2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1921 2 H IHGNDIL AAIESNA, OEBR1,[2 WM. GOODYEAR & COMPANY Lovely Winter Coats at Sale Prices W HAT, with winter more advanced than it has been at this time for many years, is of greater import than the coat one is to wear? All of which makes the reductions occasioned by our Anniversary Celebration unusually, but not unduly, interesting. To quote materials and colors, to describe trimmings and embellishments, to relate the almost innumerable variations one may see would be delightful - but very, very un- necessary. For by their low prices, we in- sist, these lovely garments shall be known. 1$.0$29.50 $39.50 $ 49. $ .00 $79.50 i 1' -1 -/ Y 1 ''fi'r .. ! r ;_,_ I '' s " .t. yr . .# + y' ' Y.. JJ R e ' r Z ' " In Looking 'Round if one would be quite bewitching in her street or afternoon attire one will wear a choker - alsost any fur, it may be, for almjost:iiany far is an fait. $13.50 to $75. Second Floor A dainty petticoat of satin, crepe de Chine or georgette is the correct foundation for any evening gown. In flesh color usually. Plain or with libeautiful lace inserts. $5 to $15. ! 5 Second Floor The suggestion is offered, that a young woman who has much trot. ting aboot to do, whether It he with classes or with some, less en- ervating activity in mind, should wear a sports coat of suedine, col. lared with raccoon. Some are as low as $49.>0. Second Floor Oh, the subtleties one may be re- sponsible for with the aid of an ostrich fan. Properly handled, such a charming accessory is in. deed dangerous against mere males. The new fans are in all colors, Including black. $7.50 to $18.50,. Second Floor Tafel has designed gowns for ev- ening wear that sur.pass in beauty anything we have ever displayed. Modest in price. $65 to $89.50. Second Floor Christmas Shopping - no, it is not too early - may be very wisely and profitably and pleasantly done at Goodyear's. Particularly If It is done early. Second Floor ost of Suggestions for A ie Christmas Giving TJ OR the gift without the giver is bare." Remember? It explains why hand- made gifts in which deft fingers find expression are more to be desired than the many factory products - which may be ordered in lots of a dozen or more. The Art Goods section is filled with suggestions for Christmas giving. Truer now than it will be, for many of the articles will be impossible to replace this sea- son. Another point - handmade gifts are usually cheapest. Third Floor