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November 27, 1921 - Image 2

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Winter Apparel at very Low Prices
Special Sales of Interest to the Economically Inclined


This apparel information concerns
not the one of undisguised affluence.
It is rather of interest to those young
women who appreciate the niceties
of personal attire, who instinctively
know the modes-but who are hand-
icapped by the somewhat inelastic
limits of an allowance and the prox-
imity of Christmas.
At Sale Prices
If your inclinations hover ever so slight-
ly in the direction of silk undergarments
you're fortunate - or doomed - for
nothing like this opportunity will pre-
sent itself before Christmas. A thought,
by the way. Silk underwear for Christ-
mas giving!'
Vests made of acheautiful quality of silk
jersey, in flesh color only, are special at
It would be difficult to find a more ex-
cellent silk jersey than that which is
made up into dainty bloomers and step-
ins. Flesh color only. $2.98.
Some of the envelopes are tailored; oth-
ers are lavishly enriched by exquisite
laces. All are made of flesh colored crepe
de Chine and very special at $2.49.
Second Floor
Silk Blouses
Only $4.98
These blouses look much more expensive.
They ordinarily are very much more ex-
There is a group of them, however, that
takes up a bit of room that's needed for
other displays. Hence adprice reduction
that is nothsing short of drastic.
They are decidedly thee hter grades of
georgettes and crepe de Chines in flesh,
white and dark colors. Regulation and
other styles. All exceptionally becom-
ing and dainty.
Second Floor
You'll find it conven-
ient to have a charge
account at Goodyear's

Suits at X25 and $3950

Values to $75
. ?ff-

Values to $100


T HERE need be no aftermath of rigid economy for the one who buys a
suit in this sale. For the prices cover little more than the materials, were
you to set out and make your own.
It is indeed an event when suits of this character are offered so early in the
season at such money-saving prices - an event that every economy-minded
young woman will appreciate.

Duvet de laine, moussyne and panve-
laine - three aristocrats of the season's
fabric conclave - are prim in lines of
severe tailoring or elaborate with che-
nille, fancy stitching or such furs as
wolf, seal and moleskin. In navy, brown
and black. $39.40.

At this price there's a host of suits em-
bellished with generous additions of Aus-
tralian opossum, moleskin, slynx, bea-
serette and caracul. Fabrics are broad-
cloth, tricotine and chiffon velour. Navy,
taupe, reindeer, black, brown and Sor-
rento. $25.00.

Second Floor

Two Other Important Reductions

Dresses at $19
Monday Only
For Monday only is this remarkable
sale of misses' and women's dresses
of silk and wool. French serges,
tricotines, Poiret twills, Canton
crepes, charmeuses and kitten's ear
satin - so the assortment runs -
some of the smartest frocks we have
displayed during the entire season.
Wing and tailored sleeves. Bead,
braid and embroidery trimmed. In
black, navy blue and brown. Un-
usual values.
Second Floor

Coats at $48
Very Special
The luxurious winter coat you've
been desiring comes to you now at
a price which betokens much in the
way of values. What we have done
is to take garments selling at very
much higher prices and mark them
at this special figure for a few days'
selling. They're Normandy, Polly-
anna, Rivolai, Evora, Marvella and
Velour with huge collars of nutria,
wolf, mole, Australian opossum and
raccoon. All colors.
Second Floor

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