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April 29, 1923 - Image 7

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POPULAR can find The work is very readable i AMONG THE AGAZINES The purchas prier of one do'lar for
PS C O O Yand the points made are sell support- (Continued from Page Five) he Yale Rview shold not hinder the
PSYANCHOLOGY.ByHuh) dyil lustrations and references to L. 1'i her, President of the Board of con. retntis reader fron perusing
HUnMA~n ('AIICEI fyHgiE. al ie Education in England, writes of "Six this national riarterl.'Ih dor
liGrogmss ien and Co. 91____50.___-- Years of Education in Enland "i- WitTe ola
Reviewed by E. B. Skaggs M .IIM U T A S tmoie tvn peddym will e st-ll invevtesi:.iideed, it wit
University of 1Islinigan M .H M U T A S 1imOie-'tvn slnil tr
At the outset the reader learns that VII'TOIA by K~notf Hmsn. Alfred lveys the naval Ihoiday in "'Scrapping be ie hying a volume of esys n
ec.yhologyisno.f Kenosoprt f, Pblsher, $1.;. 'Maan" andI inally Keteth Scott La- n ecelent variety of sbjects by an
linked op with the other sciences, e- Rev-eswed by Robert Locke tourette writes of "Present Conditions asortuent o eminent thinkers. And
cept in so far aso it has profited by Thte seventh volume of Knu:,1am- in (lina." other artiles (th Yaesewtat is better still : there is another
physiology-" Also we fiet that It stn's work, to e published in tis: Review is all criticism save at little' voutme took forward tsotntil three
is omerely a collection of haphazard ;country, is, "Victoria," sshichs cate verse) are: "What in it titke in Ire-,monthbs hence
and isolated observations, the signifi-i from te Afresd A. Kopt press lastl land' by Stephett twynn, "otis Pa-
canto of which is obscutre." Ilaving. 111oth. It is the simple love isylt of~tu" yW .Ke;ad"idw H ODLD AE ,9trad>
readt these statemtents se are very I Victoria and Jeohannes, the dttgher, oe"b ai isnBkr h a npitni eevii oNacr
suspicious thtat the autthor has not; of a wealthy aristocrat and a usler's Ilastetur essay is enlightening btt over- Aprit issue. As usta it contains a
loilwdcloely he oden dvelo- sil.Lov is ornbete snthemin etthtusiastic and becomes hig-strung areltuber ofshort pieces, sone of
tment of physiological ansslexperiment- ;'their childhsot at swhich petrtod it i towrstecd "Wno hr"iswchaeelcnevd.AE.C -
at psychology. H avittg finished the notet th ietstal ctiltistt suit-, carmitng bird sttdy. act)dswrites a story. "Simle Simso,"
book we feel se thiat sttchtis the jealsttsies, bashftl tppocheles and Ihe-!Int atdiion to te aoe natted es-.itttwhichcte sows hitseli to be o
case. Psychology has its backgroud roic yarnss sithichltehIe imttiress,[l says there ate sixteen bok-reviesss, lmas1r tof langtage "Septetster 1kh'
tf teories, lasss, antI Irincitles antI his lady-lose wit his great etos- of wicht the autthors inctttde WiliamTh'iird" is a translatiotn frott Giovanni
Iusues a scielilic mtodtolof attacke ledge of giants and b eatutifulrincess- .ttetee, Iliss Pecrry, Ali e Bowta- t a tii.sewhose "Life of Crist" is note
ott its probletms. Already a eer r'- es of othter twctrtds. Later, whlen sttchttr Llitpran nttdtt WX. IB.lDrayttn t-ett_ being rtad. Arthttt' ytsons also ap-
spectattle tbotdy of experitmentat fart Ott attractito leatds ttitetsnt towards ttsrse. 'T'sb'ocks are tsostl set ocx ltcars lbt to to disadsantage wltos he
las been actcttulatedt andth ~e coe atittg,Vicitoritattdbeen tatght fte Loset, whchltIsare cccl geeraltysre- wr ites tbilye oftetry iitrger. If '
statetnents ty Eliot tmerely itdiate ittplrriety otsu0cc-It tletcwhist ch adts'vieswedias e'gth in ioter eroticalstctet tassig icblte itbot, I sppose it
lack. of acquaintance with Ithese thingse assmelte 'granstasy' attitssl': 'Tee oeiri inte YleRtiewss- nwtill go to Ctbert Wright's sttrvey
or else he considers tthemstworthless. towsardt hims, lie miller's son. Earls aly admttirabtle, bccttsor oomte rcasn o1 Arthusr Isac-en. Te other work
PTe occk is istencte'ctto teach the dtisptlatv of c-ldnessasIoceer, icc pril et'sto Ibie' atc f nutmber 'r tseot at all totale, being eitertriv-
geneal reader antdI telp Iims atsolect its eronce-tsart, for siet ruly it.Th h, tsc:its telse m istst Elin ttor:5ct oftpainul. Atonog te poets are:
practical ,problemts.'lice autthosr tks isvest it. Wvyie's 'ttt'tvon'tst's VX'enin ss e - Is -- ,a esselt l oceoleist. Glenn Wrd
his fling at thse "acadctemic psycoo-'Johannes left homne in order t Its l ios eadelicti fcy-. bitemcccvy" i esissl, atd ChagCfistof China via
gist" '' tsayitg thtTh''erso-alledt endcthtetUniversiy ss-here he decveos Th-e lleodocre acuars. (Contitnued onc tage Eight)
psycshologi't.f clacadtemcenctotnsst- eclccas'prisingo literary talcnt.Hi Is'
sclly finshself mote interested in cc cmsssscre toc Vie-luia adchier,
mseasucrinsgreaetiotn times''titan icIthoucgts sere-alltiof liist. 'The sel
helpsingtie otleolatve their' problems,. itsthe city.swhere shecwasovisiotinisg te
Againtctheaeedemic psyhologst is fanily of her aristocratic listnet, andci 1
metictonedlas oeho boftent knocws sbcchonttttttw er clocve tfsr hit outFLL '1
lil f a 'escta tchuman as stures' Suchelctrie'd1tiocexplint tics'futility 555 ithat. 1,ii,!,
crticcismcs-ste lhca-dly tciats' dsslstc'lovs- ie sstcct-cslcce bctrrier btossss e -ctN' d" ,N 'T A'L _
doubt ccwheher the saoiti roipry~-- tes. 'lhe Iknwedsge ccf ccc tove,t 1l aINlfL
choogists eats Ie aceused of lasck ofchosevser,wacs all ithatJotanns could;ssts
held ecbserationsThe''thortlsebelongsgraspc. Thist imusltdhimtsansI with B N
to tha t 0111)uptt feels thact psycbcolo- greateeregy icc'rtean'dcssioseeececi , o cc.0 N; 'A tt7 ) 5 355s1s
gist sholsd sle Iprsctiec sll becs' ssik i.-sssork.
ill spiteio(citicswrn sittbe ~xpeismen-' tDespils t' tfrequenst signs stflovec
tAIscili iscclthatsythotlogy is as Vitorsia acnontcsscteciher e'gagcemen-ct to
yet-ainft sctciecce(tt, cc ichi, ccouncg arstoct.t-s Joiicani-!
Ih cmac ics te'me oc'f the tbooksc 5an beits' as x-c, ic- teis' cc mc relso,
ter bris Is-cote(ts-tI.T'he0studymoftifa t i- '"e c , thn itctris'attt. (Ottlt' iaecs's
macrcers thlie a'stdy oste vs wsto Ic, hc owees, dsingetta bunt.;
.ci ,motivescc ticnot psing frocThis'ath ccl s tth lelhopte of c-Xi'-
itesllc'sct but fronctsfelsintg : thatitie oi'sc 's s' r tso- tacscsscicl rec'st'-1
wocrldi ot humancstclic'is govserned',t notl tonadc acsi cchclmltcommecscsit suciid,1
by resoncbutcl Iy passionc emoctioncandlet''vcg Vi ctoria candchet' stn'ther inthte'
centittett." T'11ma'otpa i 50sns tt'ee c cit BtJohnsit ta ys aay cvfromtssOLDEST' BANI'K IN ANrN ARBOR
classedtiscsegotiocs(self Isesers icc ithn sitrict sies tlcolim. sof cseat
ctre (i cecreproucctiont) ,andstsi aloiedi cliung atc, tec fel, occitccbrokens OLDEST NAT"LIONsAL BANKI N' M ICHIGAN
emcoionss(maintenmanscsof 'ccciet).ss he tamt.tlshe'isdsied sewt' cd'ot
Jealosoy andt religions aree criv'-tives' tscsss' "N 'owcmI shall see se yost
passions. There re cc otofccinossr aga', sso sscs amse sorrycts-tee IcssidS
emotions " wshic are 01 less siellshcsnot trowscscef 1([ownisandss cy. ocr
than intensity.''The bilcossgical igi- sshe andthe s'grundslyos trIodscoar, sso
ficeance'of these eemotits is c'scsieedci sw vcsou cshxow ttunsekabtlyc'I cccxc 1
and ltce evolcutionary irts'Iointenoed00 c yo- u 'i. I ate icains sc-es'thcys-,
pshasized. ter'dacy anci dst wshingtItco u ssldl bs
Tlceecaters-on 'lThought is Irolablyjt' wl nhtoohmeadwal tewaksshatrintebok A l i 'ottandtgindItshc tte ac wtest it
theuh s'an mc'ostion f'ritshie auscthorllitsie sat' hcncycsc ldboltihs'nIciet'sceeI
ccc, dsecistec' Iis sassrio, ho fusafocc' the'n I culd tlit'csowonlt's'(-candtl
soacccc dififiuty icc Ieelingctoughtccic cccs's' if I c'ullsd irmte ce ofc's clyouss andc
an ecmotiont. 'T'elcaterccon (Geniscists staslliitheeascc tser abot. ut Cclsie,!"
is anothler seads. i not ccactllyIsi- 'itdiem cfccre 110le Ic' asi'd vred,
leadsing,capte.Geniusis ictest- c'cind int li;stmlecics cl r5o-s cn,
side'dldevoelopmntc.ttins teac ctcor, amorc the11cryc''endsl. Bu. t !I
and ge'cius,teing ss'l'deeledselalong oss'I have's'occ scs 'c'strencgthto wrs'ie.'.
oe ine, ctill bsc soefcully cundecrdiel-Goodbye' ty leod.
aed altcng olher lines. All this, icc icccmcny xwas tIe atttitude of lths,-
~~~spite of ltce daily findinsgs by e cy- sore is sucudoswec scet. The eauy
chologists Ithat lie grect mcinds arccco l ths A iclIoe oershados t le
eveicl.a' develotpecd sod sot 'lp-sicdd' ccr lanes ccf heart, caucsecdIy lie frusta-1
psychopathic. I tisoof tetcve, andctthe menta an-"
The chapters on Religion and on gcish of lte young iessauhor . hIausuic
Vice and Crie are wourthic cretulil Iccgot tlscss' sicalites whichc madeIIf
rai_.Ohrcatrwiess"rae"ad"ugrStained as far as interesting daily o-'fsl sories. When e scete "Victocria.'
servatona ace 'oncerned, ace ton gen- she ocust cae beent inthlat Iperiod
seal asse incdefinie foe technical value. w-hich heoascribes to Johannes when!
The authos' is a Iesn observer acidlie has hint write, "Deas' reader, hero! Sturdy newv Oxfords
thec wealthlo obsertations and con- is the tale of lideic and Iselin. Writ-j
tents on life situations ace interest- ten inthle good seacoos, in the cicays 0rl for Spring with ori
in.Btwiew utacei i ml orwwe vrtigws ihwith emphasizing thse basic, hredi- easy to ear, written with the very wivthout t h e crepne
tary 'driving fesrces' as lying behind best itntion aout Did~ik whom God.
hmndecisions and actions, his sort smote with love.". "' rubber soles. A, vari-
conmings are those of all popcilar pay-! In spite of this atitcude, lion-ver,;
chologists (insclcding the poets and it is the work of the inimcitale Ila- petc"ro syeye t r of
novelists). They musct cli rely cuposn sili. The analyais and synpathy withstls~ L LO
field observations and this method is which he creates i characters and; ing the capless toe.
fll of pitfls One tust turn to the directs their every movement mcaes (t
lahoratory whesrc' ie can contrcol cont- theo ook a trk of real aril it \ti F i n e 'workmanship
ditions.fhis observatiossasre t tomIstru etggles against ee lcie fcck'
of scientific value. Jclasne.in itsmacner thib isakes'iand t e ew st in
Taken as a systemof cpisy-cology thse onteehasis at 1'ine peiion whihsshe its te nevs

atithor presents cccl a crudse andc gein- ltce rmrk of feminisine psyolo ctSite tN/ e
orasl treatmnt.n 'The sneedtfoersac ex- ics rude t icmhscansiytlse vsits licst-e
terinicental foundccattonttOistbiosansd parcent s tcsussclly o s cci it ty chae
thsere ace ma'ny ss'ttments whici cica e ieard from hsint;cs sites'host imscs ndes
ecf extremteiy doubtfl v alidity., Somce Y- set -he des hicf- vic e Nxc li
ofl Ithece arc' direcctly oscctotIe 1cc'i c- sceil ol's sccc 'cc inhps thts GR O SS &' ~ "'iJ I~iTZ 7
tizzicisii o f si r'iccenaci Ict'5logyll xcilcet' i m'.ccc 'I'llsotis, I ' ccc lcar-" "'- -' -i- ~--~I /-i.~
llts''weve, in '-Idleofaflsithdis, (sits' boo'',cciactr sic 0 ccclandlice actisto f the R 11 7 1 .W ASHINGTION
I ''t'iti., 'so ich andc'tSt cc ccIeccsatc i c e {' emdcc l tI l t slit s ''cat
trli tr; e f thsr lainccse '0 v r, i h o .r, i ci 11pr c m rc-iinsiot Icc- rtltx, 'dcc cof 5 'sect
tcei ix'i ce' cland i-tlilisd 'll-c I c s a tilc-c():ccc i it :a cc c s-

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