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February 25, 1923 - Image 5

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It is hardly doubtful, that Russia JACK BERKMAN I have shown you Russia is not to be
has become one of the most momen- ignored in the solving of a world
teus problems in the political world would mean, Russia was left to direct readily inevitable that Russia may peace.
of today: that the Russian situation its own course. combine with Turkey and Germany and
has reached a place where it has be- The result has been manifold. To- this will result in another war. It is Bodenheim and His Pen
come a paramount factor in the solv- day, Russia stands in the field with further inevitable that the burden of Maxwell Bodenheim, the poet, is not
i ia vastly better trained and equipped armaments cannot be lifted until the a convert to the portable typewriter.
Ing of world peace. The question is, army, with a treasury that is by no question of Russia is settled. in her For three years this itinerant scribe
why? Let me review briefly the course means empty, and with a form of full recognition. If then, "President has hoboed the world equipped with
that this nation has pursued since the government that breathes more of Harding would say tomorrow morn- only a pen and a quantity of paper.
outbreak of the revolution, and the true democracy than Bolshevism. ing, (I am quoting from Borah), ' He arrived in Chicago last winter with
sariois situations that have arisen,i. Russia is a very paramount factor propose to recognize the governmenti a novel in the form of five hundred
the solving of a world peace. The of Russia, I propose to open ip trade pages of utyped manuscript. The
and perhaps this query will be an- burden of armamsents cannot be lifted relations with every government on etched pages were copied and accepted
swered. until the Russian question is settled. earth, I propose to promote amity, jus- by Covict-McGee and are announced
Soon after the overthrow of the old The European leaders at the Genoa tice, and friendship, and to put behind for publicati: March 15. under the
form of government, European Pow- cnference recognize this as the key me the fear and vengeance of war,' he name of "BlacrY s:ird." It is a vaga
to the restoration of a world peace would lead the world to peace." Thus bond's biography.
ers began to interfere with Russian'., ni s o mosbl htRs
'r oio, it is not imptossibie that ttiisF
affairs first secretly, and afterwards st, Turkey, ant Germany may form nis lfiIlIli1lllllllllliiifllli1111111111111 I1NItIIlIlI1111it111EII tiil 111111IiIlIl'
openly. Thistmicrference, says Dr tiatlalliance. I you put 140,000,000
Zilboorg, undermined Kerensky. This peoplo outside the family of nations,
interference, combined with the ecoat theii soitlaws ,ostracizeittheN r a Vision IS O ften
tey are bontotistltseek association N orm al iiols fe
nomic wreckage that was inherited elsewhere. These statements have
from Czardour, brought about what we been confirmed in the United States 1alked A bout-
know as Bolshi'ism.. th by Elihu Root and by Senator
The world then attemoited to help Borah. Russia and Turkey, together,
i ill have on lthiesold an extremely But seldom found. Optometrists have come to c'-ize by exper-
Russia further by putting down this-
great nseiiace. Aid ws' 1r lfor for- arge army. With the employment of ence that just about everyone's eyes are to some extent defective.
German military science, and the use
Barin rangle, kut.he 'f of German generalship, the world will The harm done depends upon the ext.t of the abnormality
ed eal' eshudno e u piface a war even greater than that of--
Bar Wra glew sho t ysee sdrts- f1914. This is the impending crisis 0 and the health of the patient. Immediate relief from all errors
ed This simply proves that the new- . i e ii.n.i.
birn, purely Yi tIb the ss'- .et withal, the situation may be of sight, except those caused by a diseased condition is found
v avoided if the United States recognizes
and buni hg foreign interventcio Ithe Russian Nation, Borah asserted in In glasses. We don't believe you would make a mistake in
nd r ta speech presented in Symphony Hall,
was not a deciding point as to the phy- Boston, Dec. 2. A Washington, D. C choosing us for your optometrist.
sical power of Bolshevism, for the newspaper, in its last February twen-
strength of the Soviet government was
not due to its own vigor but to thety-second issue, while commemorat- H. W. BECWIT, Optometrist
general physical weakness of Russia.f he wereeal e he would haave regard LENSES GROUND FRAMES REPAIRED
ed the United States' attitude towards QUICK SERVICE
iausse throughout the early period of adgaici-hrctradQ IC E VC
the Bolsheviki rising, more than thi- Russia as dogmatic in character and
ty million peasants writhed under the merely following the policy of lessers
. -nations, Italy, Poland. and the othersl
scourge of famine, typhus, cholera, who are in the majority and who are
soil plagues, When such conditions likewise dogmatic in character. With
prevail it has always been a desire the recognition of Russia at the Genoa
-ith the Commonality of the land to conference the United States is surely
bring forth equalization. Their desire 'ustified in aceepting the opportunity
was but equalization, mild commun- utiead theapeopingtEuopotutyoPTAT E TREET
isna. Dr. Zilboorg explains the posi- to hi theoled orf Ewbype outgfu..
tion in which the Russian people this turmot and strife by giving full
found themselves. "When a man," recognition to the Russian govern-
says he, "has nothing to eat, when he There is a precedent in the recogni- ? uIIIIH mInUIIHnn"tHRUIiltI tilttnnf1111111iiul 1111f1nnisinIuinulilunIl11
is lad in ragslwhen he is miserable tion of the Revolutionary Government
and cold, he is too preoccupied withsi of the byeWositon 's eme -
his poor, suffering body." 'of France, by Wsington's cabinet,
swhich included Alexander Hamilton,
. Besides being, therefore, physically the greatest constructive genius who
and morally exhausted, there was ever ever dealt with the science of govern-
present the ghost of foreign aggres- ment, and Thomas Jefferson, the most
sion. These two factors combined, ranging spirit in the politics of his
paralyzed the realization of the true day. This cabinet voted for recogni-
situation, and prevented even the tion unanimously, and at the very
weakest attempt to protest against In- time of doing so, the guillotine wash fl i dj/
ternal dictatorship. Yet far worse running with blood each morning.lo
than this result of foreign aggression let us suppose that the present gov- shoe as tht last w rd
was the probability that if Russia ernment of Russia, which has stoodin s . A f land
must succumb to it in order to bury the test of five years against every
the Bolsheviki under her wreckage, form of conspiracy, were to fall. Winter model To-r a
the city would rise agaisist the vil- What swould be the result? Chaos, ?ais 4n s o
lage for bread; the village would rise murder, hunger, plagues, turmoil, as-
against the city for clothes; and 'sassinations, another five years of in- the He-Mar
though Bolshevism be ruined, the 140 describable misery. And the United
mill'on people would be reduced to a States would be a party to it.$TI I SllEt
brutalization that would be far worse The question is then, what shall be are g~o.shoes
than Sovietism in its effects upon the our policy? True, there has been end-
world. One national region would less bloodshed and misery in Russia.
rise against another. There would be But history proves it to happen in ev-
a tribe against a tribe, a clan against ry radical revolution. It is ostensibly
a clan. i1the necessary step through which peo-
However, it was this very state that pe work out their salvation. Mr.
led to the withdrawal of intervention Borah advises that we give Russia both 117 E. Washington
by the allies. Palpable signs of such a helping hand, and render advise and
disintegration had become apparent, council to that government that now
and finally, realizing what the outcome represents the Russian people. It is
"One eare it heard,
The other out it went."

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second-the things that we know to be true about
our tailoring service, our shop would be swamped
with work. HeMan
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