w -
LOOKING DOWN FROM LOFTY each step. The stones are each about From there I got in another electric -if the professors will permit-I
PLACES three and a half feet high-a little dif- tram and we started the ascent. The must go downstairs and drink to her
(Continued from Page 1) ferert from the old stairs in Univer- orange trees were in blossom, all the health!
sit^ hall. We made the ascent in farms were green, and As we started - - --
prticuyr ntithedearentrwas meabout sixteen minutes, which is per- up theMbaserosqthe mounta iwas a Mr. Edward Garnett, author of "Fri-
patclrti, th ecn a oehp ttebte hnteaeaemost picturesque scene. Regardless of dyNgt"Inp) o tlslt
interesting than the climb, for we did hops a itle better than the average how many times old Vesuvius acts up, day Nights (Knopf), a son of the late
not return on the railway, but rather trough the Bedouin guides can make people seem to go right back to the Dr. Richard Garnett of the British Mu-
"slid" down the mountainside from it in seven oi eight minutes, foot of it, build their farms again and seum, represents the third generation
a height of thirty-five hundred feet The Cheops Pyramid has a neight wait for another eruption. of a literary family, his grandfather
to the village below, a total distance of 451 feet (originally 483 feet) and a Finally the ascent got too steep for Richard Garnett the elder, being a dis-
of two and a half miles. length on each side of 750 feet with the motor of the tram, so an electric tinguished philologist about a hundred
The streets in Funchal are all made a cubic content of more than 3,000,- engine hitched on to the back of the years ago. In 1889 Edward Garnett
of small cobblestones over which the 000 cubic yards, the entire structure car and everything was O. K. again. married Constance Black, whose faith-
celebrated, "Madeira taxis" (drawn by covering an area of thirteen acres' At this part the ascent was about 30 ful series of translations of Turgenev,
oen)easily glideon thisteedrn- yAt one time it was perfectly smooth, degrees. In an hour we reached the Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Tchehov are
beingvery base of the mountain itself and recognized as classis in the English-
ners. The "Slide Down the Moun- bop came to a peak. Now there is a again changed vehicles, this time get- speaking world. In 1895 Mr. Garnett
tain" is similar in that the vehicles to ing into a fumiulat car which was , . p,
some holding two, some three people' platform about 20 feet square on top built more on a sisnt than anything Is a publisher's reader "discovered
are large wicker chairs, also on this is entirely covered with names, have ever seen. It was pulled up by Mr. Joseph Citrad, at least Mr. Cosrat
greased steel runners which attain dates, and insignia carved in the rock cables, and to this day I don't see says so. Ile had also the honour of
quite a speed in the descent. A driver by the thousands of people who have what would have happened had they being an early critical adviser of Mr.
goes with each cart-(I really am at a made the ascent. (Incidentally two broken. The ascent at this part was John Galsworthy and their friendship
Ost know just-(I w aat nore names, together with "Michi- 55 degrees-thank the Lord it wasn't has survived this and other perils.
oss k js a a ) can now be found there. Some more! On each side of the track was Mr. Garnett is by profession a pub-
to help steer and guide for the slide of he dates were in the 1700's but black lava was all that one could see. lisher's reader, a calling 'hici niy
is rnot straight and the many turns of s atnes ere inth ht 17 ', Here it was piled in huge rock forma be likened to literary midwifery. Of
must be made carefully, or one might I saw none earlier than that. tions, there it seemed like a gravel pit a temperament both enthusiastic and
never land at the bottom (or any- We had afternoon tea on top, took -what would it have been like when cvtieal M. Garnelt has taken pleastre
where else for that matter). a few' pictures, and "drank" in the pouring down the mountainside, a' ia an y as aken pl.aurs
Hafwydw h rvrsiistemagnificent view'. On one side as far molten wehite? its advancing yoting atthors, autthors
Half way down the driver stops the neglected, and authors too much above
cart and by means of the sign lang- as the eye can reach is sand-noth- This trip took about twenty min- the heads of the crowd. Ite has a live-
uge interssersed with Portuguese ing but sand; on the other is the Nile, tes,distaste for "best sellers" and Mr
words make you understand that he green fields, and in the distance the Here we were met by guides, who lst 's selrs" ander.
city of Cairo with its numberless took its around the summit, a dits-,
deira wine before he can continue mosques, minarets, and obelisks ris- tance of 6,000 kilometers and up to was launched on the full flowing tide
ferA s w it r hpens, any koin- ing up from the town. One peculiar the edge where we could look into the of success Mr. Garnett took much less
farther. As it happens, my knowl- thing we noticed wts that no feeling immense crater, about 200 yards te- interest in his early works than before.
edge of Portuguese never was good thdzinwess rested wra m tatok ing rlow its, and see the smoke, stones, and In an article in the London West-
on Sundays, so being unable to argue ends; it was oubtless de to the fire bursting forth from the small minsler Ctzette Calsvortby wrote of
with him we had to acquiesce with as cone. A few days before my trip there Src Girnelt in 7914: "I say without
good grace as possible. He was gone that here was no sheer drop, a new cone had broken forth and from .
quite a while, and when he finally re- rather a gradual decline, yet, as a this we could see the white and red hesitation that he has done more for
appeared, I rather had my doubts as matter of fact, it would be just as bad lava running. We descended into the English fiction than any living critic,
to whether le could readily navigate to fall off as if it did go straight crater about 100 feet, but the smoke and for less recognition. It is de-
us safely to the tottom. Fortunately down. The descent was comparative- and sulphur fumes got so dense that voutly to be hoped that he, who was
ly easy, though once or twice I wished we had to give up the trip to the hot- :orn with such distrust of success,
laer eaet. away for Gibral r I had tennis shoes for the stones were tom. From the summit of the moun- with such inveterate feeling for the
later steamed away for Gibraltar, quite slippery fron the thousands of tain the view is gorgeous; far in the lost cause, will forgive me for thus
feet that have walked over them. distance is the island of Capri, to the expressing my conviction; for I can-
but the British won't allow anyone to go left the Neapolitan resorts, Sorrento, not help saying at last what justice
into or ump the fortress at all. The It was three weeks before we again Castellemare, etc., and before us stould tave said long ago.'
next big climb, omitting two others- attempted to reach the sky and this srecued the eautiful tay of Naples, -a
the Upper Corniche Road from Monte time in another land, under entirely as blue as a sapphire. I shall never
Carlo to Nice and the climb up the different conditions, forget the sight. Edwin Arhington Robinson and Pa-
Acropolis in Athens, which were very Our first week in Naples, Italy, we Well, enough for today. My draic Column have gone to the Mac-
interesting, is one of the most, if not had miserable weather but the eighth thoughts are always with Michigan, of Dowell Colony in Peterborough, N.
thO most, fascinating of all; the climb day dawned-what is that old expres- the wonderful times we had there and' J., for their summer work.
to the top of the greatest pyramid, sion-"bright and clear?" Anyway, it :II IIll1 1 ilIIIIIIfI111N111illlllll1111Iti1111t11U
Cheops, six miles out of Cairo. did and not being able to get anyone
The ascent is difficult and rather tir- to go with me, I started off alone to
ing, but perfectly safe. Two drago- climb Mount Vesuvius. Leaving Na-
men (guides). accompany each person pies on a peculiar little electric train,
going up and greatly assist in the I rode for about an hour when we
"pushing and pulling" necessary for got to a little town called Pugliano.
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