SUNDAY, MARtCHIIs, 125 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PraoITIR~ TEN DENCIES IN HIGH BUILDING DESIGN Public inerest in ttte high building EMIL LORCH designt problenm more dificult and hies been greatly- stimulated by the .ifatcinatng and the results mrsei- Tribune -Buitdinag Competition. Like Ili tei l 051 ie A ~coocs tuesqe, and at the same timc-takating the modernt battteship, the skyscraper,; for bettetr conditions of igt atd air flow a comnonplace of stur large cit- to a nmee enclosing or cering tittc-te refiniog lprocsss of reeatedlisdy' in the canyon-lie streets es, has had a rapid development. The Lion. With the advent of the steel anti use.ItieidnfrttbTruncm early ones were ten to twelve storiesfame many designers cntinued to While te Tribune Competition petition progran. that there was a in height, reacting tteir maximumn treat masory hung ton steel ramessfound arcitecsrat opinion at vari-'sincere dsire fr the mot beautifu aieu thse solid msontry waits cam-'at st ha shs nh toocuy o lre .prprtoso ucts as when it was sel-supporting, asea owa sbs t high bathes design otainatle. Te entire arch- the lower floor areas. Wits the devel- while others. leit by 1Inn0is . Sullivan tng sesigin tura, it proited by the tetoal world was ivited to tar- (Sfects of a law in News York as to ticipate ad large pries were offered. opmsent of steel rcase te skeletoas sf Chicago put forwardit the thery of heights andi set-backs whicth during Mloreover, the arhitect reing the construitiotn by maeatns of s-is the function and iafor anti insistedl that the last fear years lisa served to break firr-t taite of $0,00 ws to ? erect the sclls were suptiorteit at earls store the protected steel structural sysem theit a mootonous cuticl omasses of srtli .Ti icttcasoeis by the sleet franme, the masioitry are- be treated ons its omerits atter than thse treceding maximumi Ocibical cot- vtts'i a i ouste, -x11cactie -i-i'tg $,001) ing nmerely s an ensclosire pierceit by- imiitatively. The heasttie trasitinal - tentiof high structres. reneicne te - '-- ---- windows. On the grouindl floor, the stigrop hssconinued to use or _____- ________________________________ miasotnry- was retduted' to a protectivec adapt histarical foro,wastute isecioasal- aidsdecorastiv-e civerisig fCite ssteel itr progressive grout a sasosightl1to colutmns; stauciveritng is requtiredtby iderive the encsig locals fromt strut-- buildinlawiss, sno usckai-litg unstosiure and to solve te idualismas (f 'intense het scosldsinvotvtlac ti ca- ratitnal hitdens struturtie atadtenties- latise of the ettire astctiscue. !'masill sive entclosinag frts in athertatsier- dievieltpmnt.;ithiitit - - te itt e ial swith it-- isns as ticl and s t iestic uerec it-praotatfitigmas. a, ,Idatiaer- imsplictionts itt to tie eeastorr - nsiathat ttmech- teannotostcemenstatosf the Tribtuane apicai-l andteletatc ic i-s, ai-11-it aers coatplet iat itionfond archlitectusre of liorct intoits 5 it ^-5 a, -asigI cvery catiteis abliltype in sur sige9. uparatdlotaritng sara. - n - eters. Its New Yorkicthe graceful fteskysrap~tecrititit-si siis -terra, cotssa ritvesrciisteel ramaed I rate: ts- unstarined-linslitsialiis "Gthatic" Wootlworthli lisg huks awhica soiigeatty hsapee-thlie lownson tsthe sod NetsYorkc Wotrldt troper aliaselsopment of outr- site.Builingwithistotaetl ts Malsny saf thesei ligs robact rsit ofssatslmsetand on the clumtsy manssardl light OttdI sir sanlloser theiir rental octifed Post Onfce;anearty ,-tansya5-' " ®" valut- kisie icreassing theirctasxes. snk aith si cotossl Oder sil Matn- solidly built alusCo high buidings is the St. Paul Building on ashichlaa reaching beyond the fly ad dust line -ries of superimposed piasers, one the tower storie-s darkenedt and sreest to every es-u stories, mounts to thi- New aru so Rr seriously congested, dlid building pro- lop. Not far asy ae Gothic aod utoters becomeaseusena to reason Rtenatssance churches, Adam hotels, in and agre(e sa builditag regulations and the Madison Siuare varanle at the zaning in orde to protect he future Giralda Tower about which strea (Pergolesi) huilding projects. Such regulations autoamoiles which show progress in VitrRcd875 haves been upheld by the courts and lesin in lbat they no longer rcesembe SXNE-AN E should. e studiedanod applied by sllthe old buggy, There are chateuxo a SIX NEWTrotPaDANCES ma hivetcommunties. igniyhsIensontasversade LDrie, French and talanFt-o rt alWiea GratIgeutyha ee honpaacsra aad clubs on Fith Avenue and Lady of the Evening-Fox Trot and His Orchestra by architecta in nmaking {Mlans for lots apattment houses in every sod no Victor Rcr 91 Stye.A~ tes sowtheexerme- Down in Maryland-Fox Trot I Benson Orchestra of varying elze and shar n s to at- talstesllthese-ghowhith e aeGogia.Cabin Door-Fox Trot of Chicago tract desirable tennt hough go taod taeictroghrhRecwehavd- 19erg2 equpnment, w el a-a- gged corridor, posedl in trying to find oureh-s'sfa itrtood 92 ofie n ,Inrlgtn, Tethe works of others Aggravatin' Papa-Fox Trot The Virginians exterior design from lbe cec oust The camera and the ilustratesd book) Aunt Hagar 's Blues-Fox rt Te0irinan recei-ed careful study. Owintg to thei conrttaied wivth foreign travesoad bats- Victor Record192 large sumo represaented~ by ground and dy ae helped to create a lvs ofutet TWO QUARTET CLASSICS (tOtitructlon cost, speed in the prodluc- line old types, and our seiing uoa; Kentucky Babe Shannon Quartet ion of plans and In the construction the form instead of iatotintt by the' Little Cotton Dolly Shannon Quartet of bildngs. became an important fac- principle bass proven a pitfall in the! Victor Record 19013 tor and has influenced design The development of forms appropriate to A New Slant on War Will Rogers tremendous pressure of presentda the new cosstructon Timely Topics Will Rogers businew s and, roduction and the ca Foreign criticism of American arch- 5 Victor Record 45347 plettmess of it. building organization itecture rangs ronm high and maodsr-,E i, appeas in the springing upward of ate prase to the st-atent that it wilt' SCHAEBERELE & SO riveted steel fames at the rate o a presuntly not be necesy for us to MUSIC HOUSE story a day, with m-or or tera go iibroad, since all the important 1 M}10 S. MAIN STREET cotta enclosIng walls often going for- European tea urea wilt hoe been ward simulteueously on severaIflor repeoduced here. Dr. Coe was te-. levels. mendously impressed by our architec- l The Greek Doic temple and the tre and is duly hopetul regarding it __________________________________ Gothic cathdral, the two mot con- Europeans are greatly amused al samasas ceaton tearhcreations qutatoof dsinr(ningditsectorelt 111our[if qootationalIIIl design, finding dol lftH111mes111111II and presenting an opportunity no and temple-like units sprayed about greater than tthe skyscraper, both came our commecal structures, However = at the end htn a long evolution during when controlling economaic conditions , periods when there w,,4tcsmpe tine ae such as to compel the design of Tireat yourself--- once a wreek for designa and construction, There colossal buildings in a few weeks or th d lci u was a welt established architectural months, it is obvious that the creative = to one of th o1 st C 1C o 1 tradition in shich emotion, form and process s apt to trn into one of- structursl system fused, the style be- adaptation. So nmany problems aest a l] er hog a natnest es-sl. Our complex of to e reconciled in some of these te- enn races and associationss, the marked nendous structures that the problem=a 0 2lr ase economic beat of our development and of form has been oten consideare a,L thse uncerainty as to what is most secondary, witht the consesuente that representsative or extresive of uts has the artistic result falt-; betas the1 Follow the advice of thoae who know,_ brought about out hectic mixture of buildings practical adaptation to ussaj styles, the itundansental conditions for A balance of thss two would nake'= those who have been coming here for a single national embodinment not hi- sound architecture. The adaptation a- ing existent, of suggestive past motifs and reason- several years. The architecture of the colonies, ing from precedent have received=- the classical and Gothic revivals, the more emphasis than ele direct attack i efforts of Richardsona and his follow- a new problem demands, =_ era to adapt thse tomanesque to Am- There is a growing body of arch-_An co et erleam reqirements and the tienais- asect who se the real goal and are sance movenent-al these have pro- slowly layinag the foundation needed, duced works of considerable merit, but Some of the better factory and cam- J he knowledge thus gained baa not mercial buildings are truer as nodern j; = proven fatty equalt to the task of the design than many of the pseudo-mo-j high building, numental structures whose forms! sqe and Gothic with ceatain human sently receive the ri-cognition due,=1 W. Huron St. acroas from Interurban Station conditius-which brought medieval the-na. Wc accept this new poetry aid a,- ecclesiastical architecture into being, the. new music, as we have accepted Whly Not Joita the Throng? The "styles'"aepesent a self-sufficient impressionistic painting, sod likewise, masonry construction while steel con- new forms in architecture must take _ struction logically resduced masonry their rprae,4r prpupaess~rtndergoing5111111111111411111- i11il11111#{111.{mil11111#!# #111