Th~r E114MU1a at
Barbarism Recoils and Strikes
and Asiatic Christianity Suffers
It is an apparent fact that when a, JACK BERKMAN the Christian world answered the crie
period of several years has elapsedl of the unhappy victims of the barbr-
after the close of any great war, only ran. May Christian America e hn-
those of the nation who have peron ored
ally cone into contact withil the tsr r i om the preceding accont you
rifle struggle retain the vividness of;ecis ell insagine, gentlemen, the
the conflict. tive years have passed G hlrsdhips of all those who, having
since the end of the Efurottean Warcc asd[ succeeded itsaeing thei' live, have
in teat times, rentenitsance in tie dICloe o only at the expense ot st-
Utited States of the horoe us the c utoihin tosir miery. I alito e of
eon.lic' t avs roes never faiter tntittese :Araeye witness of the disaster
uow only toe whothave engagedt tilliin itssris details it was in-
thebattes, rccain iviiiire itiisttosiblehicfor sie to leave flee turncd
Notso aeound the Balahsr. ' ''ccl t tttillgditey tefore Setlemeer 2
t ii I the', ofit i tes ntcutonttinue' ptottte I hav spiet cays ,and
in deadliness, has left te laddfeva-_ igte icItear'ncidetc.pir, tresmbling
ta ted anitfamtilies scclierd.ic te s ity-of siy fatcl- which cot-
Profesecr Fran cis AV. Kelsey otessts of miy iwife, two duhters, eight-
Latin departnsent, on his recen1 p5 citatitit fourteen years old, anil three
diiounto Asia Minor for risreh 0> . '13,ii.20 taund f'us eayrsiiold resec-
in interet oflie Uniersity tee iri Iivl. Ahandoning one section of the
ga, letrsc-Iiofto acet- r ,city tfte ,anther, flein' ron 1rie
manuscripts near Smyrna 'Unable to <fiifiies de-uring the uildings and
go there, he asked tie ton' ergefeet. the freszied slies who were
Hortn, 73,Unitd Sate Conul en-steaisg, itayontting and carryiigof
Hor tny'71, tulled Stale s'on arithe yotngwouensand chitren of the
vie could ir'port uoInsi tim. t'i- ottrefuges. i sent entire nights iith
ttudrds of unfortunate victim in
Alo ad wiet thaRuln wa fagpro-tecemretery or n the wharfs swhere
wi ohas cc e o tht lnd a irothe crow ding was so great that several
fessor, Greek tby birth, Adamantios N t
Da iantopoulos asdhis famity, lIt '-en ttd evnt-woimen threw them-
Hoton approached timtshoar-nd eveinto the -a iulorcc to s'ev
te report iwhic~hwa srequtestedi was temslves from a cuel and disono-
preaied excellenty entugh tyythts; al'eapivty Yon can iot posily
mnto sheow ta't lecc it rank ie tue rtnd cetletsenour nental
the mst -ecinci cutrian-d o -bk:c ecitisuc tt-ctni-sesisereinformedthat
e Ity( eTrk sitnot spaie even te
ti _ 1stni-uneei ool lie-dclncathe Fac-
is( bh to etter;I -, be -l i--ir-ic-i''-- citt-ad irteli-itIi1r.
ceic Ifrotriit I i bytheI irt2- tcoutthe b1baitta~n
Tic-ti f, t a it.. hi
In c hti
c -~i 5\I t it n c:' l1ii' f-ortl-e
I3 -r t ttl0 Stt eeal
'To tha t i-t il 'l ti-t' ts i ieuc e a e s eit
,n -fs- s i '' aI C a-- t iti i
The o i c t ils 1 2le i-'tl itliluiecieit flti
ift tir rtcc 'cstce fl i5 iiteflic
rltliito ii - h ther ecivul diciistuti att us tailuyugsiacfu
ign3 ioY eisc ylstl-i'-he- . sitti et qcillaniuttfnitr-
"Toisugedo our attesutis sccI usc t tie-i- duoomucwtereuwetsthlinedcevatm
Chi-Ianoliutyii loMnowo x etpnaidl sesscEpdics fiu-ct
ortulyn to iu ci g ft< fo:laloexsiene.are letes n he aloread
tobreaionsuaof 2-sp ishdvfottf ta-l then irappearancefandicarried off
ugn,promidsled, dntiulysoasic I.toway,-hue rtsfcitsn qTustthe outlook
bithnoblyiocattion ceiirtin gsn i t ufoe odhefcotre swardoflynencuaing.
ieesto althrsientifiic slh ltlls, nth n awiner: uwhis ts
by the new poitcal order which the: Mown condition is nore sios
ard erer cf Chirstiatnity in the Or_ continue tersuis I say nthing
ental world insttuted cuader the u.- Disn y odnWiraotmydagtrwhhveolit
pielf l h isnity. hTu rk FORl THE GLO BY (OF ALLAH theiicstudes whc they hayesa rely
" most savage represen'ative of hrbatrecec- oi bgn. As o ysf I have to a n-
ism,' had in the presenctt of tesac I donmy sreecei wor.niAshefied h
forces of Christian Europe,rcomplted histdory beciste o hi icouraid
the work he had bgn fiv e nrtusec ympathy for the oppressed and hatred:tis were put to watt, thi uas an niomn. ht-swy.Itk h
ago in the lands of th mo a ont-r- the barbarous oppressor, daugters aried away, Gek, Ar- evr t htI .It~
menin, nglih, renc an Itaianlibertytoappeal to yotin -e fta -nd
ivisation - Iis put to fre anid -sc-cu.d With the destrution of Simyrna and:-mnaEgih F iIhnat. leat your supprt in te- effort to
the florshing ity o St. Poyarp, itc vicinity Christian civilization hs churhes were destroysd. N'rr were pase my secod son ia Amecan
the famous church so nobly atls-ted = lot an inalculable number of inval- the hopitls ofteae natin sard oyehicsh-.Ishlnedb
by the Apocly pse. ' be forces, material as well as spir-- To0sckadthenre ernutd console and if Itly gatsl if- as
Thedesripionof hisactof ar-itual, which guaranteed the predom-, All that was nt cosumed by Ih firs
The desriptio of ths act f bar-{stso solces i tkng up hisstde
arism in the word press in no way tranes of truth and progres over lies J was dstroyed by the dynamit, as Iorr in t a countyo rk and fre= 4n
corresponds to what has atually tak- adieta oahee hsto x r aufcutmcs es-to b osupattion, I a-papalin
en place in Smyrna and its vicinity be- ands of men, bishops and priests, pro- pie of the Orthodox cteda.Te'I' a et ouhar"s s ito
tenthe tenth and the twenty-sixth l essors and school teachers, doctor heitg pfmaay cnuries-the greasiees, a to yorgharto ekn
of pembe. Ifon c ld ake hatand other scientific men have give: and rich evangelical library ad iste o b a fhrh i'
oflvn itiswodeItheir unsinted effort,I a chas - gi' 1 nsu , the wrk of t iehssnte potnt.o e
testimony ,of Iavgivevhitsmntwaoortoityi
prsed throughout free Greece, ae I Now all. this painful but frutful;tGceek friends of sine and 1e'ter,I comng useful both to.-himelf an h'
still suffering from the effects of aI work has been trampled under theI perished in the fire. Tbe mateial ons os oify.
carnage that made no distinction and heavy foot of the Turk, at once te of comm ities and private mosBlivin: Ihat I will fnd you indtt-
itied no one, as also from the burning, enemy of progress and of Christ, Ieite the biliiis gnt f an uhappy father, -viem oI
ofY an entire city where lived 400,000 the dimness of a night lighted by the And sow all theise people, well to) do' ana of 1'he greateat disasters in Iha is-
Greeks, ,Armenians, Jews, and Euro-( flames of the burning city the barb-ar- o bt yesterday, and workingu for the , tory of man, I beg yau, gentlem en, to
peana, one cauld fill several volumes i ans martyred the archbishop of Smyr- ; welfare and progress of the entire Orl- accept the expression of may most re-
which, however, could not Wofficiently na, the blessed Chrysostome, indefa- eat, are shelterless. They live in te' speetfuh sentineants, and- I remain,
express the high treason and betrayal tigabla champion of the onion of all openi at the mercy of all the vicissi- T our servant,
of civilization by its very champions.!- Christian churches, They crucified tudes of the refugee, in the treeats of prof. Adcciastion N. Damantopoulos.
The reading of s uch voiumes cotuld several priests and other dignitarie the cities, on the rocky islands ofth
not fail to arouse the indignation of of the Hl-y Church. Several thouscnd mother Greece, poor now and pass'r- Thi. is war. It is camparable ho
all those iwho have not as yet aban-j men, wom en and children were sho t,' less to help its nationals. It is true w l, t we west through five or six
doned tt'ht uianilucian pr'inciple 0fIthe p0oesitonsof the tiniortunaite vi -- that on the smorrow of thisodie,"ster (h-t-.tinned on Page