PAEFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY G, I92 SprngMeans Light Lu Pis Daity slads PlcaentrrtoundEg EDITEI) BY SCOg baa civ ::u150~-. Rr:N2s: ow~n pro- arealasSrnesi ms. ad ih e lect tlrai erreov5 in ' ligchitsmtheybills qb check.. ,'fhe tqa. h]eypeserapcsothem'sands, honds raibing with iraoa a-VoUcher-s re .urnIed to SiCo but te ee rs ht with a long. streoag, coyt presure apr-g sut hict seems to open hearts andi to lay then sare in duirst of Since-re, -, -o are leogal receipts. strong. manly affection. Wise men instead of marryiag and bringing into the world. as a. consolation for their old age, chiluren who will abandon themi, ought to seek a goodtstaunch friend, and grow old willhbiss in that conmmunity of ideas which can exist only between two men." Fron "The Lag," ly De 15 anpas. ant. "The desire to write pefeclyof, Pr haps there i a mn~ beautiful haltpanings is as the sing" staoiing thaeesithi no overot, no ius., old as tinelhlls-id as inmos- tat. Qoestionlessthese was many a cp, lie stoopsiowisnadmees efaSTAT01E serviceabitt brick was atodin s N'e'eh cart with Ihis head e will b u vr eas iik esn utnesb oeesymnld il. Tresan r deletinglere anid thierea tthrase i wants to die thlat isohis affair. lie SAVINGS f NK favor of its euneatac syinonym; ta-wo't buton ch isa shirt asysmore ansit it is- not ismprobablae that svhen the tle iioi ngte nears everythiisg outworn 000 txires so clinkers its lhe lasagscn iits IingIis staes iii final ray wsill gild tiuci zealots luster- otl iOO (''et ibre andsksinny: M i tW sigo ing witha ti Iv"styiiioni iivheistodi Am 5 wsyingf theire mustle ina everr age'sod c'eec-at the pitiofcd eatsle srtea aete- land oatwholife 1 il t 1 tin ey ta 5-oa ries-t, a sute a little rcsgssst. itnisenty sve haithet wispr - 55515anistd-nst lft lhs ltter. It feetly of bauifulo itI aps tint's ' h-d a sats and a signastire, it sas FrossiheIl c otooialIiductisson toiwitten ith apt i is snd simalt tt--________________ "The C'ertain f-tor is by lilestBrnh es althoutsssghius lieiiasrote i Swato _________________________________________________ Caelt. ie, iiiass sotr. That aias sstrnge tHe had even tut the usual flouriia is - ' 1' - strhis nanme. And an hour -tr he Sethe lady- to the Mioena? o wassdseads.. There wassasothls -winder it is har id for Ira to roe ir. mon. IlHr; an g aosein 5 a litl She lardly looks like our, iros ieich ans vm-unea ad}p ite isiraintod.Ilsastosir alinttedartile Wit ahisn? Is th ire. ppeane a el itiin ts igh - od bompadI.t our. siht-t tiho.le titwoldsseii Nthone ' rant ear s ta's msaybse a little sati hat rnd a Inrt anwaotas git to ili'. That fills lisa Ia et fiswrh bhitetplunme- misid;ie thinsks abtiti tl ei ia et i't wr See the Lady in the Ateent lite seirnouot. Hle sees thart it is eenirng, jf1j5 nw towShoe pos does-n't tools dos-ntn usnayrsore. thiat it is igit tsr the slak ciiItis Does she tirrisheirtessdin shaisic sof wal nd itsesai't cake suittirhyit ยข SS@5 DQJL qa i iea-- mess otrswitha the vanity of wusoenisoly socr.nt Strike. Posr ai sa rains sseons--and ,merits our to shoabtter-hesrIpretty necik? s saledy- fathug aleep;5 Ie clock unresrved reeonsne-ri-, Sce ths adsy ira te :oI' hsstirusk iaudhe didntsnolacae it fle'shasmorsiaa hosser'thoughhisund~t-i PI LOSOPH IY aotrhers apartraitcia th ewalittat Orce, 5wIseusa isadmainloa-atdto ad'oes-hisea-tantihis pcturuetac-nouse, , ITS1ad .SHO1 scrarecross tsat hetoo,1 sit tastieidtthesandshasly stuusit utIte let aswhole wenu e~~hi great and 1asting joyfs atcrssngthuslIra s gona? tsciids-esi-ll iue's Scareerrtcredssiht losly thsose lise flosseri p01 inithurtibi-leashdtse whos aere sltuffedsitsstrawe cauidrtfcheoutis ahaandosnstpirish the11 ii Gross Iii 055 .& Dietzel1 kssowvtthat jos. he madas n lefiit l lea at t lslushnIsdeliberatly so Y L hissan odpusdis heth tac s ocil)t tatit flls ursatefuo an isterotasacmletora.sahdtopces. IssasshuitbeWsigo insult. Lit ater aya adpse, etuokcslen?-Thenisesa Ira iuc-s5 lisa dtiring awlsis timue thesc uarecow alii i-terciegrete holderiuta- ,rof the win- tucred tunls csi erte so ssiais ass- (uow. Wht utoIeste wassitsiwitsttu ed by again-5 andsais r,,suida[) oretaut u ss otiousrsti truss ing a net assitsrsthaiesaecaow=aSlau t tlha sass itlsIe a it bssitd. Ad Takes in tusI-e ta i- 5i n utfua l 1 i as-s-kthelisa nss as s-ia dtid Gitrans Madmaus asiFo i u lsi h b is- itasthisnr Ifeic s-y of nhi de-sr-te -os si6,a-idsts io sthey s-s-sueoeo is thior trss and t reoa.a'thfli t 5 Osncs . -n- _____ i-sri - 50ie us it sitf1Elfi," sby ITous Lo c -sc,:k /// r frsmr il tin--rs' rsr o si tnd tips, fri i, ri al r )fr;_ .of al"I flir p the ciutlttoosasi curls, tire- wsater ilya1,frosuetr, rrsis; f ands sttlofibtres" Is'is'tisir e I il,' h usst II '1