SUNDAY, MAY 20, :1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE SKVENr THE STORY OF can be answered by one question: !1iil1111~I~11it111IIifhltill1t~1~i111t1III111~fiir A PEOPLE'S SOUL "Who knows what is true and moral?" Whtwuda"true" picture bre like? SIXON OF CYRENE, By thonuis hall' I would be like nearly every ohr ShastIu. George WoAhr, :inn Arbr.moinpcreacls moian indcvireualscactuareproduci Invest in Good A ppearane of a iniviual' acualexperiencei . Rteviewedt by Ediwin C. Mack ! He who would discoser univesal Ioli"yu lte sl lae n rse sa netett A few days ago I should have coin- truths is clasing chiomeras. Or agn-= KepgyorcthswlcendadpesdisnivsmntnC teased, had I been questioned,. that I.swill soume excellent professor give m -= good appearance. You are repaid in dividensl of lpersonal pride and would never again be able to enjoy a 'a sound moral philosophy? What isc sgloodipresions. Inest your Clothes Maintenance fund wi story of thse "development of a race.i a noral picture? A moral pice = After the series of startling short str- is one which has io immoediate, oli ies and swift-nmoving novels that I s-vius, and extreme ill ef feos. Need- have readt in the last few moths, I less to say, practically every pictr L Ie7'5 TT believed no such lengthy tale, howe- coitplies D E j j ]7iLa I N ' er ronmantic or unscientific, migh ever again hold joys for ue. Btut in "Smns We have arsuired hait hlsof Iv"h alls alr of Cyrene' Thomas Hall Shastidt has ig yesterday rather than today. -"h alls alr steered ui assuswervin-;corise giod thtiiig is that wvhicht was good = 121 S. UnIVCroIty C hetwveesn the dangerous shoals of cc- for iiur fathers, soil we guess it wl mnse sod science tial the voyagec le good for is. Maybe it wil; ayec coulid te nothing tut intereting- it wiiiliiit. At soy rate, int-csny When I first sass te title of this hoot, is tlosinis cl itiortacendsi is isv- 7Ill111l111 lIIII11h1lIIIIIIIIII1hl1l1lIIIII1iIIIIII 111111111III111IlIIiii I couldItot itentify justaswto Siiiiscoi ig a i imoinaindiquit iict- - of Cyreine ws, though I wa just ac- iticant fact. As Nietzsce sa-svise sure that I shioultitnow. The follow- tis"Genfl cs soy ofi Morals". "AsS log quotation cii le title page clatdis s re e pttowetiretful, the c ommnita the question tip: trais iiitkse the offences of the i- S. tartk: 'Andthlyscr i'-t l ls iacates--s srio'is'. his--cauwct-e slit tpcsitigli, Smunsftyr-ne. cii-. aritnowregati dat-ti he cig le-s i',- in, ft-i--nthe country, ae ta- hcier f lutio'ry actditcngeroius tic tiecr-- Aemmdicer atndtRufutio ligoc witicitic"', exists-nc cc''We my n r uthI cci, tihat ihe mighsitictirItis s-rcss.'"-- regard 'ctIllsgowing "'indtecenc-ofs- i Aci the title Isis slo suiggtit-s nrite- iciis a ccsign of slci-atsoi-i uarily tie scory of cot-ecmiii-c- aicty rathto- hiani siftd-cy. 1'f- mans soul. As unifortuntcsly 0iscniot ciMoviehscaght lieosiciit ts-- lte iaesitsmsot alteories,' thIis !-ises candiItherefores-is aic- ess tioiden store hasv vcttiei'-ul inte-sesit icit sl t:cccl. ti.cast-set itheills-cctxt - 1cc tcc c lii jat i sre.csiictc tie iiook.- - lnt ii s t it!cienituryi cit, ioi' t'nny oflthei the story ccci ociycft c ssc--c ill ere ti-tcis aie-i-lil trying o nt ih5cil itas fac ~t ccon15511;o-ucc In. etict t-ii- i i n slv'es f-om tr'cdiiin. Potis-Ir 5{}5 prccr ofth:outciiilit--ocCacc 'ogie'silt ticcsccithiihc ieali iof 14.50; C rl w th a the ac-uhiiati-c iic - trnicl c-viol-t piitii t cc't ll is revoclutioncs hs ni haas, ecec ilatlfulltyc-yadel is-iciccr- cr clsrcsc-te pric e nscil; ad sc-itt- Electric " Iron they Iaaebelsnunecessccry Io1tchcsitits ur-Ast'obcblynetic-ilc-las-itc-Ifreei derstaisding of their s cs'tiitcgiccclrefrmcciii lt s-IAnge-loc cind tsICc-c' s- actiosn f the tows. The first stitat fThc sios-ic i.sliii- ic-ic iiuitictia i cl, Its easie, qulmser the bootcdescribccs therecticonc tf te cciiIetrays te essencers-fcthei- o neeti Jewishsnatusre to Egytiast ico ta cy. -_ITHanele__rITcringmacirons ini the Ieti'cn portionta, insalie part I THE1LIFE O(F C'HRIIST" f-uchcsctitte beomes a matter descibin theexpoureof te Je (C'onarue~ frelsag swoarrter tisse and effort. No tleo-riliss thei'xti'-itc-- sa 1 d' -tictl 5cc-l cccii agi''tivt Itroubttle cci'fuss. Thi'ross sacnaisit to Plelstiiaiiviia' istionst.theic -c'tion'c 'lie wok itis ac(c--'rcic-st ilccis c-rrctemertre as long as it's in to theaSyriniacas-sr shipi, cnd s0ccas. nacrrcativea'-clmsaittanimouac t- lit c s. Throcusghs ll tis' c'scaof soiiiiii's-l- 'ici I situstty hecsitac't I-Iforetp- - opmnctie sisgilies-eson ;eidts forenoiain g -o cavese anclopiiont-css$"75 $- - the- sculctof assc-st ire natian. SiltiII aithoghfulliy-sensibltce c-c theifaciltichit 6 cccii''-s-clie isses-feelings adc listt' tm, ascii. stitt cc ciihcnetclacfvc-sgetya cc ci ltic-oreni-iall w ia y ioliii liiithesciimof stlir'senertgis. I wccc - ecffiatihcat c-sexpe'i-c- citiiii~'ttlyarsti-aiili leanst cit psr The finest that are mrae 5acuitht letieings cf his tcisis-cr'cute. tlton isi se ftic se l'cilical s''c liii c iscHilill Shasctcciid -orcc-cdit iy- I ct en itirccaaipofoundtexc-sts tht- aegrico acb~sitr of Ar ts cd oatftic ccisiclrc-tlis lbe:.tli( ft F in T efLa atMcin niersyinitaPaecterw ite.T i'tor rT e D t ot E i o and 0'c,lua ecnifticsomcc scar - so iss not Ie sills' 1ccant; or 'cc uni h: hoatscryhrasf-nors' ofCthe A ieii'j' Ol cccnolii i-iscit}c icc sti i Md lCllg fS.Lus ehs-mto fatak Weifs'- adi tim pas cuittensainim'erof tbotokcs, mstaty dc ton lsu -por il tction:i h soo air tecC om pan mediclitsubjects, cnch rcccrlatlaifeeCitiing ti cnciicutr ic Nt. taso-cie's ittnionMain at Wi111am Telephone 230 othetrs. I conisfess that I wacicsullrsedIc--t ecclii cc ii tics'followsaig worstin t disfccvei tt o cc nce c-io tdied th 11c n-I(Ivesits eu-s iens t: l i is schi cIi c , a ccc 11ccth de~ittrageiand'eli -tcf cthlin cc IciiutaItioetailcc i on le tit i I l s'himiself. I icc-rtic" stia c k ---i-c-._-- __--iti--ii tll I ic -aao' s ''Itlijc sWhs-s-iwoiin-. toc-iseinti cs-sifciir ' ccie ofIii']saiaui Tic t- ciri wori s wrc- it'cteS ii cin 'ccii, l isoltil , ii , ii' a i cc- l :.5 scli'e c, l iftshst' losct fit itothis ,,sits jdgnas'-Icc icitisin ti-iccr,- Bilost tc-c'cc i lesleto fw rs ii( hnar ntefhri iIh-d p c s-:r~ies f iii',iciniictiiisitu-cr ; I hathici in cg ' -i st'ilt innc is -tscmarlt