SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN She forgives Nora, anti the other, and' eldest, naturally inarries first, after 1 then for a time decides to abandon did not present a medical diaginosis finally Laurence. Titat night he has msany trial love affairs witit young ttte "fast" life, but it retains its gipof the liodern fensale. lie would a, sudden relapse antd Mary goes ot eligibles, and sttooo ncr- thdisabp-onilthertutil shte is finally reformsed Ihaye been successful, mucth nore so, into the grey dawnt,Itoking tort'hte proval of Pat, the enfant terrible, to-; by the manl site sarries. Cary Scott htad lite confinedl himsself to his profes- doctor., "Pray bttw'Io woouttd cautse stteItas becomte a mother. htadt returned 'tfter many years' -ab- l ltott and left the f id of letters alone. tear? Far, tar beyonds reach ttrtin- Maylc sooeitrsig trsenre to find the love ttfttis youttth, t ttassIiioiskee ht Mary Dee iPt's mtherbtntesrtseintei tteaT ephsit assnfeisktne ta derstanding, thse force titat osoved site is mttre discreet in "petting lar- fhoativ otrceshibutsif se iandoeds pen. this aitorld of beaouty and terror, thsat lieh" tivo'closesstownsatft anuntilsus m:ade titse poor01humtn nbetngs goi t,hittttcose e tt ntte nittnetetn year old Patricia, tht' I lARTHUR S(HNITZLEII their nwad's ton 1st hels, sngi~ng adense'nesinottral a'ra shrew whtoms he >as sotugittto tamte. ! (Continued from Page Five) suferig tey ito no wh t itiwtit a man whattmotste awnot tove, {But otne other tctaracter 0isworthtytGeorge of his respotnsihility toward barshs, 1)1eth tas lumtatslate, ithistnd1 ettihottohegross tts tate aftet litoof attettiton.Dr. IRohert 0-terisout, 'tAtta hutitis deveciopeIdthilosttpthy dint steely ltgtthis c tuttits"gwidthitbreaks tte agreetteitt by whoictsh iey tse fatttilyphy stcian antiativiser, adti;tomlbattis ;his congetnitai natue stottestrecot . "So te stotrt'ttts.Isatd bectttse ttatt atst toie. W 'attmititers to the Fetttriss's spirittal ansotakes a tragetdy of tise story. For lie Whso Neitti Bostce isI dttntnowtteihetrtttibantttattemtto tasave a street-soweii ts tmeditcal ativice. His life ttasn teseirasist fttr a ot as an astatt HerlIst n oovet, 'fie Bottdttiway pub- ctititifrtttttdeatht ttttet' atrttnltto 'ttlo-t etenlaptnti nsieut devotiotn to sinus;condutctot itn a, stmallcourtttteatre itt listiesI itt1908. iPrttudt Lattn",ttftrt2 toile, ttttiis so criplteditt iettitotnetitss ' ' hr chltreit, wo iotokGemn.Btfo acldrpitf tteneffiteen years ttught.tobe tioattetotttiinitgteathitntta attt'elto aafte da opno.vieaw it is cotitdy tot' it is a comtplete weltitcoitdbyherlt'toltlttttn't itftsheIt hait', Ntary lee',''ioitttsporttttt I ito toSYouth"t''is a tetdo-chiatt Nisltseattttriumtpis. IPresettsena- has attt. PersoanallyI Itttot quite siteis. t'rttmtins fatittiut Ittlttttt tttt t't't'zattitt 01flpseudtio-pteitple. oitls';tits tat'tofessol i' iidner's classtwill Fet'c ositsite itt, ' ltlitdo ilith t t thi rfssotoacet' Ilits tffet tfa tditortctet sittlpoiiotnt tf lte toriliscinIt- pleast'ntiwsax ataemeic itit eu- teiyns iliiie eatlya' atite it I ctilt frnlr s i E tlao t 'tilles to alhlh r t ot' 1 2 oll fttthe ti-i' li hnot's 'itch per-I 'ii m o'o'' a lisi i ilii iust'hrIutt'ithe liitfst 1ears ofire0 ti les'andtO lrtitglsli tell;s tilt "out s.I- la ''thas Soiuglit to 1prosetlc e'os oS tiici'atitt titlstr t iii attftitlitii" iiperiio5dtss, i ai lftl°vilii IIt' isii i t l its'Ottltt, t - ants lt st curn ae. st p ei tri I I e i l t a il t a i od , h e rt i i s eti ,lh eii s fitf l o h e t1 w t e ti cll s i l o tle, m a , 1 ( n - I is h "f a ititt'5 05111ory t ill sc~ u tt. It c1r1 ail y. 1111iici it th'Ie c t ati0 tl'w'rotit" -abn . er nl it' llto a mios hts's to t ls on i ac till ii' i totti tt' t lii tleI s en -liti tlt a t - ist1)ltheerillani tiltgu sis '1(as s-c sa e f r 1 ('iitSi'ie - th nfe o ' i c IGfle s- ltla Iii la cull~a lit li t tta 21 ''t' o l rll' tu i i-i i iult li'1 s5 i'l altl 1st te , n~ antd1I ithen. lit' esilt' s 1t- ittnmte n lA l y ,t a e silce c ' itfr s T l