin the roper judgment 'ahits hier ishuthrur asui-rehbltinplilces-C ie only the iturieuas ra. Bu11tis- uuimeoishrorluelthu-lu orlieuidg tour ihansshischreslts is -pathrelsnt histhue sneihotosu iwihiser 'tiats lthe t\nl- dullest obseri-ser. hi-ull uirtiiu li thirt mattrss is thait tWe his- mu schi abouuthblodyiredu-ut111siumit to 0-thepervaingelmet y-toung uilstarts wshou, denyng al thueheutiful =sounduiu. Co anteedenrts of it grat hut, use thu S- omtim e oirsoehen11r tiltlutsttnui sorks- of JohinIRuskini it ia eustidor ioiiated ai prttt'melodyhndhy.hrnuu onehof sttiol.Obviusl yse exptsct surh hill te(ttinrut-tilt youunwilt remne-mbeur viutuals to ite the spittinig type.i o hitflat suitnices-c uild gt it exct~ely this-t-not represesnitiiieditocrity intuhile it Ivs then-fist inus; ihnugs swithi a luttlc learning ralsslol teiothIteinpetitioun iiless youritsie-it f into huiiuuoruuus.rging fouts?'Stiltthown.i taguici's uuisldies ae ike otheus of ths, samiiencategort oli hiat; theuytst-mnil uhaytotu te cinuus- fiithn withi 1r rI Wits"'Ya hi ilkm St ttr ilthe li'ttist u-sillgr" a ireoii caiefulOt0yntumusss, 'ahiiom yoiauutut tres i-n sitit Ishn;i s'verlscress. e wil h itreckonig !u ita hi s-risun isa itthle iteent thanui eduhcate, sr theisr iittni rruuuu ii sk-u--lnsSthsrushs Iver t tiy s nt behi-h 'is-s-ini1this- ophplties te l der i luhis befre.mcm hi-wont ontit 1l tiii Iur11 Ithat shun itt the muasses, untihdonit let u ill - - ~ el ~'o~l} nuettiil t - lih-n-ri iuiiu lass -a ltiital "Fool in fChuish. tei;bt heInn Inas tinn -nulttu thatsit i i beu- Yet,oti thesetthither i had Ae i- is-i- .it lie.- - - huhuhe coder ineoph n li shuitie Its-esophosite- ixtremes iatparenut' niuli n i's iir 5c1ill 111111 , n dui11 lit Thse existencei' of liirofessor 5 sIs o Witeu-isInuntll I is to nin-n , stoppedu-u lehrnting bin kint ii h190, asuit i nbl int " heun- umflu uinc~le ar otivhnely tinalehi t nullelieu-e Ind uc--1- nc oteslu o thn emI hor itfgreatt min i i tersii i l sig n 1c-Irikr ti0m orilie excs abutle than ius thus enttry 5- n ctiuuiKid; C( lluirun sh imn mto tun 4 f"W 'hun' , cd >zE 1 o hun-huh m nt Griing u rptuipsyo liung rin 'Ltoin ta)u i. Ali' co I l t t lruim oneil (',: ?t'E :I 't;t li~ t ressed means Well Dressed huen takes-caro to hoots thu-n Clohues scth presed store-s thantilotk of nelneston isuit re as -tuig it resssed by-Dttling. I is-c himniaiitrimmianinthbe onviusel eisedl maun s-el Dresse-u.' SUITS >CLEANED AND PRESSED 3 $1.50 DETTLING "Tire Faultless Tbailor" 1121 . Univerity An Electric Dryer for Your Har Tlhe easiest, quickest nay D lii ItS tie hlirit plt elt inu a D fess-trin-f lu mo'inta sith it steaduy currnt of cooul op r lhl aemlus- air. jhou botih peh m a it n tfi-ture iui oI ii soroitytt ou e $25 Good for lifetme sr'vilce Detroit Edison Company ait Wi111am I -l u-2hoit 30 E IS SOMETHING SATISFY- ING IN A . DELICIOUS .. STEAK DINNER me down and let us serve you our wonderful grilled steaks. er tasting one you will become far customer. Besimer's Huron St. across from Interrurban Statlion