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April 22, 1923 - Image 3

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SUN DAY, AP'i.RIL 22, 1923,



'MUSIC AND Orchestration of Poetry
In the teaching of poetry the pro- merely say, "tonezix your attenton ,-
SCtIABIKE fessor experiences difficlties that p po the 'cello"; or should the de-
Because of the novelty of his idiom to thin time have not lent themselves moure woman stdet confess her III-
it is a difficult matter to assess Scra- to concrete explanation. Music is sore ailiy to recognize the oot pattern i
ine. One fee1s, in regard to all de- of an ideal way of expressioii tan tre foot lies, se shall be told ts
partures in art, that sne nust some- poetry. The fact aose tat a poet oserve te ooe.
how link the stork of the present age deals wills words ies hims downi to Te qesion is: Will Itis system
with the accosmplishinents of the past. rles exceeding y far the covenion-;aftesacitng potry be as pracical as,
Herein lies the ostacle in discnssisag aliies of coniterpoint ad formi. 5Mr. fipears aiseal? IIthe~i fit ' plaet
Scriabsisne. It is a sign of ill-taste to Asmos R. Morris, of the tUniversty5 sjte organisszaioni of ass orhest rio'
pull every etsconmosertsIieces seriously nocupied iss asearecs Inc a j"sitble szeiwould blieinstite anit
Instead of listinsg Scriabisne, Debussy, smore thorsogh philosphyi of otris a dislffculty for msot isttittiosns. Itsj
Stranss anadsthose whio puzle us in thansass so far contented thesoars ths le seconsd place, till te studset wIois
the hook of hopeless ases, it is far of verse. is incpasblte of grsping y ril ndat'
more progressive to strive to unoser- ,Ill,. Mosrris lia sec ed uo styo ress1155 siig it by simplesmenstal stdo bte
stand Ilemnsiathe corsesit epiri- Ipisch, andsiquantiy as eingthe11pre-Is=Sfittdo tbtains further siiiiliiicaiii
met, it is true, are to be fond cost- emitsent factors ins verse. As fas t? rot liseinsg t is ldaifiultyo lsli
posers whose worksisre of nossv'lticthe as-erae studesnt is oicerne, le i fomediii sn the cells, violin, asrlistsni
0o' at Ieaol will not.l I'of valse t^tn ahe tio grasp stress withs cmtipaa-iS is sdoutful.
year esene:;butspieakisng sicrely, tvelysltlesdiffculty1The p1ischof, As 1o the rnehodt of reording adi
the stane ose stdies'Scrsabsne ada fe seinsglhow ever is disagrecoidstpon tanayisas bth eehnis of tss'kisis-;
intimates ismsef a's iss sois ners 5 hbyneurlyandshsssuld ts a cetasi dgrapts dltprese'nt is inadequate. In
expres.sios, the mor- ..tsSsl thatextnt btiefI t tn the soles itsetattilossipsepsrisg terelyfosr liiieasf av-
he will stassd out ;0tt11se sstsslnith iiil. t itesquantity rajesags' Ietgt poery.for the pet o1
epoch-maker. flo canIbe stusded in a fss nior sina'theirhestrator, Dir. Morris reiuirs'
It is evisent thiS ,., rogt i is ayLsa i is genesall's'uitoscl I test ours Deail implroemienssn
point is cslor No oce sinacordinto Ms. Morirs. Ht has te-e le knogaphs and one oilsr'ccomn-!
hi.story iave ever esslst:,i acolor as t sil discov estd oritsnvtented'5aimisit lparyig apsarau.sill esabl hitto'It
musschsas Sristhoc.k ccver setat is igo'ssystssem of analyss and tccmishsthlis elost' talin less;
she tling wihls t e.. st cs sitanti is incietanlly through muic.Stres tha this ree hosrs
mussicians, whlo class'sto pisosess tti'andsiquantitiy cusstlesdetrmined 'by Aj ol n pocicas aeisl
gill of proplihetInoobt Ihe sworths rrtistslanveighonegiofaesesyavvoril ans
carfulweihin ofevey wrd Lr-In een cossplely ewilered as
of Scrittise ss rigarls Ite perleitia- ptilrase, siat pichs must needsbte re- tsdescriptionlof voal effets. Thast
ion sitfsisas,-~rk. 'flheir argumsent is rded This is done by menacstosi
thatmusc; hic doe no apeaisi-the fsac taonae recognizs isi
the inorap, whch ecods te tt :friessit upon leaing his voice has een
redly inolthe etios ithIat is. ms iste Irstios ossl-aIset; thu.s, approximsae Ierely a ftc ~t'e pheomenon 'i:;i
which doe. not hay.enotionl 5xex- tone can let discerned. Nowy for ex-j the seret of the stcos-ru m inidi.'
sressiosssuchs as the works of lBeeth- amipiletake the first two lines' it It is Mir. Morris' heilel that explana-}
ven s adooneteoInbe forgotten. This 'tevensonsS wing" Ios.na fto imarvesthSlith~e plon-
is a weak and unjutifiahle 'rgumesnt, o doyulktoguin sisg iis ha IssItlwls viion
first, because color-painting in miusic UfIlnwtheairyou i e. prp n wig eisihsseoelih llsoonits
buaa s never ehendatiecnp e - These two lines can le divided into-
sucha Tst cal, ad scon, b- ten different denomnaton of phrase
cause there are plenty of people--lnt htitle a era
msclpeople-whose emotions ar tess tngtonly theyfirstbwordneach
influeisced quite as easily hy Scria-stessnosy acceftin"wow"nandcup
oe-clras y nines a customary linetsebylacrtiglne) "I'nd "u"
bissyle of olr riting. holawnore readilytithfrs line)"iasd "Bfort.eA You will E
s-nas m onodlle expro.sed th'aisby tetliIn the second ln)ad frh rn
gorgouslsrntnieain Sciahss t is impossle for a reciter to ring
sphony or pian0o snala? Eres his eothi1nlbcol e.moretuite thaln.Pleas
stallesItipiec e re-ext raosrdsinary iisotlssog orsiea m en isoecesuies- b
that many of 1them arc so vividly sg c'lossssl ,Isipec rce
gesive of a nood. ire.Ihenc the violin plys the mel-'-Exe
The chief waekess of the motlern slyyawis the orhestratos' has hsed
schol s ttslIsmusc i In obetupon he vsibrtins recordeid on the.
sh o ver-sht torksc s te er es kinogrsph; the ole plays tho speech'
fietoverm,-orsine'.presonvo phase the triangle rhyme; the ass'
an exception. ire is not like Ite mtan vo rdis l ' ~eln ff
'ho evi.ses a s pecial systesitof ba- ee, h iola theS l ~liss'of liree feet,,!1I T ttec,
monies and then aospts what he 1k ie 'e th t f four a itun three,
to say to Iis hsirnonie.. Scriaiie's feel: the piolo tleo tl-lines. they
theories evolved rons Iis coitposi-sclasinet the foot pattern in haf-line, 338 Maynard
ions, lie wvent aboul his sork naturtie oboe the fot pattersi in tree-foot
ally. Me used the dodssecuplse scale anuid linres has horsn tle foot pattern In half
th s ugoniented asits chord isecause lines and tlhee fot lines. So ten, If
the .y utoiaticlsly , ilusles l tem-5 thessstudest admsits iis incapacity 1to-
seles.tInhiasies of expression. istinguish, for intasce, the lines of
'lbre r' tlsr cssiisser uritits rsfous' and three fee, the isstructor need
Theye areothrdcothmpossichome
they aintpauridoshe sa ylevlasAmonth e Magazines IJrr p recZ
Scri'ine- But isa s-ry fhwis fo n hiss 1ii
Sriaine. Most compoitsers of lt'eBy N B. Suits lean an
mdern school nmarvl aStthemselves, ('CIIMSES Ssmtiiewe o r s u
anod they wsould have others e as-soetewhnyuaeiahr
soundesd at theistfor teir -sicces- in ;'"The Sprisng Sports Nustiser" does pesn - whnaltdpnso
sefyinganoscesfully the conren- not excel "Tis,Theatre :Nunber", hut! caprsaidolejoD-tlinga otrepensionf
tiosnal karnmoniles aa setehteil rules sitit is a good Chimes severtlaless,frI wrikles xvaishls acospleely a.tw
theory. 'sichewhick attracts tiss-'a cange. It seenms really to hatv,.
inon to it. composeinstead1o f to its tuhoed's the pulse of this campsus anti1 rret it
own eauty i.sisosied to ruin. Tlhe ihs articles are really Michian
coniposer may atrac for aine hlie srtices -and ideeI ot cllego interest.I
so, ybh the center of siety, or cl'im I at .urpri.ed to fand myself liking'D i
tsr e the founder mf a cult, ut as-Cismes
the ages have proven,. no one smast(1Te aud
eshtablishes a cull. People sisy ayes' On Court, Field, and Course" isTh Fali
their likes for eccetric tusl, huh' qui' refreshisng after the sort of 1121S.1
there are penty Ia e found who 110,unor se read in the Detroit spor
not knots'wast they like. For the cltts; and the stories "Storn" by
sake of self-satisfaction people profess Wallace E.Fynnot and "Science in
tdmiratiini for whatever sens clever Losve"y Liiss Kendall are just the
because they ars en.iive enough In lvtypeofIli thins s sould print.
T+-iln" tos cliiiisbeisg alled' They'are truly prize stories. Sigor /
"ehndtime' or "conservative." But Macs"Thers W'a a Freshalsin" is INTrELLIGENJT A1
lb. music o h ost who desntlea d n sentment sd appreciaion.
pt hinsel forwarsd in person wsil Mlr, John Mitcel in "Singing to
not tufter the evil of being humored I Thse Who Snonce" is quite as pre-Yorbn shudb
The ria f riains re lo juslss 5 and do.matic a. his oppo-
given a fair trial, or at IeasI a fairer ents but he expresse.somuch of truth fficient. But tha is n
one than thse of cerain other com ' ant5is of course interesting. The titlew

poeso h a.Wtotetrn'into Ike realm of prohecy it is r e- i h etpr of his snticle though. service to be of the rm
'tonable to state that In years hence,i As for Rtalphs Cacaon--well I don't
when Scrialine's inferior contensoor- jwant. to let my deep envy color my be also intelligent and
rea hve sunk below the zenith. of opinion, buat I have a feeling that hig
their glory, he .will have continued to reputation makes is utterances here That is what this bank
rise to a frcgreater fame th50 hadk look pale, fascinating as they are.
be succunshed to the petty glory of the The poetry is shockingly had. Mr.
salon. t 'Van Horns is a tar helter critic than FARMERS &0 ME4
a post. I quote his own wvords: "I
of a complete bibliography, to be pub' Ic. Hershdorfer in reviewing "Town
iished in hgland. ( Continued on Page Eight)

ase sub-attentive consiousness will
ahane the is iidons of thsphiloo-
hers and will forns a sounder basis
oc the contenmplation of prosodists.
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