-THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1921 Men". The collection can safely be have his other works honorably men- recommended to anyone who enjoys tioned by the astute and versatile Miss fine writing, as an effective antidote Graham. Her book ought to be a to literary malaises of all sorts. great favorite in Ann Arbor. 'AND EVEN NOW Now', which has just been published in GLEANINGS Max Beerhohm this country by Dutton's. As ever ByG. D. E. T HE SPIRIT OF STATE STREET (By R. D. S.) 'the incomparable Max writes his fas- Two weeks ago I referred to the "EDEMOCRACY AND THE WILL tidious little discourses impeccably. Midland magazine in an article con- TO POWER" It was back in the middle nineties There is, however, in many of them reining American periodicals. I iave (By "Sanine") that a precocious youth gathered to- a new note. They are more dignified received since a couple of the Novem- Among "th hied gether eight or ten delicate essays than merely dandified. Yet there is her issues. I cannot say much more o ng entlle o o and published them in a slender vol- much of the familiar Beerbohm with for it than I did before. The poetry he social and mental fibre of democ- ume of some 150 pages hearing the his impish humor and quaint side- is a little better, and there is more racy to a keen, e g Woodswh, august title, "The Complete Works of lights on commonplace topics. As in grace to the prose, but it still has an hos stpds fond ges an in- Max Beerbohm, With a Bibliography the previous essays, pne is struck by azoic totality which I cannot under- has stepped forth and given us an i- by John Lane." It was typical of this the amazing range of his interests, stand teresting resume of the whole busi- particular youth that he should end Nothing, apparently, is too small, too yI ang ness. Wood, in pithy, pungent aphor- his 'Works' with a world-weary con-'cheap, too unimportant to attract his writing eaturned to account? The isms, very suggestive of the tense, fession that he belonged to the Bears- attention and to be written about. A writing bt to a nt? Te restless impulses under which he ley period and was already outmoded, cheap novel and a great man get an her number show a surprising know- rgteshplsem that he was content now to stop writ- equal amount of consideration. "A ledge of country folk conversation and ing and to fill his not discreditable Complete Letter Writter For Men and their prose is far above the trick No two-penny chauvinism nci any niche, giving over his place to the Women" hanging in a railway book- phrase stuff turned loose by our na- other "ism" obscures his s easoiing. younger men. All this at the mature stall furnishes ample material for an tionally known magazines. But IIe grasps thoroughly the subject that age of twenty four. amusing discourse. Such seemingly sum total turned out by the Midland overwhelms the parcel mind. Indeed, Of course, he did no such thing worn-out topics as "Going For a Walk" writers is almost pure drivel. James Wood, in his "Democracy and Of eand "On Speaking French" are shaped the Will to Power," (Knopf) plays the Other books followed. The original into fresh and sprightly essays. There gamst of man's individuai and social series of 'Works' was succeeded by is a charming reminiscence of Swin- thought with remarkable perspicacity "More," "Yet Again", and, recently tIn reading over Bessie Graham's and orrniiey Goethe and Tischbein aree and astuteness. "And Even Now." These scintillating . "h oka' aul"tems tiheme of another, while the ill-fated "The Bookma's Manual," the mostns- essays brief, nimble, impudent, sati- ergyman who ventured a suggest idiotic bibliography that has yet ap- n s esoo a - ric, the product of a typically English s peared in print, I come across a ium-anc tates"c thensop-worach- her of surprisingathings. sorpinstancephrase conceptions of democracy, and keenly observant mind, attracted a and thorosughlyscrgshedgs. Fhr sustect small but highly appreciative audience,.ofdstilaother I find that Henry L. Mencken has writ- politics, society. Disgusted with the Today Beerbohm's short story, 'The ten only one boo'Th'The American lethargic daze of crass credulity and Happy Hypocrite' sells for $17.50 in Altogether there are twenty essays, Language. ''willessness of the mob-man, he reveals the first edition, while the first English 'written at various times during the At first I decided that Bessie didn't the machinations of governmental cor- edition of his newest book is priced at past ten years, and treating of a wide like Mr. Mencken, and I was about to sairs who screen themselves behind $7.50, although it has been out for Th excuse her with the broad tolerance the sham scenery of words; he reveals variety of people and things. Tey. the fickle, fluid meanings of democracy less than a year. form a mixture of the Beerbohm of that I accord all sweet and virtuous t This latest collection is 'And Even "More" and the Beerbohm of "Seven persons. But upon looking up what from babbling mouths uttering inane she had to say about "The American SLanguage," I found this: "It is a Wood has, in all truth, handled his book of absorbing interest and staunch theme with unmistakable power. As patriotism." a man sounding the froth that is life, Har! Har! What will father Henry as one who has tested the hemlock have to say to this? I picture his of illusion, he records his reactions. squirming discomfiture and tears of One "Prometheus Bound" in one's im- mirth roll down my cheeks. But likely portance can feel a tang of pleasure he has already seen it. The words lave one's cynical mind at the revolt have not been changed from the 1919 that breaks forth through this man edition of Miss Graham's book, nor Wood. much else that is in it. The revolt has apparently long been 0 I can only wonder why such a under restraint. It was not such a, staunch patriot as Mencken should not (Continued on page 7) JUST RECEIVED HANDKERCHIEFS Not too early to purchase them G reen for Christmas. We have them, myriads of them, in the dain- FOR tiest and prettiest novelties. Law Students $2.25 -aAT- i I felon UNIVERSITY .WAH R S BOOKSTORE 8 Nickels Arcade ii r