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March 11, 1923 - Image 8

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M EM O IRS O F ii l11lIHii m n u nI111111Unnlnililllll itn11111111RlII g11111111311Ii1111111111 U111I lla ilnilling
(Continued from Page Scven)
t, she objection arose that such a
ylsatwould not be neutral.
"The President's address to thew s I D E A L S
&nate, wliseh was received t t ay
sasary 5 Itt), shows that he thstnks
lc can pray peace-maker. He does
rats ay eaem(kr. Ihe soes, Every man worthy of the name has an ideal. It may be service to
rc ttllunderstand, (or, it he o;,
s a much the worse for hir) that the s e ml o bil h h
Entente Powers, especially Great Brit- society, material success, or merey a larger automoe tathe is working
cin and France, cannot make "peace - for, but just so long as he bends his energies to a higher end he possesses an
wathout victory". If they do, they will
become vassals of Germany. In a Cideal. rt
word, the President does not know the -
Getmans; and he is, unconscioisly
tnder their influence in his thought -_Institutions, too, have ideals; and like individuals the higher they aim
is speech Ilays into their hands.
This address will give great ofense ~ the farther they will go. Emerson had this in mind when he advised "Hitch
in England, since it puts each side io nda
the war on the same moral level". your wagon to a star, and this advice is as pertinent now as on the day it was
To his son Arthur in a letter dated -?written.
'Barch 25, 1917, Mr. Page wrote from =
Ln odon:
"Te imlressio ecomses strager The ideal of this bank is to secure for its depositors every banking service
here every day that we shall gt into that good business and professional ethics dictate. It is entirely possible
tie svar "vilts lioth teas" lbstth
pewe have pusiie the tPresident sti -ethat we can help you achieve your ideal at the same time we are striving toward
in spite of his vision of the Great
Peacemaker, and that, being pushed our own. Ask any depositor.
over, his idea now will be to show howC
he led them into a glorious sar in
deense of democrary",
On April 1st, 1917, the day before
I esident Wilson appeared before
Congress to request a declaration of
war, Page snmed tsp in a memoranT e A n rbor avingS B n
dum his final judgment of President
Wilson's Foreign policy for the pre- k
ceding two and a half years. --Te Bak of Fendy Serhee"
"In these last days, before the Unit-
ed States in forced into war-by the Resources $5,600,000 Two Offices
people's insistance - the preceding
course of events becomes even clearer
than it was before; and it has been
as clear all the time as the nose on a
man's face.
"The President began by refusing i 11 1 1if 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1I IIIi1 l
to understand the meaning of the war.
To him it seemed a quarrel to set'le
econonic rivalries between Germany
and England. He sad to ss last
September that there were many
causes why Germany went to war.
Ile showed a great degree of toleration
for Germany; and he was, during the
i tsIice morning that I talksed with hin,
(ssmplaining of E'riand. The con -
'c,,ersies ie had with England itsri',
oi course, mere by-producs i& tie
isnflict. But to him they seeied as
important as the controversy we had
'th Germany. In the beginnin he
had made-as far as it was possible -
ne utrality a positive quality of mind.
Ise would not move from th posi-
"That was the first error of judg-
rs.nt. And by insisting on this re-
othed the people-sat them down in
con:ortale chairs and said, 'Now f
stay there. He really suppressed; i c k0 t -b
speech and thought.nl
"The second error he made was in
thinking that he could play a great
part as peacemaker-come and give
a blessing to these erring children. Makers of smart but conservative clothes for men wh /lnow and appreciate
This was strong in his hopes and
ambitions. There was a condescen-
sion in this attitude that was offensive. You get your money's worth whether you buy your Spring suit now
"He shut himself up with these two
deas soil engaged inchat hie called or later.
'Thsought'. 'Toeir currens afethe
world never ventilated his mind. But who buys first naturally buys best choice.
"This inactive position lie has kept
as long as public sentiment permitted,
He seems no longer to regard himself
nor to speak as a leader--only as the
mouthpiece of public opinion after SPRING SUITS AND NORFOLKS
opinion has run over him.
"I-e has not breathed a spirit into SPRING TOP COATS
the people: he has encouraged them
to supineness. He is not a leader, SPRIN GHATS AND CAPS
but rather a stubborn phrasemaker.
"And now events and the aroused SPRING FURNISHINGS

people (seer to have brought the
President to the necessary point of
actien; and even now tie may act
Continudro v107 . U nive r s y A venue
as a whole. As shouldl abe 'peelt1 / . n
trom Ellis, this isi very clear and
sympathetic study of both Huysr. ans
and the meien'nt of which he was a
leader. I gives to the editiona cor-
l ainair of authenticity and a suffiie'
dignity ton its considerati"n as; a

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