tPAfE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1912 BO -Ii < .t 1 T 1 :f , i I THlE WOR~L I\ FIAStEI'AtE by'rTe tlatity. the siotlicityof Ut'Itt'stylei George lean athan. Alfred A. lott swin our str.detadbott tnt or-M Knopf. i'leto001 admitaion. I tclnictrtl siti1. iefevted ity'Rober tiBarron lity. assredy it louas sisbeyotdi c iticism. I admit i. Ii.waas the oty persto,,oris ,his tehniqu a thing .il at, aibout l<' place who liatinotread jI ti l it vollre rom f (the subjct-rt ait least oue of (George Jean Natha's iOittdtct As i al potetry utirty pOt bouoks. It atlroute abotb ecituse Ilieunae, fortiandithougi:t eactot wats ioe101tolttttlie dIit 001 like ote, to (i thadvatagrof both.fOS- \S alter Hamupden, wiich lottediately !mu eni ie uri crarruhin tverse, ier, moade-ritterc-itinithat Ite fellow was'lttor 'A g mrveous yettmeaitingl-'s cratzy. Bt yto uteer ctetll (htt verbalfts15for i (twit amiusemeto. far tonuiwill eenullty fll: I have Ie is tan artist complrhendtig soil rettdl"The A~rtldit alsefact- toildtF'tosltriiis that uityitofomeas tnd derspite all uty livitd prejudices I hliend ttawhc distiguislesthe highest. toi admiiittat I liked it ititenslyI. Ipoetry. The hook is dividled itou four arts.; Wlhthrilth etd te itt Valte is ol lPart 1, I, ttnd IV tie a coitpotsitii1otert questito. I foroerblievteethat. hathioltf epigramis tatd statistics. Thes it is. That tdeitei, stphisiicatedilpe- sieoertli effect tsuggests the tprtduct I st i sot xrse bytt itt ioisttaois it of a precocious high schoo snior tt-tedeconctrast ttheiiibluff, hol ge- the hats justidisovteredl Wtilt- aod~ttar - tcharacterisic of our lits. thte naughty n inteies. AWteti l. Then' tare crta~inithngs wthihi we Nat-tin talks of te theatre I listent -'gih diI exletlythie(lre a r' cr with tespiect, tiutehen lie bablbsi otittautntdeitalit'qtaitiies w0hith our itneh,woen'iu', toil philosophy, I tros veise'a 'i Stditptlats;bt stibtlt tietti rash out of the awindtow. ottitottlicty 'ot tste-t'tt-itt a lit luo1101tlelthis frigtentyo(till rif d1youill-itth , not atmog tett. fir tart 1, cottc'ernintg tile Thctr Time toittedsouti that our wriers art' atittthrDramaa, mtore thn cot ip atatiats: awittout eieing that this, stsfrtilt'stuff tiltits eithtr'iet fait ditstie, we mist nevrth- inth tiofirst ae,'.tiese tabloi r s 'tititI thatt a little civiizaio.a essay,.tar todirs, and whtat-notitgie litt ols, ;x tlt' rsriniwotltt a mtost extraordinary picturi' of h tttt 1( nfiiltt mtatn. Fr eatmplte, in ote piace he fTts restraitt, (hIis cutreitaste,- refers to Shtwls tf acritictwhitisttes - iottstttttoffers. It his tmanteriof01 thetobovious inteIrnts of the scandal tfaetug the swotd]te differs notieably out; now I tdefy yout o fid a moe (om osiot of his predecessors; eveo ierfect description of the autitort front mot of his cottempoaries, in hitosef. Attd there you have it: The wohotttyearning for sophistication hasj tuao is anAerictituzed GC. B S,rcentit begitn to spring forth. To Inded. the aaiogy becoes motoe'the trdttuttti Saxon mood his vrse ettiin;'sehrti oe r'alas itat etic it.italit ; it v' tos esen to ha-' sonic thing that is ruining Sitaw is shbeenswrtten in a different time. Mst destroying both Nathan and his Eglish poetty is of either 'March or double, Mencken Now that the suoke' May; Blonoman's belongs to the cooi is begiuning to clear away, tot'ee faint Aprl twilight, whose pathos, thin that Show is only a Prtsyterian mn- yet conpelling, always attracts those iter fr all his explitives, and thati to whom beauty is all the fairer for 1 the two Anericans aro merely diltttits frailty and eluivenes. The spell' ante Puritans laboring tnder the of Aril fousman ho9 too sensiive to delusion that they are decdenta, Thelresit, too wtinty to accept entire,le middle classotob is beginning to take isO ens-tb in his appreciation of swift,' all three seriously, they have becomecler perfetfon; classic, too in his heroes rather than deils in theit feeling that this iprfectou passes. lHe1 eyes, and thus their doom is seale'd.,;chttllenges cotmp fison with the reek' Thie ting that makes this so ot-j lyriss,- Witht Uatlus, with our owns parent, particularly in the case of Grecian, Landor. Mir. Nathan, is the desparte way in (Stch praise is high, _ierhaisstolos which he drags in all tto ptty vices thigh, In relief at ecoape from the; Hle will tell you just how ,tany cit- stolitog bombast that disfigures too' arettes he snmokes a day wittalOtmtchtot otr'erse, readers are likely the braggadocio of the college ool to eaggerate te merits of Ilos-! wito wears ticecked wool shit utS ians deltcacy and restraint. In trtth, toiets to sit bootleggers in hs't-deltcacyad restraint cttn easily ha tmpt to letmasculine. attled too ftr, until lhey end itsr- PutIsshett the tuthor reicts ad tfitialttt Fromthiis danger Ilois- tis ideas toccuity the snge instead Btais nttt free. Te cottstat plitt- you hattve trttly delightful readinitg'on tsettss of his lyrics begits to weary? learn, fist instanice, that he ate' us;sowetdesir t vitlett outttrst, a' C'tares Rannt Kennedy, aiors Haupt- grraer tobustteso of feeling atd es-! mtantt, laugisatttBorrietnd cndtuttes pt'ssiont. T'furnat seemis frustrat, (Gergei . Coan, idespses MIaterlitick'ifutile; and se ttrni in relief to afirmi- attd attplauids f'Neil. You are asit aiotti tnd potsitive tasserions, how- tlditat tose bttdlFrentiirifft'tetrigraitdiost. sre itt trutht sery good shile ltis.'-__ tnoral tGermuani dratttsareti (5filtht' IITOh'AIA, by lRen aan. Thlomas as ott Avery Hopqwootd bedroomutufare. Seltzer. Whencttyott htave finishie thi'bhok youi Rvee yBrnSadi will itnowsthttlit'sikens it the'f; it tIy trnSotrt thtostght ittfit'emooies, the lt'tastre lt'falt ittTtostSealtzer Is grow- Souris liii'Y. Lt. t.A., attnd te' ing with each new boktithat coues Atisricito actor, lit is fascitated hy frotm his pblishiitt htose. His ads'r-r cotmetdians, Rtostndt td Amterictttl tisciurts httve crririd such nanes actresses 05 ). H. Larence, Sigmunl Fred, It is all very aniazing, 'ry ewilter- Arthtr Scitzltler ani lRearan for ing, this whirligig of oitiots(fle last half year, Freud's place is coarse, his sotrks will nt lire,it indistensttbie Tiers re many sho, twenty years his ooks will bo liki' being ale to appreciate him, place ). Ild newpaters, htt that des not . Lawrene in te first rokHery1 alter their present ftscnttion. "The Seidel Canby says, " . , , . I find I' 'World in Faseface" is one of those must go back as ftr s Htasthorns for publications that ate ttlked tabott.i a satisfying prallel to D. B. Lawr- " Buy, beg, or borrowe it quickly, t'ot ite." , tysef have hd ty sayf it sillhoundt yotu to distatiloi ifscocening Arthur Schnitle, i these you do no.t cotuilutus. (For those soho did not read it-Ireconutend te book, "acno-. LAST POEMS, by A. E.IHoumni. vt 's Itottuconing" to every oti,... itnr ol.those who want. exciting plots si Herey iweHbo lsleBu-- well as thosc literalsohose eves nd Reviwed y Lile Rse snses tre always aet on real art- Htousman, lifeo every trite puiet,( istry") And nose my sng fr the last; shases the cities, tales hir sord of tie above list, lRens Maran Barren. Explaatiot o f his verse is I1di book, "Iatooualt," saasoritten (uttecessay:tro' cima i rstrillfuus. lit f-e'tif tind fastspublished i, Ffrance. It created omuch comtient in 'velop' his country ;bitt lacking the ini- lust coutntry, attd. so was soon Irons- tiative of thte less tropical people he laledt into oilier languages, intcludinug' is attbinissive. Ths-plot is the old 'Etnglish. 'Pie general othinioo that thej tritingle it ant altoost unrecognizable English trattslationt was exputrgated !frat The outstand reactions of the. to quite ott extet tea sitht tirighteous thtreie lifter so greatly front the unatt idigoatioti against totehsurtnts 1 lift torluldratiatic trealatment(list It is tlyitug ott the shtelf for quaite a- lotigrgeeably tmasketd. Thte knowledge awhile. At lattl I gave utp, httwe'en, the it thte author htimoself is a black tna- thught of evrh- ating it, in the orig- ;tive of tuel'rencthltCiotgo gives atheti- iua 1, itt lash iteirtiuttios biing; tnnEhii'itt'to thte'rteactions tatndlmakes tie ba,,e (twenty-otis. ISois ittnidignatiotthtotok 'dohbly acctptable. hats at last given a-ways'inecurioity!t Thti peotpleiare abotiginal antropiut- atttd Ilhavse tieent whirl, drt stg-ued i-tat altost is the extent of beitig so- cha~sedtIhrougsh t'e jtmgtes of the tech animatls. Instituct, a sent' keeo F~rench Contgo tt the 'ht tliu of the itustitnct itttmatty cones, is their only tiati, it' ltuilos.. "ht-he utalafons, hgide. Thtir sexual relations are eli- :11 ii'ttghas dtuot thute Ionhcs.'' tirtlit-instintive ttnd to a large extett 'liii'stony is of hut(tout, ai blactiirathetr sopen. Thtis lphilosuohy is ehuh-tttut bitterly hiatitug thu- lyitigbrotugtotut ih utchaan objective uman- choteaittg otliii's wthit at'' comte 'to de-'tnen,,taod is so acetabule because of CLOTHES DO0 NOT MAKE THE MAN But they often make other people's opinions of him The cateless dse with which the college man wears his is en- hanced by spotless cleanlinesa and careful presing. If yoti wsant thc aut of cleaning, pressing and repairing that securea personality see DETTLING - TAILOR 1121 S. tlnlvesiy Ave. TE]A THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING DELICIOUS FUDGE CAKE SUNDAY DIN NERS ItT PPOINTMENsT SPECIAL SERVICE FOR PARTIES PRONE hSal-w ON THAYEBt JUST BACK OF HIdLL AUDITORIUM1 LYNDON & COMPANY For Flashlghts and Outside Groups fDeeloping and Printing for the A maeur 719 N UNIVERSITY iE Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Not all p-eople can be religious, I but all of 'em can be clean. The way is simple. Call the Trojan Laundry. TROJAN LAUNDRY PHONE 1981-R WILLIAM STREET _,f