G ir Omr aH FIMICHIGAN -DAILY,' SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923 A Poet Writes A Novel T7T. A i'tT1'(rT? A 1771 her 141F.,<-..,,,t r .,a,... ZbAU1ittA1UIt 1)bySUMaxwell Bo 1. ROBERT LOCKE Finally they strike upon a propo- helm. CokI-McGee, Chicago. $2.00 sition which Carl states, "I have a There has heen quite a lot of dis- ing good, so far as I can see, is just through the city and into the country, prosltlition to take to you,' ch ig cussion, in literary review sheets, con- pretending that you like to do the where he was found the following each other and each of us will be the cerning the rather blatant blurbs with things that you dont want to do. morning by a school teacher on-her monk and nun that he should have which publishers plaster the dust cov- . The boy with Carl died upon way to her school. been. I am a ghost who wants to re- ers of their publications. 'No novel the bed in his room and the fumbling, Following this episode, he struc turn to life and you are a living person like this has ever been written be- stiffly vindictive beginning of a man his father during an introspective fit who wants to go back to the ghost fore", "Remarkable stories, two of rose and walked into the street, with of madness, for whichl ie was thrown that was kicked into an insincere them the most remarkable that have an evil smile petrifying the softness into jail. He was able, however, to ritual of flesh. We'll erect a unique eve been written", "One of the great of his face. In this emotional birth he persuade the doctor that he had a nonastary of thought and emotion, novels of the decade", and "The ie- ecare to himself a huge black crii- nervous breasdown and so Was allow- and pay for it with the slavery of your era Don Quixote," all stare up fro inal staggering beneath the weight of ed to again go free. A shor' time after hands or mine. Will you live with multi-hued jackets at the visitorin lit t eleased plots, and he derived an this he went south to visit a rich uncle bookstore which seemis to displease' me in this fashioT. homoks torehick ses tostiapke- angry joy from this condition, revell- and for a while one is afraid that, "Yes, if only to see whether it can viewers. They have yodeled about it n the first gily importance that w ith a rich uncle, Blenheimn is going be done," she answered instantly. so long and so loudly that some of the had invaded his meekly repressed life. to end his story with a sweeping how Now, this has been but a rough publishers, although unwilling to lose "With the inquisitive grin of one to the Great American Public. But physical summary of the story. The the splendid advertising of the blurb, who is quite convinced that he is an ie only uses the uncle and his family book gives it, however, in a sparkling have started sending out their review embryonic monster, lie arose at five as one more institut's'n for which to sort of way with a delicious mixture copies in plain covers with the in- o'clock on the next morning, stole into show Carl's contempt. of the physical with the introspective formation such as; name, author, the bedroom of his sleeping parents, Here, in this southern city ie met psychology of this strange rascal. It publisher and sales price filled in with pilfered fifteen dollars from the trou- another woman, one of the streets, is well balance in almost all ways ex- a rubber stamp. sers of his father, and took the train who in her own environs was called except that one is hardly prepared for P'rrsonally I have always enjoyed to a distant city, where lie enlisted in Crazy Georgia May. Her reasons for Carts reaction So the death of the the blurbs. They are interesting when the United States Army." plying her trade were that, "They give actress. If I may be allowed a con- they are considered as expressions of' In the army he was able to suppresi me money for whiskey and leisure jecture, which is most likely asolu- the superlative. I have, however, al- his emotions by hard physical work. time in which I can read. I've never tely wrong, I would say that Boden- ways tried to remain chaste from their When got out he again worked at hard been able to find a simpler way of get- hem has seen fit to cut a section insidious tentacles, but now I find my- rianual labor. During, this .time he ting these things, . . . All that I want bodily from his hook. Surely the af- self balked by them. "Blackguard", attempted very little poetry and that to do is to pray to liy thoughts with fair with "Fantazius Maltire," has not by Maxwell Bodenheim (Covict- which he did turn out was not at all appropriate words, and I pay for the frightened the pulishers. But in al McGee) comes in a; startling orange satisfactory. After a year of this hegrouiing of this wish . ,. otheraseste author listseemed o But I think that I was born to be a have prepared everything with such nd lack cover for which Ben Hecht returned home, where he was cooly nun." (Continued on Page Eight) and Llewellyn Jones have written the welcomed on the promise that he blurbs What is left after they have would immediately go to work. He said, ". . . Bodenheim's style is in- found a job as an assistant to a lines- ; candescent. His phrases rise like a man for a telephone company. Peter- slow flight of Chinese lanterns-His son, the fnan with whom he was work-FO R SP ING,7"V ER afst novel is the poignant somersault ing introduced him.to a girl, BetweenFPE of a poet's soul through the modern the work and the girl he succeeded scene"? : in suppressing his impulse to write, ? Take one riding habit, add a congenial companion, and Since > agree with most everything until he found himself jogging along ? mix with two of Mullison's saddle horses. Take in the that they have said I shall have but in an unfamiliar rut. He was bumped open air, in one or two hour doses, as needed. to expand them, explain them and outthowever, by the losing of hisjobh THE NULLISON STABLES on second thought, I shal: have t teedo iestie n ei limit them. In their existent condl- sion by the girl's parents -that he, Phone 87 tion they seem rather intangible. The . . . meant no good' by her". rays of glory reach too high for the His next job was as a plumbers as- range our our vision which gives sistant. During this period heb hegan lltlilllii them a bit too ethereal quality, to send his poetry out to various pub- The story is the development of a lications. This availed him nothing cold disillusioned sort of person into but a collection of rejection slips; un a poet. As a boy Carl was called "the til ens day a nec poetry magazine poet-laureate of room sixteen". His sent hi , a letter asking him to call FIR ST English teachers were pleasantly sur- at their office. In this office h met prised by his attempts and It was from Clara Messenger who by her clever N s. " A TF~tj j ' I N AL them that his impulse received its analysis and criticism clearly showed first stimulus. His plagiarisms and hiim some of his mistaken and hamperBANK imitations suffered, however, through ing ideas concerning poetry. This a rather long period because of thec ended his attemptss to subdue his in- ORz-A NZED o1863 conception taught in the schools (when telectuas being by strenuous physical anything concerning poetry is really work. taught) that "poetry is something that He got himself a place clerking in must be ethereal and noble at any a tobacco shop for half days while he coats." wrote poetry and met the more boie- The misunderstanding of his par- "flan artists, poets and writers. One ents and school-fellows and their sub- after another of these people are pie- sequent tauntings soon made pregnant tured in a manner which clearly a very deep and absolute ittrisepec- shows Bodenheim's keen observatory tion. By the time that he graduated habits. Carl falls in love with one from the high school he had developo- groua. She procured a s:a:l: E N esi this introspective nature to such pat with a travelling, theatrical co- : OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR an extent that he was almost like two pang and left the city. A short while OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN indivishuals, impetuous oy and a later she was killed in an aecident, 'somewhat biased observer. When he i the news of which so shocked Carl graduated from high school hee wsosanit tshat le '- down and wandered. his parents to senditim his totciei but their financial position as prewar middle class Jews made it Ioe is- ible that lia go to work. Jr mitt tiis decision his father c'i em'ses' his }eI wri'ing notions, '"srtin is nos usi- resa r a'or i s' ron"tl't='s" ss 1.1d'kt !el to i on ror tiis ointt; "CarI istend. th aisnit fei ofs;' imt iant t a5ger s I, they were p'c bablynt'is1tl rightT ill it'' mm nd and he would beisss Iit a I scdil if he reuse to obey them 19031 Staright Bay & Think of e id rescue thm foiro their poiersy;Bnon Orhof Cicago bt--wel, lie i referred to be a scoun- 19032 Fare'ell Blus & Apple Sauce- re 'yonud a douht I'mi lazy, un- The Virginians .75 grateful wretch, and all that 1 care 1934 Cryin For Yeto-Fox Trot for is to ut 'ords thethitr-sit Whitema as this Drct. .75 seems to reliee me soiehowbuts sf say, how about sticking is wht I Sunny Jim-Fox Trot ars ^ ie asked himself. 'I know per-issyisseConfry and His Orchi.7 fectly well that I'll never Chane, sand 100IIl Whito, 'ill, Take Your Time & if I make , liar out of th rest of iy You ow lYou eong to Some- life that wont imke me isnIss sy t' i SCIA.EBEIIitE & SON hos Ele-Fx Trot guilDy. Besides., it's funny, i ut sidon' t MUSIC HOUSE The Virginians .75 know whether I nt to change 110 S. .ain St. Ann Ar bor, There's tomethinu; sat sfactoey about being a scoundrel-il b'ts yats dss Ilh lthings that you want to do; while be- .z :