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June 03, 1923 - Image 4

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SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923

I lk 0,

(Continued from Page One) lunch and I acquiesced rather than
the Dry Gulch activities in any direct enter into an argument. The lunch
or personal way. They appointed was no great acquisition as I discov-
trusted agents to represent them. ered later in the day.
George H. Haskins, a club man and. We reached Bagga at two o'clock
an expert on clam bakes, was elected that night. My circulation had prac-
general manager. George W. Perkins, tically stopped some time before we
formerly milk inspector of Providence, arrived at our destination, so we
was appognted as assayer Unlike Iroused the clerk at the hotel and had
Charlie Perkins of Dixon, George him heat milk and do other things to
represented science rather than busi- stimulate signs of life. I was met.
ness andsdiplomacy. George T. Mar- theefteasnt no tn Wnest SidemChi
tin, whose real name was Abraham tug Coampany. As tareast i cd Mn
Mack, a broken down sardine sales- ing Company. As far as I could tell
man and friend of Haskins, was sel- he was perfectly sober. I never saw
ected as book-keeper and accountant. him in that condition again. We ar-
These men with others became linked rived at Dry Gulch before noon. The
together under the name of the W-~t houses of the little settlement were
Side Mining Company, a corporation not built to provide the best kind of
organized under the laws of Rhode shelter from the normal winter
Island, for the purpose of placer min- weather of the valley. My arrival
seemed to stimnulata renewed interest
ing. in the creat adventures which had
Although discretion had been cast called these typical New Englanders
aside while John Hardinburgh had from their quiet fireeldes, their clam
the floor, the new company, under bakes and milk inspection, to live in
the nfliuence of Haskins, became very the sagebrush along Dry Gulch. The
conervafive If not over-cautious. He accountant, Martin, was assigned to
doubtless felt that since the horse me as a computer. The first task was
had been stolen it might be well to to Sod the state boundary. The re
lock the barn, is first duty was to to fmndetofsteerlbostsaywe re-un
find some one who understood pacer ater somevsearch.postsehugh ote
mining. Inquiries were made of we- lands in Colorado, in the vicinity of
tern railway officials and the Burling-Dry Gulch, were supposed to ave
ton Road finally recommended a reaniDyGlhwr7tposdt ae
been surveyed under the direction of
by the name of Miller. This recom- the General Land Office, no one bad
mendation was doubtless made with ever found a monument, and the gen-
entire safety since Millers placer iral impression seemed to be that the
mining activities had been confined j urveyors had fudged their notes, ad
largely to South Africa. When Hasyafter a pleasant summer, spent in fish-
ou learned that awater su ing and hunting, they had made their
would have to be provided he souate affidavits, drawn their pay from a
the advice of Ewood. ead, then State trustful government and gone their'
Engineer of Wyoming. It was foundi way rejoicing, leaving it to the entry-
that an existing ditch, diverting man to fit maps and notes to the
water alost oppostelbd tn x ground in any way the law and lo-
Dixon, could be enlarged and ex- cal customs and manners might ap-
tended to Dry Gulch at a cost of about1 prove or permit.
$1,000. About five miles of wood taveM ly field party was of nondescript
pipe were installed in the neighbor- character. Haskins and Perkins ac-
hood of Thornburgh Gulch where a companied me the first day as ob-
bad land formation presented obsta- servers. They never appeared in the
cles to open canal construction. All field thereafter. Charlie, the driver,
of the money for this canal work was attended to the team and spring wag-
advanced by one of the enthusiasts 'on and was besides, the custodian and
in Providence, who was willing to chief consumer of the whiskey sup-
leave the funds invested until placer ply. It seemed improbable that he
mining operations produced gold had taken any part in the naming of
enough to reefinpense him. The ca- Dry Gulch. A half-cast Uinta Indian
nal was finished by the middle of from Utah acted as rear chairman; a
Atember, 1895.r half-breed Cherokee Indian from
Although the tLittle Snake River; Tennessee was head chairman and a
Valley might have been a place where Noreianeld hed rod. The ci
angels feared to tread, fools had not Norwegian held the rod. The i
rushed in prior to the year t895. It dents of the first day were typical of
is necessary for oe to aptiii how many that followed. There was bad!
I became entangled with the affairs blood between my chairmen, but the
of the West Side Mining Company.i
Thetconstruction engineer, Fret
Bond, left immediately after the ca- =
nal was finished, without even saying -
goodbye to Mr. Haskins. While Bond
had spent much time on the western
fringe of civilization, he had never'
seen anything just like the Little
Snake River Country. At about this
time it occured to the local manage-
ment of tie company that theimining
claims should e lad out on ther
ground so that some of them might=
be found. Mr. Hardinburgh had over-
looked this detail. His deeds seemedE
to describe something, but there was\
no evidence on the ground that would
support any description. Inquiries
made by Mr. Haskins finally reached
me, and, much against the kindly ad-
vice of Bond, I agreed to go to the
Little Snake River Valley and see'
what could be done.
I took the Union Pacific Railway
from Cheyenne to Rawlins and a stage=
from Rawlins to Baggs. We left'
Rawlins at about six o'clock onel
morning early in November. The wind
was blowing a gale and ther was
snow in the air. The stage was a
light affair while the horses wer
dead on their feet before we tarted.=
We had lunch at the Willows, about
half way between Rawlins and
Baggs. This was simply a place.
There was water and a few willows;
also . tent where a half-breed Indian
woman served what might be called!
food. I had lost my appetite, along

with my breakfast, during the morn- / ' l
Ing due to the motion of the stage,
and entered the tent to get warm
rather than because I had any desire /
for refreshment. I found the lady
manager under the influence of whis,
key and consequently a little arbit-
rary. She suggested that I eat my .uguiiinsniiitiniuiiiiln

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