SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE hued with the messianic spirit of be- A DISCUSSION OF THE A CRITICISM OF THE ing called "to save England" and there LIMITATIONS CONFERENCE NOVEMBER WHIMSIES is nothing to relieve a tension which (Continued from page 5) (Continued from page 3) should be there, but which really does cance of the remaining questions to he shows the unreasonable persecu- not exist. It lacks a sense of action be solved. There is no reason why tion of a negro well past middle age, which not even the enthusiastic wel- the Conference should drag on, be- a harmless old fellow, an "uncle" as come of Cromwell riding up to head cause it has definite questions to they term them in the south. Bab- the advance at Naseby with his "Iron- answer and a set purpose to follow. cock fails to realize that such men are sides" can give it-it lacks characters As soon as their great work is com- not persecuted blindly. The "uncles" which are interesting-it has no pleted, the delegates will leave Wash- are treated with a genial tolerance, quality of suspense-and finally, there ington, and the results of their work even with downright affection. When is not a sufficient inspiration in the will be left for their posterity to carry inter-race crimes bob up, they are writing of it to make it anything above out." never even suspected. I know the the average as literature. His final plea, going back to what South and I know that this sort of a But "Dulcy." "Dulcy" is not great he said at first, was, "I hope the Am- negro would be given every chance. drama, either, but it is a mighty fun- erican people will consider the Wash- I do not deny that injustice is done ny play and even with a third act ington Conference seriously. It is of1 to the negroes in the south, that many which falls considerably below the vital concern to all the world and die innocently, but it is the young fel- high standard set by the first two, it every American should be interested lows, or the surly fellows, or the un- should have an exceptionally long run in what is going on and should be known blacks who suffer. on Broadway. For "Dulcy" (Put- ready and willing to back up to the Babcock could have made his play nam) is human, and if we don't know limit the decisions reached." a very good one indeed if he had her, we know about her, we know her shown the victim a morose young type, and she amuses us. Booth EXCELSIOR-HIGHER black; if he had shown the prayers Tarkington, in an introduction which (E. R. M.) and psalms of the negro and his moth- takes up considerable space in telling The shades of night were falling fast er with a touch of irony. His play anecdotes which the author very in As through Ann Arbor village passed would have then, unjust persecution geniously twists about until they have A youth, who bore mid snow and slop and all, been the truth, instead of so some little bearing upon the play in A box containing to the top much indignation and consequent lack hand, describes it as a "clever little Excelsior. of truth. Propaganda belongs with play." And his use of "little" is most advertising men rather than with ar- fortunate. "Dulcy" is not a great play The youth sped on to do his work tists. If the DoDo Society (whatever to be sure, but when one says that it When from above, through snowy it is) gives this play, as Whimsies an- is a "clever little play" one knows that murk, nounces, I hope the whole cast falls he enjoys it. He fondles rather lov- A bed-room window shadeless burned, through the trap door. Won't some-~ ingly the word "little"-mouthes it With wonderment his eyes he turned one' write a parody of "Two Thou- slowly, carefully, that he may thor- Excelsior. sand Years {fter?" It offers an ex- oughly partake of the retrospective carelessness of League Mouse maids, cellent chance for a satiric burlesque. joy which if echoes. One would at- Why pull ye not your upstairs shades? I rather like "Pretty Things," by ways use "little" of "Dulcy." Ye little reck what mighty wrecks Rosalie Dunlap. The last two lines of George S. Kaufman and Marc Con- Your acts make of the other sex, the first and second stanzas are not nelly captured Dulcy from The Con- Excelsior. good, and the whole third stanza ning Tower of the New York Tribune would be better left out. where she was conceived as Dulcinea This youth so blinded by a bliqd "Dad," by E. C. is an imitation of by F. P. A. Together they placed her Which was not drawn, lost from his Edgar Guest at his worst. in her Dulcyesque home, possessed mind "Sanskrit Salutation to the Dawn," her of a husband, a brother and a All thought of action, and instead, by N. Ermentrude Martin, has an epic houseful of week-end guests, whom He fixed his eye, and bent his head swing. The first stanza is good; it she has selected, each for a very Excelsior. could well end there for one goes specialized and Dulcyesque reason, and We know not what the poor lad saw through the rest wondering what it is allowed her to flit breezily through Conclusions we are free todraw; about. What is the "World's Desire?" Conlsoswarfretdrw three acts of as amusing comedy as The blizzard blew, but he remaining, The last stanza is also good but the has been written for some little time. Forgot about the box containing fifty some lines in between are hardly The last act, it must be admitted, is Excelsior. worth reading. And where, may I ask, not quite up to the standard of the first does the Sanskrit come from? I can two and the authors become a bit in- The shades of night had lifted when see nothing in the poem suggestive of consistent with the conversaion of a 'he youth marched down to work the title. character who only becomes apparent- again; "As Peter Thinks," by Frances ly insane in that act and is quite He feared the boss's wrath severe, Swain, is exceedingly trivial. nornal during the preceding action, That box held something more than "The Prodigal," by Lois Whitcomb, but one forgets such little things in mere is decidedly third rate. She is capable the enjoyment which the play as a Excelsior. of much better stuff. whole brings. Now I am ready for the gyves. "Dulcy" is one of these little things Said boss, "Young man, where have which mean an evening of recreation. You been? t ta B. W. Huebsch has published a book There is no thought required. Dulcy 'I saw a shape that'sbetterfar" which should prove interesting to thinks for all, and her ideas are usual-" a hap tatsetter far, those who are thinking on the relig- ly wrong. But she "does want so to ious question. It is "A Religion for help." Yes, we all like her. Feather- Excelsior. the New Day" by Charles H. Dole. brained, flighty, unconscious of every- His job had flown on fleeting wings, The author has attacked the entire thing save the enthusiasm which she Because he gazed at higher things; system of the Church as it stands to- has in her suddenly conceived ideas, I With rage he dashed into the fire day. Nevertheless, the book has been she is just one side of the eternal fem- That motto "Higher-ever higher," praised by various denominational inine. Excelsior. publications. 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