SUN DAY, MARCH 11, 192:3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SEfVEN his unromantic puritan nature, she left hin, a sou-weeary girt who had searrctedtfor loe ttotttttit, ani hat been defeated in the batte to retain it. Manin, cold-blooedtAnglo-Saxon though h wa's,roldi not endure the heartachte of her tesetion, anti plea- ed wittt ter to r~tr, ttt Sonyt tas ta'sted ofteotup of Life--atttfoutit it Iittetr. Se trried te motiste. Ani Yeirtta a lst reseto Iitt Saome of te TenotentIs'a tdratia. y Paintte in tno fasecotltrs of tte ghetttt of New York te itiglift- and the getto it in itself a ttetig po.IttSontya sie hasrcreted a har- actet' whose life is a fatte of passio forteatty ttd love. tingtto fet rtt te bittryofotcreed atdtth le prejttties tf rare itt orter to relie Ihe sefiht treatt o rottatce --tatd ais Thel(,oel is trtly a mttster' work. "Hutngry tHeart" rttght Atzio Yeziertka from tdarkes into light: "Salome of the Tenements", will keep her foever in te light. -' THE PAINTER STANDS ALOOF j ills u. Afret hula. Rfev etdbIt ' L. Tiden lo atinott tk rrtvittwe'rs ttotctit amitts'autttot'of sho(ff1stortit'5 as tiff reincarnatiott Iff. tentylorfthte ieir atpairett of t'tt'titts.'STe first ae lrestmttoses sttort, ('firaiftttttlc' sn- tetes, tttt'tchtocolf't~te sd 'ejfoystfttt ten dollar a weet't srrws of Mador f Liz. The second claiication be- speaksotfa "rtlettless young realist" with a setsmottttandtttery sitntyeyt' a potintetdtlstitktati jottig Cltnire atittns. Somtimeiltts tere f' itetlt'S0"lft autittit hisvt a cotbtttfiontfftypt 5e"s atidtrefuss mft If fittttttal ito th tteitst tmtustt be aI( mst beostitstufott"''ly foritth'if goodttotlttf'tofnttoio'It AOtttri-sois.,t nischet'tisllt eher own. tt. f 'S flet'tttue's areshotitttequalty:ivtiget httti tt'etsmalitowi'thotteasi eampletof'tmitt'wsti vrtty iffty-surtd(i' teick andit smtt keiofttitfe lc it.'t'hel t's'rtrt iloertlwth o citetolauhter 'thme rsetel reezttertl use wofeP ofidtne thaldttseaeffort ftheOine'mt(t lifduersthae plotbCuraontte.Allghe; lifeespntsapetnefrhotmaittonh to app i te rttttiase, the higstory, atu marriese tocalesat srofteto Itootl. trautta Pottesryheatsaon th tiuse tf Jer'stdaught~t ter is nh Itt substlyind patroaizedtbythe seelh rtuarougs lit'r criues t herdfugterli The faketchtecmined 0mettaotftPa plantsarinttoct'tnt"t'heIlatt... oftetilrentas attlliot ttt'st sttt Atae , "Amy'sif ttort,"ttconcernisiiia ItirtwhloncehearIthalt sinievdryln' ietiastheScot itftrt'iiov'l. ' ller lie h setw iting ifrisothtitngt i fi id etooibadi iha't ntingee ii 5'