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April 29, 1923 - Image 3

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Militarism Crushed to Earth
Developmtents in the Eiurotpean situ-; LT. GEORGE A. STRACKE various districts of Germany. These
increaeo the ocaspied arnths byt the exist in fact, inure or less secret. These
irncreo tseingcuied ofe by Socej are the forest parloles and the like,
Frech re ein viwedwith alarm h er ofcomntding officers required inoecom~ponnt flti a~any which aeof four kinds. First, are the Zeik-
1 by students of international ptolitics, event 01 sudden expasiini of the onlsy 'could be brought ito te field. A sc-c- orgae iasnaitycvlrade-
a condition of tension between us' thre Iligh Conmmand hsas retained targe ostd comiponent is the Schuizpolziac, a fedatley Pidi h a
lions exists which its the past has ail nunhr of field ofiesIo ~. t-p~c oc faotIOO us ot arinry of ir paro i herma o-
wys presaged war. The adttsitted pea any. Sonmc of the pressent reg- po-inig an armsy mostly of oticers andl Idiers, and the Kyffassser 'Bsond, wrhich
failure of the League of Nations and 4intents htave tree timies th tc usitoary lor a-corisseioned officer- of sshich 'include 7,000,0sa f ien00 w ar veterans. These
the persistence of the Unsited States adncsry nere o1 feld ofticers. 5,600 served in ttte Imterial Armsy. m uay he likened Sio our organizations
in holding alout frust European affairs 1Officers of "suppressed" units, asia- Theoretically they correspondstoI what sc sSt hryscalDvso o
have contributesi not a little to thisin aidhayatley, have beeii is ternmed constahuary is this coon- sotiation, the Polar Bear, Association,
coindition. given special details mliit is cnabi.' try, bitt scitls this inmpoirtant differenice, 1nI tes u ec fteGra
Aside fsoms aisy political questions, thems to study tiheir stirialsies and try are orgaized in regular units of aiziothers. ail eacftive ermaen
the extremse difteresice its the military make thmaalbetorrgr~ia :lbacesm f hi upidiaaion thas uass active rhepst
sln I itio available f ersthz- wil rmred crso.i Thesi tl tili t liv t egsa rs, eo(ei
situtitoit in Euirope today frost that linin diist hs l~esols et rsoi as le aefl touch swit the sitei, is chtasged swith
,whlichs existed in 195.4 is osewil tl r~s whlo could not retails thieir fo~rmse: uiliatrsy equ.sipent of the most- miodern i preerying the traditions and Iislor-
have no litle effect sssnte whittatli ransh have beets app oistedt sw-it their typs eoand the miajority are smoted leecontesuai. ass slis the freqsuent mteetings, sind
consent to non-cosnmissiosned gradles.' us excellent horses. to ast riser-
Gertuatty can pot ass arsty of rough- 1C is significant that the tota numiber gency these' troop col Fource'eesth ae siofthe olds otfir ives.
t out million sign ints e isheld with-; f nFnourtihine offce atthei onrou thecer utnitiooudneplce
+ot on-ommssined ffiersall iz-'n te Rinoas cover troops since mostly monarchists under the avowest
in ten days. tHer preseno standing ed, 17,627, is twice the ratio ofaySetayalosthmobettindleerip fLdndr.
army comibitied vsIS Site So calledllarge European army, anvd thai by in the neutral area along the rightledrhpoLunof.
"green-police" are tI: r,,;. t size, pensioning war veterans 25,000 non-" bank of the Rhine.tierfo'asanatftopohr
an fihtngablt oe uas si yi eoccnmsisioised officers still remain 00e The third comsponent consists of than allowed is 5 515est1055hard totan-
Erp;lsscolSiasi 5ovrthe soils, staking the total isousber patriotic association.s and soeles.'swer defiitely., rn un otm
trops or actcaldcinic Ispossavailable 42,627, which is equal to the ,,,ich thoughs abolished by asv-, still coniderabtee qunities ofm thesei sie-
duig Ilse mobxilizstis~ n h il nusmher of privates allosved. exist itn fact, more or less s.eret. These"tdswscshv enscesul
armies, Twso najor rists-ois exilst for tdswihhv enscesul
Germnysfailre o snke ss ativ1 By the treaty, the strength of the areo fus csr hinds. First, are thie eZit- idden, rouse to light. 'The finding at
resistance to the French in rhi cgslro cieam-osta 0, e o ligisliiesrayt e the lauser factory in Augusst, 1921,
cuptio oftheRuh ditrit. irs,,00 men, who are enlisted fot ten inforcead the regilar aesty. Secondl, 'o1 st?icient material to assemble 407,-
cupain ofs th nnbe thudsti. frt, years, all of thenm being veterans c-f is thae o-caslls'd green police, organic-ed t00 rifles, 3,000 task guss, sod 2,335
Gaemany hasfaeenyunable ent thsfrt the World War. Slut this force is only in resslar sits aud assigned to the, tt'ontinued on P'age Five)
with her only possible ally, Russia, for,
a food supply adequsste to carry on Ijtfllllllllli1tli~illiI111l~tllfiitllitllItll~llilllilttiliilllIl lllt~lllFllllf{li lliglt~illtitltllitii11tllllIlllllillI
war, Seconid, Germsany realizes that [=
the World Woas feeling against her.
,has not entirely disappeared; any out- _
break of war-wtould crystallize. lissI
international hostility into active op-
position. E
Modern methods of wvarfare have as IW
cessitated great changes In military=
vorganization and personnel; the pro
v iions of the treaty of Versailles as-
to armaments and tendency toward-
limitatioa of arsaments hav alao!
vsrosgtany ch'anges.
Can Gemny come tick?~ This-
gis .ott I.s cofronting the geneial
s-taf of the world's greaS power to Is -
samy', fcr' G ensany resent- the Frisch==
tn-es ion oh the Robrn district. W5hether -
that resentment -ill breaki out into
open-hstilities, will be shown in thep
develomeat. of te n et vs weks. - yy
Ic Pusia in 1807 foiund hersel1 cost- - 1sfe
pellsd to he iuspotent fret a militar'y
standpoint er findu a new system, so-
C'rusny- 'ftsir the tr aty os Ver- ?
oallies found heself poweless unlis s'
she ws able to evolve s news sy'st-ru l-
J of translating psotentiasl tmslitaryo
strensgth into sistusat mtilitary power et
in thes field.
The bais of estimsating Germ-ny's
isilitary power today, after four year =5 - F{ yt$ r
iiP planing is f urni.shed his repoits 4 4
of -lliedI comisittees ch-arged wsth te:h-
-ontrol of her msilitary preparatios r.
and 00 statements nsade by her miii _ z
art lea -ders. The estimaste dsvidsd
its elf naturally into setsn pars hsgth ___
coimmandt and genral sSl offiser usa - ~
herat, troop.s, weapos~n, industril mos~-
sitizatics, tr-ansplortation, and ssobsilt-
cation islanss.
Ths Peace tresty provide tis st the r
Reisluwehe stinistes- shsould he the
tead of the armsy and should coutrol
administrative departets, tchsi of-
tralining, and command of the troops
The Chief of Staff, Gineral Von SeeIk,
one of tse Kaiser's chiefs, possesses -yAty
greater power's by tar thats Von MoItke as io Re ue f r n ve siy W o e
ever boasted, because hse directly cots
trols the General Staff, the military - .0 O cok W dn s a fen o
cabinet, the departmsent inspeetors, -40 tlc e n s a fen o
and the War plaus division This?
p'a-es thec recruiting, organsination, - Presentation of the Summier Modes as Fashion favors them weill! be made
training, and command of the toops
entirely in the hands of one sian. The aat a Fashion Revue exclusively for University mio-men at 4 o'clce Wednesdaia
oace famous Ktriegsakademie wshichi afternoon, April 25, in on auditorium in ctinection th the store. Entrance_
previous to 1918 had fostered the mill-
lacy spirit and profe ssiosnl knowsledge ia througn tne secoend floor ready-to-wecar section. °

of the German Army, has given way to
a, nomber of 'Wehekies'" schools scaht- MuHsic will be tarnished lay the Meln Newberry orrchestra and
tered, altout the country. The courses = .the models have been chosen from Unaiversity women, Itus Oqcn-
taught .are identical with those of the S trkhoting to the Michigan, League Campiaign fud the sum ordinarily
Kriegsakademie with one. vital differ- "0expended for a Fashion Pageant. University women are cordially
ence-the diffusion of military service ,_ - invited to attend this recite of summer mttes that reveal. the pre-
and the aggressive spirit throughout n , 'ailing tendencies in attire for every occasion.
the nation. The net result is that Ger-
many is constantly increasing her sup-
ply sof otlotes available fos _general P "
w staff duty and at the samte time spread-
lug. doctrine of military aggrandize-
tional .500 surgeons are asuthorized by
5.5 1r esse trest, ". .To p~ pros ,t_:t- .",. tut#u##A##t# tisi-st############n!t#i2#!#tf~t###tt##tt#####ttt#fEt

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