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December 11, 1921 - Image 6

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who writes as he does. I can't define Havelock Ellis. But mistake not; it
the business, but read Anderson's stuff is not technical, not machine made.
S for yourself, and whether youlike it Rather is it hand woven into an iri-
ornot, I think you will agree that it descent web, specter-like in fabric, but
is highly original. If you don't, I'll strong for all its delicate artistry. It
"DREAMERS" patent for the making of fish glue and wear a colored hat band until Easter. is at once remorseless and beautiful,
"THE TRIUMPH OF THE EGG" is in the way of becoming a rival of With tsis apology and selt-beration, true to its last strand. Far be it from
(By G. D. E.) the powerful trader, Mack. Roland-I introduce Anderson's "The Triumph me to bore you with tb' plot. Read
If Alfred A. Knopf is endeavoring sen has, all of the time, had his eye of the Egg," but recently published the story-study it a bit. If you can't
to give us translations of Knut Ham- on Mack's comely daughter, and wit by B. W. Huebsch. It is a volume of get the book I'll lend my copy.
sun's works to show variety, he is the favorable tide of fortune, he swag- short stories which have separately
succeeding remarkably well. First gers not a little and takes great de- appeared in various magazines. . CLOSET DRAIA and a BROADWAY
came "Hunger," a story of a half ght in keeping the poor gal guessing. I cannot say that I care much for SUCCESS
starving man, Hamsun's first work and It ends in a clinch. The plot sounds the three pieces of free verse in the (By S. T. B.)
a remarkably fine novel. habit like an Anmerican romance out of tome. I wish that Anderson would It seems a bit incongruous perhaps
Then "Growth of the Soil" was pub- Saturday leave verse alone. to mention the stern and Puritanical-
lished, easily the best of the series. Post, but as a matter of fact, it is Seven pictures, "Impressions in ly-minded Oliver Cromwell in the
a story of a pioneering farmer in Nor- quite different. The hero is not a Clay," in the fore part of the book same breath with the ultra-feminine,
way.urFollowingrathisncamed Shallow
way. Following this came "Shallo i r e t a please me immensely. They are done feather-brained Dulcy-doubtless the
Soil," the poorest novel of the collar lad; he is susceptible to all the by Tennessee Mitchell (nee Anderson?) only possible excuse is to be found in
ilings of the race. I'll bet that hisand ty depict various odd types of the fact that the two plays are among
"Pan" appeared, a lyric love story, yet has trouble with him. humanity. One and all, they are the most recent additions to the rapid-
a story not entirely free from love- "Bisamers" is one of the few stor- splendidly realistic. ly growing list of printed drama, and
psychology, a clever compound and a ,es ending happily that is worth read- I must confess that the stories do perhaps that is suffi lent for the pur-
psycofoy, cleer ompond nd in. Irecommend it heartily. It
sound work of art indeed. ' . I geouaery pleasthy. not come ip to those of "Winesburg pose of review.
Now we have "Dreamers," previ- should give you a very pleasant hour Ohio," and the interest isn't as well "Oliver Cromwell" (Houghton Mif-
ously published in England under the sustained, naturally, as in the novel, fin) is John Drinkwater's latest con-
title "Mothwise." It has what all the About a year ago, I noted, in the "Poor White." But none of the stories tribution to the field of historical
others lack-humor. The setting is columns of The Michigan Daily, that are bad. The poorest is "Unlighted drama-heralded by the publishers as
the same as in "Pan" and some of the one "G. D. E.," in praising Sherwood Lamps" which appeared in the Smart "the story of Oliver Cromwell's rise
same characters are in both books. Anderson's "Poor White," neverthe- Set, if I remember correctly. It is from small farmer and village leader
I do not place the book at the high less had written, "From a technical only bad from a comparative stand- to Lord High Protector of Great
level of "Growth of the Soil" nor viewpoint Andreson is almost as bad point, that is, in comparison with the Britain....presented....with the same
"Hunger." Indeed, it probably should as Dreiser; his style is often un- other stories in the volume. Per se, intuition, high simplicity and compel-
be ranked below "Pan," but it is cer- cosuth, his diction is often faulty," etc., it is good. ling sense of reality that made 'Abra-
tainly above "Shallow Soil." etc. I I invariably shrill a damniad with ham Lincoln' the dramatic success of
It confused me a bit to read that the At the time I was rather impressed sesquipedalian cursewords and ap- two continents."
' trader's daughter married one person with this review; so much so, that I passionate quavers of rage, when I The piece begins well enough. One
in "Pan" and is preparing to marry cut it out and preserved it. I almost come to reviewing a volume of short is interested in the Cromwell family-
another one at the close of "Dreafn- had the critic autograph it for me. stories in limited space. How is one the aged mother with her querulous
ers." I am for having the Uplift It is therefore with the utmost of to do it? worries about Oliver and what he may
League call around on the hussy. joy that I now denounce that critic as And so I pass from "Unlighted do, and her remarks concerning Mr.
I like "Dreamers" especially be- an ass, long-eared, shaggy, and full of Lamps," with no description of it, Donne, Mr. Herrick and the others,
cause of the hero, Rolandsen, the tele- fleas,-as an impudent young lout go- through the other stories, several of Cromwell the serious, John Hampden
graph operator. I like the way he ing about with his tongue in his cheek which I have read in various publics- of ship-money fame, and Henry Ire-
casts eyes at the women, breaks off maaking fun of honest craftmanship. tions, to the last tale in the volume, ton, who marries the daughter of the
his engagement, orders a keg of cog- Which is to say, I am heartily "Out of Nowhere into Nothing." This great man-but somehow, the interest
nac, flirts with the minister's wife. ashamed. is rather lengthy and first ran serial- doesn't quite run up to the pitch which
He even serenades her-and she likes After reading "Poor White," over a ly in the Dial. It is easily the best is necessary. The eight scenes of the
it, though her husband is a bit wrath- second time and a third time, and story of the lot. In no other piece of play become a trifle boresome and one
ful. Rolandsen is a strang mixture of "Winesburg Ohio," a second, third, fiction of its length, contemporary or wishes that they would finish up with
swashbuckler and Charlie Chaplin. Ie and fourth time, I have come to the otherwise, have I chanced on such an Naseby, behead Charles and get the
makes one think of Peer Gynt. conclusion that not only is Anderson's artistic and precise analysis of the whole thing out of the way.
After flirtations, brawls, petty tri- diction far above average, but that his highly sexed woman. "Oliver Cromwell" is not a good
umphs, drunkenness, and disgrace, he style is unique and artistic. There is Bit by bit it seems rather vague, but play. It is too heavy in the ponder-
loses his position. Then he sells a Ino other writer in American prose in sum it is as clear as a treatise by ousness of a group of characters im-
lill iillillilllllllll {
For Christmas
There is only one regret-
A Complete and Well Selected Line of
about Xmas vacation - You won't
be able to get any of MICHIGAN JEWELRY
while you are home. But you can get ETC., ETC.
one tonight and that will help some.
You get them up stairs across from the W A J R UNIVERSITY
D. U. R. Station.



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