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October 30, 1921 - Image 2

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Knickers for W omen \ What's Nelv at Goodyear's
Who Love Comfort and Freedom

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HESE smart new Knicker Suits
were designed to give the same
comfort that men realize from
their sports clothes.
Made of brown English tweed and
gray herringbone by Hart Schaff-
ner & Marx. Norfolk backs, patch
pockets, narrow buckled belts.
Sizes 16 to 42.
$ 75 O-$4-.0
Second Floor

I / -

Joyously Carefree is the Apparel
for Evening and Dinner Wear

The gayest whirl of the social season
Will do homage to Tafel's creations.
Cf course the rich panne velvets, the
filmy georgettes, the lustrous char-
meuse and taffetas - to say noth-
ing of the laces, satins, the brocaded
chiffons and the metal cloths barbar-

ically beautiful - add their charm,
but the toute ensemble of original
daring and beauty shows the touch
of the master designer.
Tafel, gowns for dinner and evening
wear are priced $39.50 to $150.
Second Floor

rholi tlrain'ev style -- slpover,
y ,u know - bolds domnant
sway inl the realmi of sweaters.
These are made of wool uns-
ually finein text re and will re.
tain their original color, shape
and attractivene.ss. In brown,
gray, navy, henna, white, black,
purple and in heathers of tan
and Copenhagen. Plain and
lace stitch.. $ to $10.50.
Second Floor
In bloises, too, the Brailey
style is expressed witliheroin-
iigness altogether dainty. Made
of white muslin, plaini or striped.
Tiny pleats border the collar
and the niarroiwhanel through
which the buttons project. $3.
Second Floor
A.fil choker is bewitching in.
deed when it tops a smart street
costume or a dress for afternoon
wear. Think of all the animals
whose fur is beautiful-and you
have the various types of chok-
ers we display. $15 to $63.
Second Floor
Boston Hats
More Roston fiats - the trig
little affairs which have quite
captured smart-in-attire young
women. They're of felt in
brown, navy, tan, cherry red
and tangerine - and very good
looking. $3.
Second Floor

It's Time You Were Think-
ing of Christmas
and Planning Gifts

1II alniidm ' goods iai
nicest. Clievpesl, too

S MALL matter what affairs of moment
occupy your find - your deft fingers
should ply the willing needle-any kind-
from now until Christmas whenever there's
a minute free.
There was never a time when our Art Goods
Department was fuller of suggestions for
Christmas giving. There will never be a
hetter time for you to take advantage of
The fresh new stocks are
marked at lowest prices
Third Floor

t t

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