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October 30, 1921 - Image 7

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sme, or sencding mne to Trinity? It wcas like "Spider" (Ce of Boston and Se-
all of you. atttle will catch a game onl the fly and S m ofA e ia s N v bn s
"Frons the tine I seas a baby you lfelt uts abcout it at one of or smokers (Continuerd Frcomc Page 'Three) ;)rung u1p but. this month in Chicago.
treated mil as it I seas something ;while passing through our Ibeautiful1
weondertul, ancd eow wvhen you Sect occt little city. A numbcer of times we Icave ,tl h ett efudbteect slehptemo retsgo t
In' o styc hoclthsesyuIact a press wire rccncicnto Keen's lChoIc)iccgazine covers. True, thce editors ncacced. Its crcsc is artistic, thce ar-
kick mee out." Somnethincg tcere for Hlocuse and otlher iplaces, on the day of have a pculiar hiss against free verse, ofdepromtieattewpitce iytpess
soolses ad fthrs f slce "vhie- hi Milcgccc gesetoget the plays buet csmccotfalse into considerat ion weird exceptions, are excellent. It
headed icoys" to Ibe thciuling abocut. direct from the field as mcade. r that the vast mcajority of siees Libre ihs somne remarkably good weoodcu'cts.
It is a distinct relief after thce qucite Thistootbacll steft takes me bcack to; is fit only for the swvill barrel. Thce The Double Dealer ot NewOrDeascr
usual rcuc of triancgle and society, the days whcen I stood oil the side- Sccart Set still clings to ltce lyric, is something far bcetter than the aver-
cleasesiccfsce cc ocetsa cetigctfl lnes my on hsksy hccl britoee t minear- :and it is imy opiscionfthat if pcublishcs 1 'ge. I redirt a scort life fccr it; it is
cost wholly charming bit as 'Tlce ling ccwItheccrcstcllo ceIac as mcuch good verse each mconthc cs forscarcd locciing, ancd cntirely tree tromc
Whiteheadedi Boy." There is a lihtld- ened rooter and ticsthcrill ppinsgs of acny other two magazines,.lice Victcriacccsmucgncess thsat ttce Souths
ncess, a natucral airincess to its style' our loyccalhigha schcccl partisacns. I-owse Occasiconclly lice Smart Set hcas a cc- is emergingy frsm, it is fucrthercccre, I
whicihtsycoc will find nowhere ocutsicde:ocur soculs swvam on thcs crest ocf thtccclapse. Fcor iccstance, the Ncvemtcer tcetic've, edited and managed by per-
of thc' schoccol of tthe Irishc Nattoncal. wave! Ansd whcen it bcure us victori- nccmicer ws bad. But, strange to sonesccf Jeswish extraction. Prejccdicc'
Thceater. It insccne of thsose notecwccrthy nusty sccpiersvard or soncess-iere fcc say, swhen this thing hlaptces the a-ill likely stacmp it ocut05n all scores.
efforts whtich carry the thoucghts heels celebrate-buct wacit -does it get you crimces are cccmmittecd by ttce inl- jCalceli's magazine I have caught bcut
to "The Plccyboy" end iccfact, lice inc-, thcatsway, y0ccbccys ccf Ann Arbcor'. I'll cries, by the kniown weiters rather a fleetinsg glimpse of.
Suence of Synge cacnc te seecin cctcs bet a bracee cf focctbell tickets it dcces. ,thancc Iy the uneknown. Thus, icc the!Tc itacii uzet e
writing of Mr. Rcobinesn. Finally-, it And, icelieve ume, the flia-ier lusts! Jst ,rcsrisceThlscelc ecefcille todcondemnsthepzzlcatoneo
demonstractes lthatlce fineness ccichi wait suntil youc ace osut in lieh eolci story written since B. iHenry died, thatecccig050substisoceIhv
infused fthe Abbey theater cmocvemcentf aicclsomeocne steps cuicto you end says i osacsreylandecc ics ienoticig ebutatrae ofeIchape
in its years of early mcatccrity is cnct "Michsigans!" novel, "Eriks Born," is excellent ice- daadta nteyugrIzs Still, the tweo stccei n c it see far
desc, ad icciin iceyosscgr els Ccome yocc iccNess'York, Ycccng Hick- ayoncd cquesticcn,ithoucgh chcastic in fromn being as had as the stagft'e
dranmatics, see may still hocpe fccrscee gun ecens, when yocu have cashced in sptcs. The stccrysmenctionedl remsinc dcaverage mcagazitu srics ocut. There
andci perhas, if it iceiossicle, even 5ycour credits; sit icc ssills us andslputs once of 0. IHcenry at his sworst, ancd B.!were suecgoodsspsseibilities icc the
better thincgts to come. cc tewsshiots cof hocp intoc the game; yous'lHescry seas none too good at bst, stories, suscc insighct, ansd gracreful
seth findsi lie latchc string scsi, ands the I hcacv' given too nc'h stpace to lbseswriting thsat I begins to weondter if tics
1:x'RAl ("'M 1'FIHISTORIY 0' i'iw weeakest seordl seecan give 3055 will smart Set. Onewoucld thinks that I editosr isn't cc trifle afraid of hurting
U'.OF01" I. 'LUll OF' NEW1YOIMK ice "Welcome Birothcers!" weere a sccessfusl contributlor. Ini somneone's feelings icysnaking the
c'nscluding with this publication, how- stories vertebrate. The poetry in it
(t'csctnscd FccmPag l~ec) TUE 5110111' S'r0l' ('ONTEST' ever, let me msention the bcocok reviesswsas scot wosrtha reading. Howver, I
(CotinedFro Pae ive ]icc it by Mencksen, without doubit the recommnd use magazine. It weill be
cossd ge secughsoatriel an sciess 5Y ~* I. 1;) best the country affosrds. Menceken is interestincg to watch; it msay evolve
they ccame iback, wce got thens to fell It has been c'alledl to my attenionis;capproacehedi only by Vcan Wyeks Brooks into somcething wcorth while, highly
us of their crk cw'henever they coscld tcat socme pcossible c'ointributors to lice cicdiiy Sipingacrn. worteh cwhile. Tics Icidlanidtics already
be induced to do so. Oee of lice little. short stosry cntest. ace retrainincg from 'lTiere are, in addition to lice nation-< been in existence for sevess years,
thiegs the clubs did sees to remit the; sesiding in stories bcecases hey haven't' ciy 'cnc eidicisss icrcicass em c orioaenyis
dues of mesi in the Service. In fa(cracecess to a typeswriter. 'csilclmgznscotycticet-pression that thce editor is afraid of
it seems to uisnow that whactsee did ; Manscripts icc ionghccand are ac'-tcctissn, susch as the Dosible Deacler, stepinig on someono's toes.
ccas all tcoo little, for they honored v ceptabcile ifthtiey are werittenc seatily publisided ii New Orleans, the Reviewe-
far mcore than we could hiope to honcor, and legibsly. Those ccho ices type-' er of Richicond, editesd iyJanmes II,.Iecki' ns'vrino i
Ihes. cnter ar ressseiedto cosscle pic Branch Casbell, The Mlidlansd of Bless- well-known cook, "The American
'Whet most stirs lice bloodl of a live' their mnuicscripts. Icc either case'ct.MecgsYuhcfCicg. tcisae"ciiessas cssais
college manc? Yes-youc said it, broth- wcietsoi onlyosce sisde of lice peper. Yuh eie yHrl cea fLanceagecllconnatioranscdlatcdion
er-fsootball!t As a club, scc'eipprovedc'Iif canyosnetics a goodclIdot adifeels YoteidbyHrlAuan fth DcaainofIepdne
ltce retursn of Mic'hieanc to tide West- that ice c'annoct5dcc ijuistic'e I ccish? erratic and talented yosung fellosw, has inito Amserican, made icy the authlor.
en Conference, ibcit withc Penni going thatflhs wouildi sesidiit isn. Likely enough
info the diseccd see miss lice cacce, somenecwshos is weack on plotesesnd
of seeisig a Michsigan classic soceer'strocng on dictionicanciphcraesoslogy c'anI
as Pl'acdelpchia. be fcosund whio will collborat e. Send

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