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November 12, 1921 - Image 7

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Books and'Authors The Psychopathic Hospital
great while ago that Wood himself There is hardly anything worse that to despondency over the hard times nature of the case the hospital will
numbered among the socialists, a sure- can happen to a human being than to and partly to disarrangement of their either take them in and try to cure
fire emetic for any man of intellect. suffer derangement of the mind. Of former life. Rarely are the cases due them or else send them to some other
On l h arsta a bfl ni-to shell shock or any effects receivedintuio beer qupdfrthr
One cannot bespeak a very wide aud- all the harms that can befall an in- battle. institution better equipped for their
ience for "Democracy and the Will to dividual there is scarcely anything i needs."
Power." It is not for the brainless that compares with being insane. Loss nostic clinic for people throughout the The Psychopathic hospital was
nor spineless, nor pollyannas, but for of arm or leg does not necessiate isola- state having mental disorders," said founded in 1906 and was the first hos-
the thoughtful. It is for the "ja- tion from family and the rest of the Dr. Barrett. "We make a specialty of pital of its kind in the United States.
d world nor cause one to mental disorders which are in an early At the present time there are only
sager." It is against the decadence wrd oIaueon operceive things saeoydvlpen nposrfte w tesitasith conr
and stupidity which is insidously en- unlike what they are in reality, as does of devopment stof the two other hospitals in the country
- ulie hatthy re n eaity a descases taken in are of this nature. 'SUN. MAG-GAL 7 ... . Wilson
golfing civilization, mental disorders. "At the end of the war the hospital similar to it, one located at Boston and
"Democracy and the Will of Power" In United States hospitals there are was requested by the war risk bureau the other at Baltimore. Most of the
would make a good prelude, or post- now 8,040 ex-service men suffering to take care of ex-service men so that hospitals for the treatment of mental
lude for that matter, to such books as from mental and nervous disorders many of the veterans in the state disorders are similar to the ones at
s "h o are beneficiaries of the war risk troubled in this manner have been sent Pontiac, Kalamazoo, and Traverse
Madison Grant's "the Passing of the insurance bureau. here, usually by the Red Cross boards City, which are larger institutions and
Great Race," Stoddard's "The Rising Of these the Psychopathic hospital, in the various vicinities. dare chiefly custodial.
Tide of Color," or Martin's "Psycho- in connection with the University bos- "All patients are first given a com- The Psychopathic hospital is partic-
logy of the Crowd. pital is taking care of more than its plete physical examination," declared ularly adapted to its work because it
______ full share and has treated an average Dr. Barrett, "which may take one day is connected with the University hos-
How Dnns lanMebeshi> of 26 ex-service men each month since or several days or even several pital and is able to utilize the facilities
Ip the close of the war, or approximately months, depending on the nature of 1 of the University hospital in the treat-
It occurmd recently to E. W. Howe, 900 patients. In addition to this the the case. And also depending on the ment of its patients.
author of "Ventures in Common Sense" hospital supervises a veterans' bureau
and "The Anthology of Another Town" connected with the juvenile court in
(Knopf) and editor of Howe's Monthly, Detroit which has treated 300 cases.
published at Atchison, Kansas, to in- "More veterans are now becoming
vent a Ku Klux Klan society which, mentally deranged than there were im-
under his direction as leader, would mediately following the war," said Dr. F or Your R oom
engineer some needed local reforms. Albert M. Barrett, superintendent of
He did not know at the time that the hospital. "Upon first thought this
there was a legally organized society statement may appear to be just the
by the name in the Southern states, opposite from what it should be, but I Quite attractive is a bud
but supposed the title to be a general after consideration one can see that
free-for-all synonym for viligance I this would be the natural course of vase with fresh flowers.
committees. Certain people who do events. I attribute the increase partly
not know a joke when they see it, in-
clmding officers of the Southern Ku tioned as a member of the Klan that he
Kluxers, took the announcement seri- is not and never was and never will
ously, the latter warning him that he be and withdraws his imaginary Klan evident in our flowers.
was trespassing on pre-empted terri- from further activity. All of which
tory and to get off the reservation. demonstrates anew the fact that for
Naturally Mr. Howe is more than will- f a singular number of readers, a dia- sg
ing to get off and wishes it distinctly gram is a necessary accompaniment of
understood by all who see him men-Ia joke.
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