PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY'' SUNDAY; MARCH 4, 1923 PAfIE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, ARCh 4, t9)g POLITICS FROMV THE t the csonr t 'dht e staunchls to the CHURCH STEEPLE pttitciptes ofthte Reputbtic'tn Patty. IDemtocratt'shis evtentlty' teent to icNf'O THE HILLS, By Ediward Nielson ,,ttittt,t to the 'attior ever since the IingI v. The Strattford ('ompany. tieywttenthits nottiet t ritis ite Ieardl Itevieweod by Rober T. ('ratio ftrom sottve outc'ast of societe, for tite Protessor of Political Science fitrsit tie, of tite existence of the 'ttniersity of Micltigant tettocrtitcPatyt. Ttctreis no "ITnto Itohe ilts" is fascittatitigtas dtentoctrattad nieec rts teo nthisti ttte tttconsciotts revelttion otfite ttitttlcotittiry.Thist tttttun tryittttbtictntt of thiS tiCS spatter tman, tor ttte atttthritvaitabtyspeltett aitt tcatal Rt f. has tbett itt tewsapetir wiork all htis Bitt the Diemocrtat is 'at teast still a life. andilis tow ott editorial writetr itreit. 'Ielientdepoendtent statptyis ott antimiportant New Yorkc itaily. not an American? In a roniaritably acnte a nalysis, Mr. The conmpletely objetiechtapter ot Dingley dliscernts the true ihistoriatn in Ptrotetlion and Civ'ilizationtiS is ode~l titu who writes history with hitseyes 'for thte historian. Protectiton is tonty lifted unto the tills, This, David ktnews the first economic symoptonm of a great anti SolomornotIieiw, sys 11r. Ditngle , spiiiritalore toucinitg the hearts and antInotw Mr. Dintgle knows it t too ols ofiait within its zoni. Protec- I'' will lilt ttiiate3 es tinto the ll s',tin is itt isolatini, it is humntitiiwet- tait the Psalmiist''. f'ontinutintg his fiBre.Ptrotectioti is a tart of thle great atitiable analtysis, Mlr. Dingley finids' soul ofcutmittanity. IFrottt the titter --itt the sonic paragrapthithat a itu ie tttiii tt atnttlaick of ptrintlice hitorian sticws the record of evtent shslowns in the book, cute wouldt never front the heights. It will tie perceivedil suspect tha t the author was the soil wrhat a difificutronle lte tine Historiani of the creatoc of the tioat statesnman- has to fitl. Mr. Ditngle is too miotdest like tariff in the annals of een otiitsimply that tie is himselfa trtue Iistoria, a but lt very slender' REALIZATION OF THE use toe makes of actual event. speaks IMPERFECT elotquetlty in lii:ittf. The author's view ofhitsory is one IPROUD'LAY, By HNeiliiihsoyc: Alfred that has become tuncomnmonly comon't A. Knopf. amng historians receintly, heitig none ; Itevieweit by Docrothiy Sandtiers. other than tliac of current politics.j If there is site subject, miore titan Hin )ttethodt consists ini saentioning1 any other in lewworltd, sin whticht the sonme topic of politicalinmte.reatadifentinine mind prefers to renmain oh-{' ilghi~g it athe baissi of a sonmewhait diiiadels uncotavinced, it is te qutes-I lengthy editorial, interspersedt with tin of seeing equity in atdoutble stan- charmingly randao and fragmnentary damut ot morals. It isn't selfishness, a5 ta, t. tossed, tact is no his maiht;bee'a tuggested, that niakes her} ronsern h ut spiritual forces; andI so deliberately obtuse: or anntinton-1 these spirtualfarces"a" yhe isolated ;setotis jealousy becuse she cannotj am a easured bpy the economit and llt, too, among the primuroses with- the ptolitical scientist, just as a nex- out hemn scratched, or is it her in- per isolates aind meatus a chemical stint, as biologists would asoert, toj unit". Yet it is, hardly with tlis 'maintain purity in the race. It is ficlentific spirit that the author ap- something much simpler thtan these, isroaches his subject; but rathet' to h ut withal more difficult of explana- muse his swan words, with optimism, tions courage and conidence. And lhIst Deep in every womaan's heart is thej optimisnm is folly Justifiesd as lung as ghost of her little girl self, living covertly stealitng out at odd nmoments retirements inoto an inner world of her and ceintg, nistestly, in the dark, own and over and over again lie ac- for het' hrokcen dolls. A womnnyIt)'res her of not lovitng limo, Shortly tier very nature, cherishes itiote itou- after te third child is horn Mary dis- sionstthtlatnes a masn: site grievsacovors sit attachnment betwee'n Lau- longer over tier disenichantments.'lust: rance and Nona, her cildren's mnurse- is wshy, I believe, a womtnan cling', so: mai. Always intitlerant of wrong, tier itersistently sait so obistittatels to liii iride in tint, atid in herself, is crutsheid list direairy. teticitimatutrity leavs tactbh his peorfidy. Site loathes hint. For -her faith ini the man s~wltoltes. Tintsappearance take she constiattes to live andi the wotrldt tmty toil totrtttat tic is in is, house, formal, ptolite remote,. nott infallible, bitt site shuts hot eyes! Then otte hy one, as5 the yearnsIpass. andtars at'd"tibleliees, witht ter whiole' all ithe tmeti shte knows tfail tier. Her =sout, that tie is strogeno d iigaid, inii fatthtr the kinidly old doctor, tells her till things c onintett, antd as cleant-, iite tone cfatiny cotmmon-tplace, that lieedtansui iini"as ihirself. Neitht tier yongsn'stmysterioust night-ga- Boeece, t' te riterorfi"P'rotdilaindy", is ings are in the order of thitngs. IHilary a wittin si hi s lt thte campti of tier tas yielideid to thte corporal ad mat'- sex tndtuditsi'witit hottpeless sigh, viedl atbuxomt awidow. Lavety, friend that this iastt drearci, a'fter tilt, an of Laurience, tits that Mary tas tent illusion. h ter lhusbatnd on lie road Ite travels, Mtary Catriiln, teoitte ot the nel, tind excuses tim nt the ground that bteautifitiqtut, restrvedtoilmotttst ht the mtost impiortat thing for a. man detaichttent.'umid filleid switthit groat is his w'crtk, it hemn, right fur him to spiritls pidtie at tswenty-one lis be- take attyting which helps hint in it. coite ltebrue o Iitis tce artnWith the loss of ier belief in people, wltoitas just. returntitifriothcie wars. thte elements of her religious concep-- Ito resents the testrint he senOses initos are lost too, ter beautiful and hot' situittrtibuttes it to the influence traicface becomes a mash to hide (IF Hiltary IRoibetsuit the oinister. tier lonelittess and tdespair. iltry, Mire'sideal, is at wtirwith Lautrence, on his. regular bitsiness htimself, loigte ter passiontely,ntis- trip to fliairgo, is token ill. Malry enable-s." firsitvytirs of tier goes to him soil finds hims in an estab- naarrieitltfe pa'ss happily enouigh fur lisimenctoelist tiaitained fur Nora. tot', butfoiir tihuisbantd they tirent In lii the trt 5of waiting, Mary' realises cotittitei'Hiis saffteitby itter ctatmthe Nwruitigshe toes lottetier husband. You're not taking good care of -our allowance unless you pay all bills byN. check. It's the safe and systematic way'. STATE SAVINGS BANK Mati at Waslhinlgtonl JI##1#########~l ###########N ti############l############!##il# 2# REMOVAL SALE FOR TWO MORE WEEKS W We Are Selling Our Stock nt a Big Reduction' _ Schianderer Seyfried 113 E. LIBERTY ST. FIRS'T N IAIONAL BANA K ORG A TZET) 186:t, OLDEST BANK IN' ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGANj ' You may not be able ,to see t h e superiority of Benzol cleaning, but it's there. We can prove it! We call for and deliver TFelephone I'nluatky for Spot#