SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 8 November Whimsies--A Criticism (By G. ). E.) ing the past three days and thirty- But when I reach "Two Thousand says, "A nigger hunt's better'n a coon In making a criticism of the No- one have had to do with death. Are Years After," a one-act play by Lyn- hunt,"-the typical attitude of the vember Whinmsies, I wish several such things written with a fountain don Babcock, I have reached the No- southern gentry, though I doubt if they things to be kept in mind; first, that pen or an embalmer's squirt-gun? I vember Whimsies at its worst. It are so frank about it. I am on friendly terms with most of am tired of such stuff. It makes me makes me wonder if the author ever Babcock misses a chance to display the writers; second, that my criticism 'niasy, contemplative of my endless read the world's poorest melodrama. real perspective when he deals with is not personal; third, that I am not t sins and carnalities, the coming tor- ls he linever heard of Simon Legree the Bible-reading negro. The picture condemning Whimsies as a publica- tires of my lost soul, the final relent- and snuffling old Uncle Tot? Does of entirely superstitious blacks with tion or as an institution, and finally, less reckoning after I give my lasts he not know that the "Uncle Tom's their pathetic faith and pious eye-roll- that I am considering it quite apart C onvulsive kick and flop out. By now Cabin," along with "East Lynn," is ing is correct in all details. Instead from the contribution by Robert F rnotit!(, e autlor is hoping that I come to now confined largely to the films, in of showing the pathos of it, however, That is to say, I am eonsid-rn some bad end, and she will probabtly towns of not more than three thou- he apparently shares the superstitions. Whimsies oi its own merits-or latk not have read to this point where I sand? In Babcock's entire piece of The title alone convicts him of that. of them. I am condemning merely the -say that some of her phrases were new work there is but one bit of merit and But his worst mistake comes when November issue. As a matter of act, and charming. that is where one of the characters (Continued on page 7) the previous issue, puilished last spring and devoted exclusively to verse, was worthy of a deal of praise. The November number as a whole has not half the literary value of the "Police Gazette," nor a tentt. Some terrible surgery is needed, and as I latly believe that no one else wil volunteer, I am unsheathing the sal- pet. I shall likely be denounced and forced to appear before several Ponti- tices Maximi and Imperatores Cacsares with my bloody and guilty hands, but I can stand almost anything-even thoe sight of a girl chewing gum-even November Whimsies. This is your opportunity to get an extraordinary Suit or "Bowing a la Japonaise," by Yuki G. Osawa, I found to be lightly touch- ed with a deft andra tapririoius tmsior, but all in all, if was rather trivial. Overcoat at ordinary prices. W e still have a few "December," by Chester Kuhn, car- ried personificationto to'he extremei limit. I can say nothing in its favor GORDON AND FERGUSON OVERCOATS Traces," by Lawrence Conrad started out finely with two stanzas of exceedingly good description, a rare and real poetic strain, and then it ex which will be placed on sale at $22.00, $25.00, and $30.00. ploded into the veriest of trash, into petty mystification, with its author bawling loudly for ryhme schemes to help him out of the f onuddle. Yet I want to express my appreciation of those first two asrans; they fi-ormd SHEEP - LINED AND LEATHERS WILL BE a fine, clear ticture itndeed.t "Morning Dew," by Marjorie C Rosecrans, as without exception the best entire piece of 'ork in the is SOLD BELOW COST. sue. And why? Simply because it was not pretentious. The writer did not go out hunting dinosaurs with al blunderbuss loaded with swallow shot. She wrote simply, and whatever the technical faults and lack of artistry in the poem, it has honesty and sweet- If you are going to the J-Hop get our prices on formal ness. When I came to "half a Loaf" toy Wessel Smitter, I was completely-flato- clothes before you go home for Christmas. You will find our bergasted. I know Smitter, and I know that his pen is one of the best prices reduced to an attractive figure. three on the campus, perhaps the very best. If he doesn't nake los mork in the literary world I'll inhale a btox of TUXEDOS At $55 finest Copenhagen snuff with my hay fever at its apogee. 'talf a Loaf" is so aged in vernacular, so amateurish in plot, that I overlook the realistic TUXEDOS AND DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE atmosphere with which it starts out, and consign it to the nearest gutter; forevermore. Despite the fact that it begins colorfully and that it maintains AT its grace of phrase throughout, in its totality it isn't worth the whiskers on a Lincoln penny. "Nightfall," a poem by Delbert Clark, is not bad, but it has been done a million times. A number of the ex- pressions are hackneyed. Yet it might; please me immensely if read to me in LIBERTY a summer dusk by a pretty girl. * 604 E. "My Little One is Dead," by Ruth Lechlitner is beyond my appreciation, I fear. I have read sixty poems dur- j 'A