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Save oney-Walk Straight
(By Hughsten 3L. McBain) Prominent University Physicians Tell Of I college education is, at the minimum,
DE AN HUGH CABOT SAYS: O supposed to enable the student to earn
D US : The Dangers Of "Toeing Out" i, excess of what he might earn had
"Toeing out'' used to be all in he not gone to college.
troubles. "We have hundreds of pa- eently published an article showing
style when I vas young. The In commenting upon Mr. Haight's
tients coming to us with various com- how wrong walking was costing the
'Big Wigs,' prominent of Boston plaints about their feet. Many of city some $6,000 per year. The figures coiie mi reasoning, Drc Abbott sa d
society, taught their children to those who come toe out; this is often 'Were derived by Louis P. Haight, of 'toeing out' danger in this kind of an
walk this way, for it was alleged due to faulty teaching and the wear- MsIskegon, Michigan. economic way, I tan see that tbere
the mark of the aristocrat. And ing of iiproper or ill-filting shoes. 1 sing his method of determining is something to his method of figuring.
then, conversely, we see the Indl "In walking the foot should be used statistics for Ann Arbor, we find the Without studying the situation further,
tall tnd nihty, who aa Tse lever to raise and propel the body. following: I don't want to express myself more
The calf muscles furnish the power Observations show that at least 90 than that. However, I have always
straight forward, with feet paral. and the fulcrum is provided by the percent of the people here toe out considered another side of the ques-
lei, as God intended lie should. ball of the foot. The line of weight Putting it conservatively, we can sup- tion as a big economic waste; namely,
Artd as a result, the Indian has no falls directly, or rather always should pose that fifty percent toe out. Ann the fabulous sums paid to shoe shops
foot troubles, he walks snwt, fall, directly. through the knee and Arbor has, including the students, for foot ease appliances, such as pads,
surely, and with his weight rest- ankle joint and over the second toe, some 30,000 people. Fifty percent plates, etc.
ing in the proper place. which is practically the center of the would be 15,000 people. The average "Summing the whole thing up," con-
The chief waste as I see it in foot. When one turns the feet out- person walks more than two miles a cluded Dr. Abbott, "I think the solu-
'toeing oat' today is that people ward, lie causes diversion of the lines day, which means that altogether these tion of the problem is to teach chil-
are forced or at least they think of weight and an undue strain is people walk more than 30,000 miles dren always to walk with their feet
they are, to buy foolish contri- thrown on the inner border of the daily! It is said that when one toes parallel and to provide them with the
vances and appliances advertised foot. This also makes the normal out, it chops one's stride twenty per- proper shoe, which should above all
to correct all 'troubles of the leverage action extremely difficult. cont. In other words, he loses twenty! things be long and wide enough."
feet' And thett, too, shoe leather "It is not to be supposed," contin- percent efficiency. Twenty percent of And in conclusion, it is interesting
is wasted when one toes out. att ued Dr. Abbott, "that faulty attitudes 30,000 miles would be 6,000 miles. At to note those who do walk directly.
we hav a specialist on the sub- of the feet are direct causes of strain, the rate which the average man in his We find the Arab, the Indian, and
jest, I'd llke to have you meet for in most instances they cause only office walks, or the average student babies in this classification. Why?
Dr. LeRoy C. Abbott, assist:nt an ungraceful gait. Inasmuch as faulty trespasses, it takes an hour to walk Simply, because they have not been
professor of surgery. attitudes weaken and lessen resist- a mile. trained and walk naturally. Nearly
ance of the gait, they must be re- If wages are fifty cents an hour, the all foot ills are due to walking with
"I certainly agree with Dr. Cabot," garded as :o predisposing factor in the loss is $3,000 per day in the town of the toes out. So, if people would
said Dr. Abbott, in talking of the production of foot strain." Ann Arbor! In speaking of wages study how babies walk, they-even
rxpere involved and needless diffi- IThe economic side of toeing out is and students, a rather peculiar thing you and I-might soon learn how to
culties in connection with f o o t siteresting. A Western newspaper re- to do, the wage is put at what the walk correctly.
Villon, Rogue And Poet
(By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) nit pile on the dark pigment to con- natural, personal, intimate and re- Since at the close of "The Greater
In all English letters Francois Vil- ceal from himself the subject's at- vealing. It turns the shadows of his Testament," Francois Villon, that bril-
Ion has no kindred. 't'rue, Marlowe traction. Or was it a joke that he dark career incandescent, so there is liant and sombre troubadour, van-
shares with him a thirsty genius, an played upon us? Perhaps he laughed a glory about him instead of dreary ished into the dusk, we do not know
insatiable passion for life, and Marl- when he made Villon the main char- gloom. His very soul seethes and how his final release came. The sha-
owe-young Kit Marlowe-was stab- acter in "A Lodging for the Night," curdles before our eyes as he pours it dow of death was over him all his life,
bed to death in a tavern brawl, but the greatest short-story ever writ- into the frangible vases of ballades (Continued on Page 4)
that was an end more dignified and ten, some think. Perhaps he laughed and rondeaux. How different is his
more honorable than Villon expected. as he wrote it, striking off Villon in rich verse from the rose-flavored ro-
Thief, murderer, marauder, jail- such sentences as "The wolf and pig mances of his time! His poems are SHORT STORY CONTEST
bird, Francois Villon might well be struggled together in his face. It salt with blood and bitter with tears,
denied entrance to the house of fame, was an eloquent, sharp, ugly, earthly warm with passion and tart with hum- It is understood that there are
yet he sits within, quite safe, finding: countenance." The first adjective and or. His humor is always sharp, never several who failed to see the
in death a security he never knew in the last are the significant ones. Was mellow. He laughed at himself, and last announcement by the Sun-
life. He is no longer an outcast, hav- it written in defiance of the reader's if such laughter is seldom truly jovial, day Magazine concerning the
ing been gathered to the great. Mod- judgment, as if one said, "Here is it is none the less the mark of a sport- final date, now past, when nom-
ern English men of letters have reach- your poet! Just see what a base, lust- ing spirit. Who but such a one could inations for the story contest
ed out eager hands to this fifteenth ful, carnal creature he is. Yet I dare have written "The Ballade of For- might be sent in.
century robber and master of arts you to condemn him; I dare you to tune."? It has been decided therefore
from the University of Paris. It is dislike him. Ite is as winning as he There is, I think, a bravery, too, that those who have not sent in
interesting, and a little strange, I is woeful." I like to think that it was though you may call it bravado, in notice of their intention to write
think, to see how he has flamed out Iwritten with such an attitude, for the very title, "Epitaph in Ballade
of the medieval shadows, kindling why should Stevenson cry shame on Form That Villon Made For Himself get the story in.
men's minds and firing their imagina- one who himself reveals his own worst And His Companions Expecting No Those who have sent /i their
tions. Hooks and essays and poems qualities? Whoever reads Villon will Better Than To Be Hanged in Their 1 nominations may have an in-
have been written about him. He is learn the full measure of the poet's Company." definite time after the holidays
the hero of a play by so delicate a iniquity, his passion and his anguish. Shameless they have called him, in which to complete their stor-
craftsman as Justin Juntley McCarthy. His pain gushes out where his thought yet the "Greater Testament" begins, ies. The others will be expected
Swinburne has paid him tribute. So stabs, and he touches the wounds with according to John Payne: to turn in their manuscripts on
has Stevenson, for Stevenson, w" styptic irony. He is, in a sense, be- "In the year thirty of my age the date announced.
paints him blackest, cannot keep his yond reproach, for he is conscious of Wherein I've drunk so deep of Nominations already given,
brqshes off him, and Stevenson's himself. shame." whether written or verbal, will
brushes were ever dipped in magic Villon is not morbidly introspective, And is it not a shamed and wistful be respected.
paint. but he is intensely aware. In an age weariness that speaks in the rondeau
I have wondered If the artist did of artifice and allegory, his poetry is written in prison?