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June 03, 1923 - Image 2

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Before Dawn
An Essay in Appreciation of Radicals
The knight who earned their glory: LEWXIS STONEMAN fes-ly well that such victories and
yesterday now ride black horse in; penetrations are impossible. Victories
black harness, and their armor is
blac. Een bci flatig pume are Urttdy b Godon(Trer reutlt only rout wars, and penetra-
black.iEnit hcirandtheroatigpueare "~h a oe~ Lions entail both victories and deeats.
ofakmidnht e ado herlar.r Now a man may not so much as
darkwit scols.raise an arm without effort, and every
Tbe knights who will ride tomor- mcieta rdcswr lopo
row, swho need never prove their val- achinheattha rodhfrci.Tork a r-
cur, are all arrayed in white. Theyiges oheatchrough fit bilTehar-
ride white chargers with mnens lie./ cially-. ut the eart. . on which the
sea-roth, and their armor is cdazling.-wolsinar urtdaualy
Their plumie- are small, streaming,'wrdsisaelur dntrly
Sprng lous luced romble sies lc-'Blood is the nattralI ltbricant.
nd even their fares are pale andtiWiekigt ree aBakoe
Bael.will atnit tla this i the trttlhttu
ger.hpesTamwiin fonly the bFstdinights believe it.
neither of these. ~e r on fi fuino lo
antIstckled at the rtats of their
Thse knight, I wrie of a re the Ifitmteswt lo.he i ae
knights, those swho elong netlter to adbidmnmnst h aete
yestertday nor toitorrow. Teyare' aewlwt hi w load
te cruel riders of tedawn whohiaveialtly te wiOtherandthaterlwntwohtttataty
never been -seen excettptby fthose ttdlhite Wetwritherwantiar Iwn bwcauby
persao-nshi tlay ttp all nightt.It Vswrtsown rn tcss
As____I__have_____intimated,__________the____Red____knight________ tey haves-cenot all theirlotd.
A- Ibas fotm td, Ite ed lnigttsAt awn, esen a peaceul world
title ever iefore the dawn-gc'llop ftr- M it lnill g rttw- o, atadiony-foolis asworlt of teorin in an itsant.No, thing atpeal rttt afasropoffbloiken
isol XX stsarl 'iseid .tst arotildtittmetnlike retdteet-ties. Ithe sae nest bie wshlet oser with;ll tf the tl e' iesacbesii
lb.eswrlt. l.Mt o a tune I have seenne'rirsaebedg
themncterushing msitlyot of the I fins-c heard otiessaltsere it wsretdbefere it call be ttate to apear itottseartalook crimson.
bttazinig stitiisse. their mounts frothing tkie other' st-y atrottttit.where taosng witeleandtlclean and fresh aittIeas- This apierance of fle oe rldt at
lsre t ftamsanstbleedinag brightsr-t tian rttde a sttelt- black etarger. ott titl sdawno anit he accredilteed only to fle
let beads frototprioetwtttttithtes saers'an old itait. tot ettirely- atfool jNeither ciinftewitie 1tits bIte iel lsi'hl'. Atd ditttr world ap-
yceingfiesretkinightslesing otwarditstas stronglyat itraceeilIsy-the bloody! etxtectcd to clargc sddelyttitto the tear oherias ie at assnisit col not
fin tteir sailes, sweeting tei gret elist of the inents- the -Retd knights rantkssitf thecBlkest.sorteItposster-shn ts'iinonitlike ottcimerals, nt-i
swsoris romt one silt'to the nilertwae. Bu~ttsh cses tre ecepititterstir s II tldl utfle theit giatdesr hatng in lbe he-oes iat night like a
thef'i'seesflsmtngiht-ttd andet tir ntd iust not eiregartdetdseriously ;ansi soil their Iturtity It is not ria-ihutge llatk diam tond, wee it not
irtelintuthls tosing with the -tisan - titrn-thun LotdBetite ineili ut st~le texec ts'-hle 'ititte knights ftr this Redkiho"lt siter plaetswoitl
clant then'aws n53srhoutt s theyridtie ohswhois -ill tigs tn exceptiton, isto actualls engage inlbattle whuit, s-ir atpper lie ai te-telcinter float-
Being soteidon fle tils and edges Ia be takensrriol. sietryiissti'xeivte to le eretcled it trough sae
the lplumsi ofr ithlse itdlknights aptpear 'Nowit it imetfor metieIcstate' l that jrIlat horibe filth.Andi so we cntnot te too grateful eo .
a. they stenmbehitnid the ttiders tothe liedI kntights are, all the foeging;:,o coukdNou expect SleWite te ftrer in rcit
the tin light o day-brei ak like 50oat tti statditiotvec-yipat to ltkigt;-to le siller than netrifutoiiNtioshite I hvebeen wfting dwn
tany uitngry' torches,.atoilen atoees' pr'iogresif ou saworld. Iteedi I thitlelgallntsotniithe bliacikteiotrg- teethuhs-fmneteeni ot
the tundering otf hsofs can le heardsthIinkthley- at-chon-tmnore imspotrtit'ers. Anni erciul knights silno tisal- e h re fBakIn~sh.lp
ah icseningigslsing of the' swinig- -tlIaneither le Whitte knights or the tl. citdby tnder m windoto, ansI fhe three
I~a kigtsbtstles.'I se here beside toeat temd
lug swordts. hthWnghh Xlite tknihts andsl tlackkihats-llanight 5tarenimpty, sve for thoc last
Indeed tspt.lect fthe Redcti kihts If it wite net for the rideritn rdccidslt sery well arostnd the council table, uink I antiabouttt to pour out. A slow
is nt pleaistb nw ta ht there wasli be none ts ride hefore antIcopose an imprettssive aray 00 canter o the stone pavemsent tells1
Fititse i iosii iekitoso tttiisttt-tie dan, ywi.e-touldl ftlao- tigtint- -paraide. Bt tfot' thesactal slaughter-,.nec Satnte lure. ctheeccii'gart is
esvi-cfalls il thin alith oftis itittiia-'Santtlrn- ais everyone Iknows, no-ling liesre mstble cruel hechmnen,- u tsin tsariheV'sl
valeade notetaniths quictk distii'.tiin, hintg castshappen istassntlt. Rery-4the Red knights. gusth nsI ming ow tardtihle lngeI
tintsthat lie nmieers sit thi nd arost t-hlinggskes tiome. - Se eo goafpe ihstti-5t;andI k ul nowitstnt-aen-ngasstr
01 en aetatedsott r isic Thin sinfulhblckworild of ight catn-' eand tp eaeful pinetrationsare veryheore sday-iteakt. It sensthatnthes
ce or rthe Sarres to ntheli'arb ricit. teethno le tai-forteditoittathin bright I ftuiios -indees. Yiu ndttiiI knowse- C otnustes itsltagSeven)
totesat lbeit hansds, swomn'are fa I tllltl11~~lliltlfllitlllllltlfi il11l~lllllt~[tii~il[~ifesir-i11f1t111I~i1i11i
fully lysabused by tiemit, chuirceis and llt1~~fI~lIth~lII~i~~I
vensersable ionasteriesasre rove-rishst 'ii-
with shriig lausgtetr, ansi if, bhn
chianue, either Black or White knights=
arc encousntered in smal numberr,.
mass acts is a uildlworst to dticrcitt
the action that esues. V C T O I E A D T A E I E
itrderoto malitnancTRAVELhTIM E.
knights. T'he riders in red seemito hi
tug pretty childre, Also thercnuy
be something ritualitic- about this.
It is inpostsible to say swhich, definite- If vacation days are travel das to yuo orfml vr en
Perhaps the oddest fact concenin~ of inceasing comfoit and convenience hould be considered. For 32 years_
the Rled Iknights is that none of themno American Express Travelera Checques have aided travelers in all ptoo
remain metmers of the order indefli-- the wsorld- As a convenient, safe' and sure means of carrying money they
icely. Sooner on later they drop
frout the ranks of knighthood alto- =zcanot be surpassed.
get~er-tor it in a devilish hard liii. i
ness to be riding around and around Whn you buy them you are asked to XVIite your name in the upper -
the world at a mad pace all the timei left hand corner of each check. When you cash them you sign your nme
and in heavy armor too--or they de-
sort the Rted knighthoodt to become again in the lower left hand corner. A comparison of the two inallres
first White knights, and then Black= is a simple and intantaneous way of establihing your identity and the valid-_
ones. Youl may think it strange that= ity of the checque. In denominations of ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred and-
a Red knight nosy because a hit -ie
one. cel, it is '40, nevert heless. Theine two hundred dollars they can be used for any occasion.
is, however, an old adage that nav For a nomial charge ll the benefts of safety n ovnec fT.X
help you to understand thisihat w, ant-covninc f-I'
are all purifieud through blood that= elers Chiecques are yous.
only blood can wash away Man'rsns
But whether you can undersndit or This bank sells them
not, the truths of the matter s that ihe' =
Rest knig'hts generally b ncoe White -
knights, anut then the riedris of blotsck: __

The fsmoos lack kbitht SunWit- I
hiam Bryon, you will recallvs isaono-e--i h '/ A nn A r o
Slited itu nir eli it ust-hA rbor Savings iI1arlik t
hea to the rtmr t 4 ir I11b'Cbh56O,3ยง~TXQ e'l=E
has bough tis elfabauiu wie:
It iC - - - -

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