LAGqE Six " Il THE MICHIGAN DAILY IRTJNDAY, 3MARSS. t.I1-94123 .. . ~ h ENCORE IN AM\'ERICAN', o Twl illhaveeto fall tack on tte ko'le' i bt ounavoidale eplitiet FIN IEltS, By John iV. A. Weaver. "proiing". C ertain it is tat the Alfred Knopf anid Comipany. Reviewed blit'Liste Rose l(i t grat ;t nly potilrltetal s. he I 1ave0long l1o)011f(1 101' 01"50oet writer o1tho fist rank:. Iiiorder to abile to interp~retimaloginativly theti Ilo hg lacI e amol t r ttllctar clei y et, ptheilS~ oitiaty 'of aOtt1111 tot w h m stlish ihis vrse 11010 uselonettt-parkr.'Te theime shouild beIareftlltsdestrlo aout it third ofhi fr1tl ' oll'I " Ill itt' 'lep e ntheie j stillt raellin g. t:;? th1* 11t1is (low hol(10 1erit- 11(0 I1( 11-in1 ttei it'le i;(t eof 0 0GH-ETTOI 0FLAMES 0O' of ilountrsilies than011to1describelENIIEN I'H ii ((liti sub'ects'1ill c 11(1 c '1111500051 1WIT iO THE houTENEMEN1 TS ill flct. I (have'been1 preparedl at 'ally 5Ite u lly ill) o t'Iy leislolfe ill iitt t te rI 1Ii i i''st hort Otlolil' of1 20 ti I ihallinot, ills te lo' o r A1i~(l7('( li(isil. ihl'firt] 1111(1 t V er l Iii' i s a g ie uIds appo'it111 1111111int- th1' 'til I'ofIitille 1wor' lld (If etl, zi~ct~t I ssu ed ronitheblub w is Biliatils lde 1111t IIte.5 l e 1(1 thejacetof islatst ffrt," ollrs, 1(r11d he1pot"11, f 1enkmon Afoe Pemsin 1ieian110thatI t10111 1 1 1.11 l'lcho lad ben(ii'Oll t1111n'' 'Ivsthe' easie'.'st:'h ig r.Weve No.1 11illwhm 1r lilt ir o CAN YOU AFFORD IT? Can you afford not to keep your clothes in the very best of condition? The world is quick to judge from external ap- pearance. See that it makes a favorable Judgment in your case. DETTLING, Tailor 1121 S. Univ. INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED Your bank should be sound, accurate and j efficient. But that is not enough. Banking serNvice to be of the most use to x'ot should] be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. i OUR 0 E ATREMOVALSL OFFERS TO YOU ONE LOT OF M~ario fip)of L~aand \Vilihkatii 17v10emrn: tls s'i t20'x'oar G Cl-. urn1 fr10 'll01)0Lom o$23I 0o. 1 d 1 1'_f.'(, y 110 ii:.t ' it"vwo gll hto. fI t hoil Sl t.1'f e11 _ ijt 41111111 11.1 I it -- 11d111 '(loll 11e1111 11}{)S11 (}) If'' It l' 111 s i ll". > (111 ,?1,1111 11 i i t' ' ti ()_ 'tti ' 1 3 - 1Z.(.Il"tsill 1'' III 1' ( t t i ll { 111111i1 (('' li plt- I ll_ tI.f.i ,. 111 111 1 c~t1iI iti I' Il 0 111(Y111 1111111" 11111" tie lb BeSt s 1 va ' e:i nandcd 11(01'eci' I 111(1" 5 e-11 111 1 1511 ;Iia1, 1111(1 liihei .1el111iill' ,I fll i o(1 (1 F r limo, fa1 hu ll ito 111 i'111550 i sil le s' I ' th1 e wlold's rcut 5 ant llioIt - 0(1_t ak D nn r x. 5( 11 ((1£)=-.'iio s t.) rfI~sieiss1ci loai)s' ris o tfilmodehisetlemenRI't hot111111 or 01111 r" boor ii''ms 50'11ii 101 "00 c101uidn lof se o ef pot opl"fiieii=sv4 fAichJi(Yn he Thrn?.7 r i 511 1( 1 s' i r' iiight" reli e i t s. e nnie ssfoloe)Iiyp I' ll IhePigtu Hav01111 e. I feoti us s llist c the1(;(1 eoiilmo111t sIA fain"111- wol o aeotifi "llii fo isn the oet ilo ith a gtI I t at'r a ri11(1nIied, sher ilnilli m asrssnovre, for rod''Im"011s1 is itl i ol 101 0 5.0 1e l o ilfour bare ~ofn ecia llkyin ille t111e11 '(Slat 1'' ter bian h er prs'eii tsi 5150 4111(