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December 11, 1921 - Image 1

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The Limitations Conference
(By J. Gerald Vinkemulder) A *erican People Should Give N ash- be expected in this matter. And now
"Every American ought to believeCit only remains for Japan to give her
in the Washington Limitations Coneetin Great A ttention assent to the proposed plan. That
ference and ought to be backing it to ingplan, as outlined, is that there shall
the limit of his ability," said Prof. Declares Robert be a definite reduction in capital ships
Robert T. Crane of the political sci- DProf.RCrane by Japan, Great Britain, and the Unit-
ence department, lamenting the fact be reached on the Far East Question. the two elective powers present are ed States, but that the ratio of strength
that so few people and especially The whole idea of the Conference is China and Belgium. Holland and shall remain the same as it existed
University students and faculty care to hope that some satisfactory agree- Portugal are present in the place of on Nov. 11, 1921, namely 3:5:5 re-
so little about the Conference. He ment can be reached in some way on Spain and Brazil, the other two spectively. Without changing this
pointed out that the questions before these questions so that there will be electives, because they have special ratio of strength, it is agreed that cer-
the Conference are of the greatest a spirit of reconciliation among the interests in Japan that they are look- tain definitely named ships in exist-
importance in world affairs, leading nations that will remove the prob- ing after. It is indeed an assembly ance and in process of construction
as they probably shall to things still ability of war. of men such as never before was shall be destroyed, for the purpose of
greater in the future. "Whatever the outcome," continued brought together. In some respects limiting the naval armaments of these
"We, as Americans and hosts to the Professor Crane, "the idea of trying it resembles a meeting of the supreme great naval powers. This agreement,
greatest powers of the world ought to preserve peace will have a good council of the League of Nations, only although Japan has not given her as-
to take more than a passing interest effect. This is not only my own idea, it is convening to discuss one particu- sent to it yet, is favorable to Japan
In the situation," he continued. "Twen- but the opinions of many men inter- lar subject that demands more im- for several reasons. In the first place
ty five per cent of my students in ested in what is going on at Wash- mediate attention. The United States the U. S. could not possible carry a
political science classes know abso- ington. In the eyes of some, the Con- can not take such an interest in the war to the coasts of the Orient un-
lutely nothing about what is happen- ference is a great advertisement for League because it is not a member of less she had a certain number of ships,
Ing at the present time. The rest peace. Its essence is spectacular! it. and regardless of the ratio of strength,
merely give Washington Conference And it will keep the question of peace Another side light on the conduct of the limitation would make that num-
news uninterested attention because always before the people." the Conference was mentioned by er cadequate. In the second place,
they feel it a duty, m ore or less un-Jdsh
pleasant. In their work in my without making vital changes in her
courses." naval bases, to say nothing of the
Professor Crane seemed to be with- Good Results Probable speed with which any other nation
could outstrip her in building should
out hope when he attempted to com-
pute the percentage of people not in Professor Crane brought out very vividly the good that may come they wish to do so. In my estima-
his classes, who are not following of the Conference, even if it does not definitely settle the questions it tion this agreement will be settled im-
news of the Coference. He believed has before it, when he likened its activities to that of a man taking mediately because of this situation."
that most people are uninformed about exercise. "A man may go through the movements and not get any But it is generally conceded that the
international relations because a benefit out of the exercise at first, but if he moves in the right direction, Conference has not accomplished any-
great deal of reading is necessary to some results will probably be obtained at a future time. If the Con- thing as yet regarding the more vital
keep them posted. "But what is ference fails to settle the problems before it or makes agreements that and important Far East Question.
worse than this," he continued, "Peo- will not be lived up to in spirit, it will have failed to accomplish its One of the difficulties preventing a
ple seem to make no attempt toward avowed purpose; however, on the other hand, it will in many respects settlement of this question is the at-
this end, score a moral victory by influencing people and nations to think of titude that China takes toward joint
"I have'every reason, personally, to peace." control in her country by other na-
believe that the Conference will be _tions. The situation is one where sev-
success. The members are progress- eral of the larger powers have pri-
Ing with the questions In hand as well In the opinion of Professor Crane Professor Crane, and that is the mat- vate interests in China and are en-
as can be expected, and there is no there will be no need for a formal ter of etiquette observed at the meet- deavoring to have control for them-
reason to believe that the ultimate treaty, and no definite understanding ings of the Conference. The members selves separately while at the same
results will be anything but excep- will be reached unless the spirit of of the Conference are striving to at- time an effort is being made by the
tionally satisfactory." the men and nations Is in accord with tain their one purpose without being powers to come to some agreement
At the same time Professor Crane the purpose sought. It is true, he be- bothered by formalities, although the for joint control of all the interests.
pointed out that as yet no definite lieves, that we will feel more bound diplomatic etiquette of our own capi- This is against the wish of China for
agreement has been reached on any- by a treaty. "Yet we are just as liable tal is much more exacting than any she wants no foreign control whatso-
thing that has been brought up, but to be held by an agreement as we are foreign kingly court. An example of ever. It is apparent that some agree-
he seemed to think this no reason for by a treaty, and in some cases we are the trouble that might arise from this ment must be arrived at in this mat-
pessimism. He said that the nearest more inclined to abide by our word insignificant matter is shown when we ter, in order to clear up the Eastern
approach to a real accomplishment is than by a treaty," he said. In the remember a Conference held some Question; yet it is also apparent that
the agreement expressed by the rep- United States an act of Congress sup- years ago in a foreign land that took more control will be imposed upon
resentatives on the disarmament ercedes a treaty, and so the form that seven years to complete. This was China if the method of control is con-
policy; The professor was sure, too, any understanding takes, will be en- due to the fact that it took five years solidated. The great powers interest-
that It would soon be settled in a sat- tirely dependant upon the spirit of for preparations to be made, so that ed want the method of control chang-
isfactory way. "But whether that will those involved. This question of form the delegates would convene together ed while China wants the entire pres-
mean anything," said Professor Crane, is one of the first difficulties that the and still not let any particular dele- sure relieved. In dealing with this
"depends largely upon another ques- Conference has met with so far, but gat "rate" higher than any other. The question, great dissatisfaction has
tion, a vitally important question that there is no doubt but that the spirit arrangements necessarily made to put been displayed on the part of China,
has not, up to the present time, even of the Conference is the best and that every member on an equal basis and the resignation of three of the
been touched upon in the discussion. a satisfactory arrangement will be around a table need not be referred Chinese delegates caused a statement
"President Harding called the Con- arrived at regarding this question. to here, but it is sufficient to say that to be made by the American govern-
ference for two purposes: one, to con- Speaking of the local aspects of the no such incidental trouble is being ment recently showing its attitude
sider the limitation of armaments; Conference, Professor Crane reminds experienced at this Conference. The toward the question besides giving
two, to consider the Far East Ques- us that there are seven of the nine spirit of the affair is directed toward in fact the spirit of the Conference
tion. countries of the council of the League the main purpose in view, and little as displayed so far toward the Chin-
"The first deals with the general of Nations present in Washington. is said about who goes first. ese question.
question of the limitation of arma- The five permanent powers are "The question regarding the limita- The American spokesman said,
ments for the five great powers while France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, tion of armaments seems to be virtual- "If anything has been clear in the
the other is the settlement of a specif- and the United States (although the ly finished," continued Professor Conference, it has been the pow-
ic local question whose solution is United States has not yet taken its Crane. So far as the Conference is ers' attitude toward China, and
necessary before any agreement can seat in the council of the league), and concerned-it has done all that could (Continued on page 5)

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