SUNDAY MAGAZINE' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1921 Why Not Tell Europe About Bertha P1. Clay (By Theodore Dreiser) To be sure the French Student con- I noted some time a that Pro tl ANOTE ON NR. DREISER'S ARTICLE fronted by this very catholic selection fessor Charles Cestre, head of the AN Tmay be a little astonished if not ex- department of American Literature The article which appears on this page was one which was pub- actly deluded as to the character of and Civilization at the Sorbonns, lished first in the St. Paul News, and subsequently in The New York our American life and our American was interested to procure a list cL Call. It has been quoted and requoted the country over. Mr. Dreiser m. B books in all branches of literature has very graciously given the Michigan Daily Sunday Magazine per- med. But most certamly it should (American) which should be soundly mission to use it. permit him to take the measure of our representative of the best that is Am- Is the opinion of the writer Theodore Dreiser is the greatest current intellectual pabulum and that oes, intellectually, 0 date. cartist in A rica's literary field. Some of his books may have fallen is the great thing. And these were to be collected and from the high level marked by "Jennie Gerhardt," "Twelve Men," and I What I personally have to complain transported to Paris as "a monument "A Hoosier Holiday," but all of his books are vastly above the ruck of, and that most bitterly, is that in to the great American literature jist e6 American literature. "Twelv Men" is epic; to my notion, the looking over this very generous list beginning." Profes sor Cuslr's hst s finest thing in our letters. of the finally elected, I fail to find the originally compiled by him, and no At a later date will appear a letter from Mr. Dreiser to the School- names of some of our most democratic doubt after due thought by him, con- men's Club of Newark, New Jersey concerning the unveiling of the and hence our most significant work- sisted of 79 names, a list too long to bronze tablet to Stephen Crane in the city mentioned on November ers. Where, for instance, is that of be repeated here, but which anyone eventh this year.-G. D. E. Laura Jean Libby, the author of 872 isterested can consult at any libsary, I am sure. With some very obvious -e ?a Andhd s t a rhe and disturbing omissions, acecordin;mances? And how was it that she andamdistureilugtomissionsssoeusossn to varying individual viewpoints, it and Zanie Grey and Harold Bell serious complaint to make. Doesn't c wcame to be left out? Class jealousy? was fairly representative and respect- WVs ,ht 'ontinue to walk hand in hand, it really seem fitting that "intellectual ang this I na I really able.sIt would Iave introduceioe they do in the revised and demo- speaking this revered name I'm really France a number of inificant wor iitized list, with Henry James, Edith America" should be represented abroad iessking of Messrs. Ormond and Wharton ,Mark Twain, Frank Norris, at this date by this very catholic list?' eorge Smith of that redoubtable bul- ers in various fields who may not be 'ako mrcnlteaueaditl as well known there is they dsr etc? And that in the absence from I certainly think so. At home most wark of American literature and ibtel- to be. At least suh appears to have the list of the names of such distin- certainly, as a people, we are fed bylectuaity, the firm of Street and Smith been the professor's thought. guished novelists, for instance as a very democratic and widely inclusive of New York. But what of it? Are Since then, busesr, a cnsiderable nryB. Fuller, Stephen French Whit' they not her inventors and patentees? change bas conse over the ossid man, Brand Whitlock and Herv y company. Why shouldn't they cross We know so. In including her name neai e o henl i h -to name only four. My dear the ocean and represent us intellect- an asterisk would have to lead to a one as it seems to be, entirely y pi-Wie-onm nl or yda cal of the present American siew- 1. Cestre. ually at the Sorbonne and elsewhere? foot note reading "George and O. G. point as to what is politic and corm- Yet anent all this I really have no I most certainly think they should. Siith, inventors. The follOwing writ- .___________________._________________Iers have written on salary the books mercially and advertisfgly best Oei credited to this very celebrated name." each and every occasion The hrenn;er Inomntellus cual AnnA rbor IlusicCentr BDt still is the name not fully repro. thing, Rotary style, is sot is hrt a A'snntvnfAercnitllcult one's feelings. Or, if not that, then aend literary iterest and taste? Whalt not to let anything hich is ot rep- (y Thomas E. Dewey) sation as the sole attraction in a great merican author has been more wide- resentative of the dead level and com- American music center. This sensa- ly consumed? She is certainly "one monplace of lower middle class writ- It is a long, distinguished list, that Ition was, by the way, one of the first ing and its appreciations go forth as record of operatic and concert stars of those by practically unknown ar- of the largest authors" invented and American. who have appeared in Ann Arbor. But fists, picked for merit by Dr. Stanley, patented or otherwise. Perhaps the best explanation is thtt that in itself is not of much interest, who afterwards bore out the foresight And then there is the name of he fell into the hands of a groso uf .,Nur is it of particular interest to us shown in their choice by attaining to the author of\ "Mr. Barnes of New typical American critics of the popi- of Ann Arbor to know that that list the heights of their professions.! York." I forgot it at the moment, lar magazine and boot type and was includes most of the luminaries who . but you may remember it. A jele- by them soundly and "sscctssfully" have made names for themselves in To Giovanni Martinelli, whose posi- brated name. But where is it?And advised, this country. But to some of those tion as the successor of Caruso has the author of "Thou Shalt Not?" and At any rate, hearken. Eetween the rtis's on the list, Ann Arbor has an been granted by many critics, the one hundred other thrilling American original announcement ty I. Cestre interest held by no other festival town. memory of his first festival appearance romances? Oh, yes. Albert Ross. centers in Ann Arbor, when he was' Why is his name not on this list? Are' of his plan and his hust, Ihe sam. s To them Ann Arbor holds a place called here on short notice at the very the really great ones to be excluded aided and improved by a committee of in their memories which cannot be beginning of his career, to take thein any such way as this? I rise to a noAdoubtetritscdatl vesedy isuperceded, a place in their affections place of John McCormack who was' protest. And then Mr. George Barr Americn libteaturetcandy Aericain which one cane have only for the place enable to fill the engagement on ac- McCutcheon of "Graustark" fame. And thourht, has grown amazingly. where ie first made his attempt in a count of illness. that man who wrote "When Knight- here h nc its waso79 a zitniost14 Where once it was 79 it is now 242 new field-and succeeded. For in the When Riccardo Stracciari, the bril- hood Was in Flower." Am I to be- and I am not sure bt that it is to history of the School of Music con- lnt Italian baritone, signed his con- lieve that the Frehch and hurope are much longer, still. One thousand crls, many artists have come here, tract for an appearance here in the not to hear of these as representative volumes have been included and as unknown and unheralded, seeking but 1918 Festival, it was his first contract! of us? For shame! Abas somebody. some has very kindly put it, it has a chance to show their talent to the of that kind in this country, but sick- Rather than this should be, I will become "widely and democratically in- world. And so it s that of the artists ness prevented' his coming and to gladly resign my place on the list to 'lusive." To quote another kindly whom the world calls great, probably Hipolito Lazaro, tenor, just gaining make room. And I am sure that most logroller: "Ultra serious material has ofr tat opportunity than to any other prominence as the latest discovery of! of the origtnal 79 selected by M. Cestre been carefully balanced by much thaty ftial to antic the Metropolitan, came the chance to would drop out rather than that these is not so profound but still representa- sesaoard yfill the place of Stracciari. And so true asd beautiful flowers of our ul- tive." (I am certain of it.) "All in!seaboard. to Lazaro Ann Arbor became the scene Lure should be slighted. In short, I all, however (to continue to quote), I To Harold Bauer, "master pianist," of his debut on the American festival beg of them sr to do. Let America be the complete list is interesting be- Ann Arbor holds memories of his first platform, and of one of his first en- - roperly represented by that which is cause, in the future, it will be recog- American concert after his debut 29 gagements of any kind in this country. honestly democratic and "widely in- nized as the beginning of a great Am- years ago. Coming here directly from The Metropolitan has many more tlusive." The French and every other erican literature." But will it? Will his appearance with the Boston Sym- nation should certaly know us as Ring Lardner and Eleanor H. Porter phony, Mr. Bauer scored his first sen- (Continued on page 5) we are-at our very best, as it *eere.